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Posts posted by TonyClifton

  1. So many stupid and non-factual replies.  If you aren't blind, then look out your window. If you can only see 1.5 miles then assume the pollution is high.  I run two very good air filters 24/7 along with air conditioning.  I breathe clean air.

  2. 2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Your number and sim are registered with the government. Remember, you had to show your passport and visa stamp to get the sim. 

    Yeah right.  I have a PostPaid with TrueMoveH so what you say is partially true. However, when I bought a sim for a friend at 7/11 the counter person used their own ID without telling me they were registering the sim in their name.  I'm sure plenty are done like that. 


    I also assume they use the number you list on your extension and subsequent 90 days reports.

  3. 21 hours ago, Frogmountain said:

    What you are seeking is known as a named adoption, where potential adoptive parents seek to adopt a child they already know. You will need to contact the DSDW, the Thai agency that handles adoptions. Search my earlier posts for contact info. 

    First, there's no chance any adoption anywhere could be done in a few days' or weeks' time. 

    Second, U.S. citizenship laws regarding adoption from Thailand are complicated and it will be a challenge to finalize the adoption in the U.S. And neither the Thai nor the U.S. authorities will let your ex travel with a child who's not hers without an awful lot of paperwork.

    Your best bet may be to get the parents to surrender their rights and name YOU the guardian/foster parent. Since you live in Thailand, you could pursue the necessary paperwork while caring for the child. 

    Hire a nanny, get a bigger place and put the child in preschool. Get your ex to help with expenses. 

    Good luck. 



    Good info.  My current wife, not yet my ex, hits me up for cash.  If it flowed the other way, I will open a pure ice company in Hell as it will have frozen over.  I took care of her for 2 years already.  I always knew she wasn't legally mine but never figured the mother would be such a sh&t to not care about her own daughter.  The father has never seen nor met her.  



  4. I'm still married, soon to be amicably divorced.  We took care of a little Thai girl for almost 2 years.  

    Baby Girl is almost 3.5 years.


    Her mother and father were both in prison for selling drugs to a policeman.  Mother is Thai, Father is Laotian.  Both got 6 years.  The baby girl was born in prison and lived with the mother for 10 months.  Grandma comes to visit, they hand over the child and all papers.  Grandma brings baby girl to Bangkok.  Now we had her. Wife decides in February of this year she can't live here anymore, so she heads north with the baby girl, and gives the baby girl back to grandma.  The baby girl's mother is not a blood relative of anyone.  The family kept her when her drug-addicted hooker mother left her with them.  Really, you can't make this up. 


    Fast forward to July and the baby girl's mother is released from prison.  Father wasn't so good so he's still in prison.  Baby girl's mother gets a job in two days waitressing, then gets a job offer from the prison.  Yeah, the prison hired her to work in the administrative office.  


    Grandma is still taking care of the little girl.  Grandma isn't taking good care of her.  The mother doesn't give a damn and doesn't care for her.  The little girl calls her real mother, sister.  My wife stopped taking care of her when she went north and dropped her with grandma.  


    The baby girl calls me daddy and my wife she calls mommy.  Again, she isn't related.  


    When my wife left our 11-year-old son and me, she took the girl with her.  I had no say in the matter. It wasn't what I wanted but I had little choice.  I warned my wife that leaving her with my wife's mother would ruin her.  That little girl spoke both Thai and English and was smart.  


    Now no one watches her.  My wife called me in tears last week to tell me she went to see what was going on and the 3.5-year-old girl was out with no supervision playing with another neighborhood child who also had no supervision.  In short, she asked me to take her back.  I didn't, but I can't just turn my back either.  I can't care for her by myself.  Today she sends me a video of her wandering the WAT across the street from the shanty where Grandma lives and again she is just wandering by herself.  My wife has admitted that I was right all along and now she feels guilty for taking her and not being "mommy" anymore.  Duh.


    My X in America wants her.  She makes plenty of money and can give her a good life.  The real mother is willing to give her up.  I assume the father is of a character low enough that he too will give up his child.  They have another child that the father's parents in Laos have.  


    Try to make up a story like this.  I keep saying I'll write the screenplay for what happened to my son and me 9 years ago, but the saga continues.  I can't turn away.


