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Posts posted by Humpy

  1. ...add Tesco mini and 7/11 'Bing Bongs' as you enter and leave to the list. I was in a Tesco Lotus mini the other day and the loud Bing Bong sounded 18 times !  One member of the till staff was 3 meters from the speaker.  While paying I covered my ears and pointed to the speaker, she smiled and shrugged her shoulders as much to say we can't complain . The manager was close by and understood my concern about the Bing Bong...... and all he could do was smile . So how many Bing Bongs do the staff have to endure on a normal shift ?

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  2. There is little or no 'politeness' shown by Thai drivers when you give way to them at a junction or wherever.

    Of course if some acknowledgement was offered then it would not be seen because of their tinted windows !! . Time for tinted windows to be banned...... but if they are banned then it would be difficult for the driver to hide the fact that they are not wearing a seat belt, texting or dialing a phone number. When I ordered my new car the sales person was astounded when I said I didn't want the windows tinted.

    Most Thai drivers do not know how to use a roundabout , what the double yellow pines are for or the massive areas of yellow cross hatching between dual carriageways. My list is endless!! 

  3. So when I go to the market to buy 3 kgs of cow afterbirth do I have to take a plastic bucket with me and two more buckets for the fish heads and bamboo soup.... ? Plastic bags are on sale in most markets !!!

    Anyway, nice to see this 'declaration of war' on plastic bags...... perhaps it might be as successful as the efforts to get motorcyclists to wear helmets , have a licence, insurance and be old enough to ride one. 

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