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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. There are cashless shops in Thailand? Never seen one in Pattaya. Where are they?
  2. The only limit is if the immigration officer suspects you're working in thailand without a permit. So maybe carry some proof of employment back home, just in case.
  3. I'm in the same boat. If all my income is from US social security, do I need to still file a Thai tax return? Or get a Thai tax ID number?
  4. Had Dengue almost 2 months ago, back to feeling normal again. I do drink 3 litres of water daily, rarely drink alcohol, smoke weed daily, so maybe that helped?
  5. Silly me, I thought politics was only about winning.
  6. The dems are really shooting themselves in the foot if Trump can't run. All the never-trumpers might not vote for Biden if there is another choice.
  7. Can't ever remember an instance of a Thai girl using the word "alien"
  8. That's not true, every bar's different.
  9. Sadly, there's going to be some point in the future when the US can no longer pay it's debts. The govt (all of them) has failed the people.
  10. That's the best pizza in the world, I don't give a cr*p what they serve in Italy.
  11. What's illegal about it, there's nothing in the law that says the 800k can't be from a loan.
  12. That's a good question. But no matter who is in charge it's impossible to make everyone happy. I just like some limits because there's too many people (not you) on the net that post things for no other reason but to insult someone else. So better to have some limits rather than a free for all.
  13. Maybe not, but it discouraged more people from coming.
  14. The remain in mexico policy seemed to be working. But because it was the evil orange mans doing, Biden cancelled it on day 1 of his presidency.
  15. Your obviously a tough guy. What reason would someone have to spit on you?
  16. For the last 30 years I've only bought Toyotas, and I'm quite happy with that decision.
  17. He would have been even happier if he could have scored with Catherine Zeta-Jones, 555
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