    How can my X who is American, come to Thailand and take her back to the USA? Does she need to adopt her or just get guardianship of her?  If she takes her to America she will not ever bring her back, nor should she.  She can't just show up to JFK with a little girl who has no ID nor passport.  


    How can it be done?

  5. 1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Will it end up ensnaring Trump personally on the Russia election collusion issue?  I can't say, of course. But if not that, perhaps obstruction of justice in connection with his firing of the FBI director (and all the various offshoots of that) after he refused to shut down/impede the Russia election collusion investigation as Trump had demanded, and has been demanding ever since.

    A sitting President is an ultimate boss.  He cannot be indicted for doing anything that is in his job description.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    The impeachment investigation began with Whitewater. It didn't end up there. But it was clearly considered grounds for impeachment. That they didn't come up with evidence of criminal activity on Bill Clinton's part is irrelevant.


    You confuse investigation with impeachment.  I'm not surprised.  You are confused.  You still haven't come up with the reason why Bill Clinton was impeached.


    Are you scared to post it?


    Thank you for playing ...  blah .... blah ... blah .... FAIL

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

    Where in the Constitution does it say that? In fact, the prevailing opinion on impeachment is that Congress gets to decide what are the grounds for impeachment. 

    As you clearly don't recall, the impeachment of Bill Clinton began with the investigation of the Whitewater real estate deal, which occurred before Clinton was President.


    You'd be correct if your facts were also correct.  As usual, you're wrong.


    Bill Clinton wasn't impeached for Whitewater.

    I'll let you do some research to find out why he was impeached.  

    Please don't cry, you might have to read something for a change.


    Thank you for playing with TonyClifton.  Unfortunately, you came into the ring but not with your A game.  Better luck next time.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Wrong ,you can't indict a sitting POTUS.That's why the constitution of my country plainly says , the means to take out a POTUS is through impeachment and then has to have a two thrids majority of the senate. You want to put down my country at least know what your talking about

    It's not just that, is is also that while the dopey Democrats keep beating the impeachment drum, they neglect to tell everyone that you can only be impeached for what you do while you hold the office, not while you run for it.


    Poor babies.  Boo hoo ...

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, riclag said:

    The FBI career investigator,says "we will stop him" ,better yet, the DAG hired by PT which was probably recommended by a past administration career professional on the DOJ,wants to wear a wire discussed in a meeting with the second highest FBI guy who was fired for lying and is under criminal investigation. The head of the FBI was singled out by the IG as committing to many unethical acts 

    Was that the loser that just got STROC with a firing?  That was some career.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    The president of the US being investigated by the FBI for colluding with Russia to sway the election is world news, deal with it.



    Do you not want colluding with Russia to sway elections to be illegal?  Do you want to swap American democracy for one man to have a good friend in the Kremlin?


    Anyway its illegal in more than one way, there is just no such crime called collusion, but it is defrauding the US and of course it is also election fraud. 


    Then there are all the other crimes they are investigating that one or more of the Trump's may be charged with, such as both hacking and wire fraud for using the Russian bots in their Clinton smear campaign, potentially also acting as a foreign agent, and then there is the latest attention of Mueller, money laundering. 



    Conspiracy does not = collusion.

    Full stop.

    Show me any indictment by Mueller that implicates anyone from TRUMP CAMP and Russian Collusion or Russian Conspiracy.

    Again, as they say: "put up or shut up."

  11. 16 minutes ago, Spidey said:

    Muller is far more logical and intelligent than Trump. He'll stitch him up like a kipper.


    Collusion isn't on the statute books but it is grounds for impeachment.


    Also there are a list of other offences linked to the act of collusion that he could  will be indicted for.

    I'm sure that MIDDLE sentence was painful to write.  Let me make it more painful for you:


    You cannot impeach a President for anything he has done prior to taking the oath and becoming The President.


    Suck that one down.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

    are you pissed or smth?

    where did I say anything about I want B for president?

    I said that he may become president . . .


    How in the hell would he become President unless supported by the people?  You fooled me, as you seemed quite enthusiastic about the prospect.  Where did I read you incorrectly?

    • Confused 1
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