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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. I don't hate the EU, why would I hate a place I've never been? The topic is Trump and the EU, so that's what I commented about. You should stay on Topic with your wild accusations.
  2. That hasn't been clearly established yet.
  3. Ok I'll rephrase. It just started this year that they will be enforcing the law. Better?
  4. Yes, but it's their country, their rules. If you plan it out right, can stay from July-June, less than 180 days per year, don't have to file.
  5. Just started this year. I think it's with all visas.
  6. You become a tax resident if you are in Thailand over 6 months. Many ongoing topics covering this.
  7. As long as you fly in and out, tourist visas shouldn't be a problem. But be prepared to file a Thai tax return if you stay over 6 months in a calendar year.
  8. EU is still pissed at Trump for making them pay their fair share of NATO.
  9. Every washing machine everywhere has a valve that's always open. Don't think too much.
  10. Drunk drivers are the most dangerous people in my little world.
  11. Joe Manchin We need someone that is more middle of the road than extreme either way.
  12. The egg rolls, definitely the egg rolls.
  13. Get the 3bb app, and you can pay your monthly bill on your phone.
  14. Since you want to keep harping on the treaty, it was not a permanent fix, it was only meant to slow down not abolish Iran's nuclear program. That's why Netanyahu spoke at the US congress asking them to not ratify the treaty. The only thing that works is to not let them sell their oil.
  15. Friendship definitely doesn't have Campbells tomato soup, I look for it every time I'm there.
  16. What difference does ancient history make? As I said before, our enemies rely on us pointing fingers instead of getting things done, and you've fallen into that trap rather nicely.
  17. Was letting Iran sell their oil again a good move?
  18. Who cares? The enemy relies on us pointing fingers and never getting anything done.
  19. I've worked in black neighborhoods before, so I've seen their racism first hand. Hate crimes were very prevalent there.
  20. It's all a distraction from the real problem, Iran getting the bomb. Once that happens the world will become a much more dangerous place.
  21. Weed makes people happy and relaxed, some on here don't like that.
  22. Yes but that's just a formality because he has a wife. Embassy doesn't do anything they're not legally bound to do.
  23. Why do you say that, he already has a wife, as long as she takes care of the final arrangements nobody else needs to be informed.
  24. The only difference between medical and recreational use is a piece of paper. Don't worry about the haters, be happy!
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