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  1. I have a feeling that Owl has pulled the stumps and decided to move on himself.
  2. Oh dear. Sounds like you've upset them previously and they have you tracked and can trace you. You've seen your backside and won't give way to them, but there are ways around it but you can't be arxed so it's good night from me, and it's goodnight from him. I have a feeling you'll miss Owl. Could be wrong of course.
  3. Thanks for that RS, he had emailed me saying he was getting beaten up for little reason. I did ask him to let me know if he'd be moving over but he hadn't replied. Such a shame as his thread was the best i've personally come across on any SM and the only reason I visited the site. This will be a big loss to AN, power however small does go to some peoples heads unfortunately, all over to Thaiger then.
  4. You should do, it's in your blood.
  5. Yes, that's right. There's only 2 things smell of fish. And one of them's fish.
  6. Which ones Brian and which ones Katie? So hard to tell these days.
  7. Quite right, get them all kicked out and you can go back to your village.
  8. Yes, have to be careful with that domestic abuse malarkey. My first wife had me arrested for it and the judge asked me "Why do you keep beating your wife?" I told him I thought it was the extra weight coupled with my foot movement, not to mention the reach advantage. The old ones are the best.
  9. Maybe a knocked off one but then you'll be waiting for the knock on the door. I got mine from here a few years ago now, used iPhone 7. Think I paid around £150 at the time, well worth it though. No good for you though Owl as it's a UK site but surely there's similar in Thailand. https://www.musicmagpie.co.uk/store/mobile-phones/
  10. I've never tried it myself either but I've read in a few places that it can work wonders for drying phones out that is.
  11. Did you try sticking the old phone in a bag of rice Owl and see if you can save it?
  12. Spot on Owl. After 36 games they've conceded 100 PL goals. Swindon hold the record of 100 but that was after 42 games. Truth be known, I couldn't remember Swindon being in the PL. As for the nicknames, we were the Blades but gave it up basically when we moved to our current home which was commonly know as Owlerton (Now Hillsborough although the nearby dog track still goes under the name of Owlerton) in them days, hence the Owl. Legend has it that it was more to do with visiting supporters changing the nickname by common usage, who knows. They were previously nicknamed the Cutlers but they have always been keen on our cast offs. After all, they moved into Bramall Lane after we'd binned it.😂
  13. That doesn't sound good Owl. Good luck with that.
  14. Never in doubt Owl. Gulp.😂 Talking about the blades (nickname they stole from us BTW) did you notice the record they equalled on Saturday. They're on course to hold the record all by themselves before the seasons up.
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