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Posts posted by TonyClifton

  1. 8 minutes ago, watcharacters said:


    A few years back there was a 99 baht place all you can eat on Soi Diana.


    I never indulged in their offerings but the advert on the window was large and clear.

    99 baht for ribs?


    I think that was Pizza.

  2. 2 minutes ago, riclag said:

    The dirty FBI and ,DOJ , and other  Top US Intel including some former British Intel should be wearing stripes ,many of these agencies under GOP and Dem admins. have been know to have abused their power in the past.Many of the basement dwellers don't know this or are blinded by  their TDS. 

    Have patience.  Many have been fired, demoted, and are being investigated as we speak.  In time, we shall fill prisons with these people.  

  3. 15 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:



    You provided a link that was already provided before.  I have already addressed this article as a fail.  It does not address the manner in which he was appointed.  I never said it was not constitutional to appoint a special counsel.  Mueller was appointed unconstitutionally.


    My original source was Mark Levin. 

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

    You're clearly not much of a patriot.

    I'll deal with this first.  How dare you. Reported.


    3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

    Why on earth do you expect others to check the origin of the things you choose to blindly repeat?

    His name is Steven Calabresi, he is professor of law, and the only professor of law to have reached this laughable conclusion.

    Why was it so difficult to provide this name?  Did it take time to Google?


    4 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

    You could try this article on the subject, this has been discussed in length, the appointment was very much constitutional, and even if it were not would you not see it more important to convict the criminals than get them off on a technicallity?  You're clearly not much of a patriot.


    I will read this article and then comment. 


    Thank you for playing with TonyClifton.  For the article, you get a thank you.  For the ad hominem attack, you get a fail.  For the name of the professor, you get .01 of a point.  Penalties for being so late.  Thank you for playing.   Try again.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, simple1 said:

    Got what wrong? You're just echoing Trump and a few other's opinions which are disputed. Opinions are not facts.






    I read what they have at the link above.  It does not address the constitutional issue.  They cherry picked one facet of appointing a special counsel, but not the Constitutional question as to the way he was appointed.  Nice try though.


    Thank you for playing with TonyClifton.  For the above reference we will give you an honorable mention.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Kieran00001 said:


    He is who you were quoting, do you not want to know for yourself?  Or will you just blindly repeat what anyone tells you just as long as its what you want to hear?

    Show me where I quoted someone.  I did not name anyone.  I asked you to name the professor that you called a laughing stock.  You still have not done so.  I'll name my source after you name yours.  


    Thank you for playing with TonyClifton.  Please consult your doctor before playing.  A thinking mind can be very taxing, only try to think if you are physically and mentally up to the challenge.


    Try again please.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    We have the emails Manafort wrote, we know who those people are he wrote to, and they are directly linked to the Kremlin, we know what he said, and it is directly about the campaign.  We also know that Manafort previously worked as an agent to the Kremlin.  And you still aren't getting it, are you?


    I gave you one simple task and you were not able to follow through.  I asked you to name your source.  You provided me no source, but text of unknown origin.


    Thanks for playing the TonyClifton game.  It's an A game and will cause you to think.  Please try again.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:



    Oh, most people claiming what you are about the constitutionality of Muller's appointment are blindly repeating what one professor said, so where did you get it from?  Perhaps it was third hand but I think you will find it emanates from the same guy, as far as I know he is the only legal expert to have made this claim, all the others are laughing at his idea.

    Your professor has now become a legal expert.  Is your professor a lawyer?  Is he a constitutional lawyer?  Is he a law professor and if so, which school?  What is his name?

  9. 1 minute ago, KhunHeineken said:

    I thought they would do the same with older versions of Skype, so I upgrade a week before the deadline.  Maybe they will cut older versions off soon. 

    Doubtful but they will probably nag you to upgrade.  Just ignore it.  I use Skype for making personal and business calls around the world.  Version 8 dropped the ability to use my Mac Contacts to make phone calls.  Imagine calling 8 an upgrade when it deletes a vital function.  I have both 7 and 8 installed on my Mac.  Version 8 sucks.  Version 7 does not.  I'll keep upgrading 8 as both versions can coexist on my Mac.

  10. On 9/20/2018 at 8:32 PM, Rc2702 said:

    Anyone else having this issue with Skype?

    I cannot believe the crap replies you have been getting. Skype update from 7 to 8 sucks monkey balls.  I use a Mac but it equally sucks on the PC.  I suggest you get a copy of the last version 7 from their website and uninstall 8.  The last version of 7 works well on both PC and Mac.

  11. 46 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Read Mueller's appointment letter as Special Council, the above, including money laundering and other Federal Crimes are within his authority to persecute.

    Persecute is a more apt word, but you got it wrong, as usual.


    Mueller was not constitutionally hired.  It will all come out eventually.


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