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Everything posted by PoorSucker

  1. Fantasies are nice. One million will come to watch someone I never heard about. Think Mr Adit has a secret crush.
  2. When I arrived last month in Phuket, directly at the airport. There would be no way every ASQ hotel would be manned by hospital staff for tests. Three hours later I got my result at my hotel and was free to roam Phuket. Basically just arrived at hotel showered, unwinded with a welcome gin and tonic and then I was set free.
  3. As long as there's no travel agencies or charters offering vacations ordinary tourists will not come
  4. I'm very familiar with Fang district. No war zone across the border there. But I wonder if they test positive for Covid, will they send them back or will they be allowed to stay.
  5. In some countries like Sweden your normal travel insurance is void as long as the Swedish government recommends against travel to Thailand.
  6. https://www.emirates.com/english/before-you-fly/multi-risk-travel-insurance/
  7. Came last month from Sweden, had to Sandbox. For ordinary tourists it doesn't matter as long as the Swedish goverment recommends against travel to Thailand your ordinary travel insurance is void.
  8. Thai? Thought else they would be forced into SHABA+++ hotel for $$$
  9. Just commenting so I can follow this thread. I need a bike in Pattaya.
  10. Well, guess the chinese vaccine wasnt that good and that's why they're giving AZ boosters.
  11. Checked my COE. Nowhere does it say that my application was based on a visa exempt stamp. As usual there's no communication between the MFA and Immigrations.
  12. Yes, no problem. Had 14 days insurance for my sandbox and then a cheap unused ticket to singapore after 14 days.
  13. Apply for COE as visa exempt stamp, I did even though I had a Non-B. Immigration did not check my COE
  14. This is stupid. Just becase they open does not mean the tourists will turn up on Nov 1st by magic.
  15. I don't think he have human genitals. Perhaps a red rocket like Chewbacca.
  16. So UK residents don't have to quarentine on return to the UK
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