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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. The seat should be left down. The lid I don't much care about, but I prefer it to be left up mostly. I recall quite literally "falling in" to the toilet and getting my ass wet when the seat was left up. I had stumbled sleepily into the dark bathroom, hoping to not wake myself completely up at 3AM by turning on the light. Well, I certainly woke up.

    My wonderful husband always leaves the seat down for me.

    So who left the seat up? :)

  2. I'm male and sit down to pee.

    I have done it for over 20 years now.

    I read an article about how the bladder empties better sitting down and decreases the chance for prostate cancer.

    I thought I was the only guy that did that. :D

    Could also be that we have equipment that not needs to be hold down to pee.

    Gravity takes care of that. :)

  3. From the consulate in Amsterdam you can get a multiple non-O immgrant visa, with that viasa you would be good for about 15 months. Just show your marriage certificate, I presume you did get married at the amphur. Otherwise you don't have a legal marriage.

    (The visa is valid for 12 year and allows you during that time to travel to Thiland for as mny times as you want, but not to stay longer then 90 days at once. By leaving and re-entering just before the visa expires you would get another 90 days and so almost 15 months out of the visa).

    In Thailand you can get an extension of stay from immigration for 1 year, if you can show either 400,000 baht in a Thai bankaccount in your name for at least 2 months or a monthly income of 40,000 baht a month.

    For working you will need a work permit, for an investement not. An income from investement in thailand of 30,000 a month seems a bit high.

    12 months. :)

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