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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. I agree with some opinions expressed before. Let the sleeping dogs rest. Do not go anywhere. If the man lived for 40 years illegally here and didn't see his family for that long, he can safely keep on keeping on. It will be much less trouble for him at this stage of his life.

    I am quite sympathetic to his predicament. If he were a Thai murderer, he would be probably subject to some leniency, pardon or statut limitations... but not a farang. Sometime I think Thai legal system is absolutely and unjustifiably beastly towards all farang.

    Sorry for him, but he should accept the reality and stay put. :)

    He's not Farang. He's Taiwanese. That's an important difference. Taiwan is a regional trading partner and there has been a lot of work done on their relationship in the last 10 years.

    Tara, I would start this with someone as high up in the Taiwanese embassy. The country is small enough that someone would probably help you. I would hope that they would then contact someone high up at Thai Immigration. I'm sure they will work out something to allow everyone to save face.

    Getting a US visa after establishing Taiwan citizenship is no problem. I believe that Taiwanese have a 90 day landing visa.

    But only 15 days to Thailand. (VAO) :D

    For the OP, this link is for working without WP : Ministry of labour

  2. PHUKET : The woman who sparked an international incident when she stole a 2,000 baht beer mat from the Aussie Bar in Patong has now been banned from travelling to the US.
    She sold her story to an Australian women's magazine for a reported 650,000 baht and said she planned to use the money to take her three daughters, Zhian, 12, Daisy, 11, and Lilly, six, on a dream trip to Disneyland in California.

    Source: Bangkok Post


  3. Flour worms from the market, before they are cooked. :)

    Thanks -do you know Thai name by any chance as cannot get my wife to understand what I am after


    "Lotdoan", they live inside bamboo.

    You'll find them next to the roaches and grasshoppers in the market.

    Have seen them alive, before they fry them, maybe can get some grasshoppers to.

  4. I think the biggest issue here is not the overstay but how he can come back and live in Thailand.

    He has 2 kids and live with my mom without legally married.

    This will mean that he must show 800.000 baht in a bank to stay in Thailand. (400.000 if he gets married)

    He doesn't own anything in Thailand.

    This seems not be an option.

    Thai work permit has expired long time ago.

    ....is because he needs to work to pay 2 kids tuitions

    If they find out that he's been working without a WP then he can be thrown in jail.

    My advice is to stay where he is.

  5. Used to have the black moon party right next door to my house years and years ago. We would find our house surrounded by garbage, people pooing and peeing in our garden because there weren't enough toilet facilities at the party and our door literally vibrated in its frame from the music it was so loud.

    So yes, once a month can be pretty bad.

    I pee in the back of a bungalow, haad rin in 1999, I hope it was not close to your home. :)

  6. Normal in Thailand.

    Loss of revenue=higher prices.

    There should be many expats on this island with a degree from universities around the world on the Island.

    Can't we we a free school for expat kids and their friends.

    I don't have any children right now, but I'm willing to take some classes per week in my spare time.

    Computer science, history, English lang, Swedish lang , Finnish lang , could be my hours.

    I know we have a lot of expats here that could run a Expat school for free.

    Just an idea...................

  7. My friends laptop using firefox as browser stopped working.

    I reinstalled and tried again, same result

    Uninstalled Firefox and it start to work again.

    Tried to install some addon like goolepreveiw and others, and got a fail message.

    This was in a laptop with vista (yeaah I know). smiley-sex020.gif

    Microsoft angry because cannot bundle Explorer with windows in Europe? smiley-happy118.gif

  8. Hi all,

    We were going to book this place for a 2 week stay last week July / first week August, for myself, wife & child plus my parents (who are realtively youthful). Otherwise we were looking at Chaweng Villa, but this place looks like it may be "new" or at least "newer". I think this place has been there for ages, but has been recently renovated?

    Anyway - just wondering if anyone would be able to recommend it or say don't touch it with a barge pole......

    Many thanks in advance.

    I would recommend First bungalow in south Chaweng for a good family stay.

    Have two beaches, Chaweng and Chawehng Noi (Little Chaweng)

    Google Earth

    It's not in the center but 2km spouth from main street, chaweng and 6 km away from Lamai.

  9. Have a old Phantom custom and a new Fire edition.

    They are about the same, the old one makes more noise and I have fitted it with many extras.

    For some more power I have the CB400.

    The phantom is a great bike for short trips.

    Perfect in city traffic.

    I bought the new phantom because the former owner was moving (falang) and I got a sweet price.

  10. Thanks a lot, but I'm still a little bit confused about the part "400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year". When would I need to get the bank to issue certification of the amount in my account - 2 months prior to extension of just before?

    Money must be in bank for 2 months prior to extension.

    Letter from bank the same day you apply for extension.

  11. If yor are going to be near Bangkok you should check airasia.com for flights out and back for the date thay you need to make your border run. Buying them in advance you can get flights out and back to KL that are not much more than a organized border run costs.

    I really think the Thais are missing a trick here.

    If they build a big warehouse somewhere between Bangkok and Pattaya and declared it "offshore territory" they could charge, say, 2,000 Baht a time to stamp your passport. This would save the Falang the time and trouble of visa runs plus they would generate a shed load of revenue.

    Already have it, it's called swapyboom, to bbad you must have a airticket. :)

  12. Smoke it out, kill it, call someone to remove it, whatever get out from under your house, these thing have babies to, just think one morning one of the little rascals slither inside your house while you are setting on the toilet, no question you would finish your main business quickly maybe with a bit of a mess or worse still one slither into your bedroom, WOW enough already just do the wise thing a remove the thing by whatever means. :)

    No babies.

    When the eggs start to hatch, instinct causes her to leave the nest and find prey to eat so that she does not eat her young.

  13. Best to give Phil a call at Snake Rescue. Used to be on 0896635085. Then the snake can live and you won't have to worry.


    PS. Hope it's ok to post his number on here considering it cannot be regarded as advertising.

    Good idea to call snake rescue. Try not kill it as they are beautiful creatures. They are aggressive and very poisonous. I think the King can also spit venom a fair distance.

    On the plus side you shouldn't be bothered with rats while he is around.

    Does not spit and its diet primarily consists of other snakes.

  14. Best bet, talk to the local Bib and offer a substantial reward.  Someone, somehow will return your bike for the reward and pinch a different bike the next night.

    What would you class as a substantial reward 5k 10k 20k ?

    The bike was 2 years old worth about 30k


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