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Posts posted by Machiavelli

  1. 11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The UK electorate comprises about 47,000,000 people.


    A statistical sample needs to be random and of sufficient size to attain a confidence level and a confidence interval (These are defined and provable mathematical properties).


    A sample size of 2048 from an electorate of around 47 million will give a confidence level of 95% with a confidence interval of slightly over +/-2%.


    That’s a mathematical fact, not some feeling in your granny’s bones opinion.

    Mathematical fact? Big words. Hillary had pollsters by the bundle but still got knocked out of the park. There are no facts. We make up stuff as we go along. A good example is the third paragraph. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, BobbyL said:

    Keep them dumb and underexposed to the world.


    Could you imagine being a university student in Thailand? It must be truly awful. 


    My wife couldn't believe what the life of a student was like when she went to study in England a few years ago. Highly interesting topics, seminars where you are allowed to openly question lecturers theories, offer your own opinion on research, producing high quality group projects, studying a variety of professional development courses, not having to wear a uniform and wai every senior Tom, Dick and Harry, going out and having fun. 


    It is all the complete opposite of here.  

    What's she doing with all that info? Did she invent a new drug? It's just a school. Most of the rubbish they teach is useless in real life. In fact, I know many Thais who are doing very well with Thailand education. It all boils down to the individual. 

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  3. 15 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Yikes! makes me nervous as I'm arriving in 10 days--always buy One way tix and clear the hurdles...get my 30 day stamp and extend that--then head to laos for the actual double visa and extend those for a 6 month stay > or <..


    Anyone see any issues with my approach as I dont want to come with visa and lose those free 30+ days.....  ??


    I do realize its a gamble as leaving the states without a visa has raised a few questions at the airport one way tix

    I see the PAIN in the future and the obligatory thread. 

    • Haha 1
  4. On 7/28/2018 at 9:42 AM, pokerface1 said:

    i can imagine a time in the distant future when the majority of the worlds population will have squinty eyes and dark skin. With China and India's prosperity and huge populations the Falang's days will be numbered.

    Sad but IMO true, it's already happening just look around and see for yourself.

    It's called evolution. It will stop when we do not exist. 

  5. 11 hours ago, The manic said:

    Cheap Shot Indeed.But typical of a small minority of embittered Australians on this forum. Thankfully they are a minority. 

    No cheap shot. Just a couple of affected guys who have taken offence. Older guys say a lot things about young people here. Never heard young people whine. Let it slide. And I'm sure the embittered Australians aren't amused. 

  6. On 7/13/2018 at 9:39 AM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

     "We are not heroes. What we do is very calculating, very calm. It's quite the opposite."

    "We take it one step at a time and hopefully, as we've managed to in this case, we come up with the results."

    And praises every other person involved both Thai and foreign. A real gentleman, who thoroughly deserves the plaudits he is receiving.

    Seeing him so humble and unassuming, makes me proud to be British, and I am very happy to see him rewarded with the Elite Visa and free flights.

    Receiving an honour from the Queen would be pretty just I would say.

    Which queen? I know a queen bae living in London. She would be glad to make an acquaintance.  

  7. On 6/6/2018 at 8:37 AM, British Bulldog said:

    You know ... you are 100% correct ... although we live in Laos, I took my Lao son aged 21 to a Psychiatrist in Khon Kaen, Video Gaming was his problem, we suspected this, hence the reason we needed both an expert opinion  and the words from the Dr's mouth rather than M&D saying "Stop playing those stupid games" ... the Dr was great, fortunately our son took note, he's now off games playing maybe an hour or so on a Saturday, his whole life has changed, his moods, character his yearning to get out and get a job also ... if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it ... the treatment came with some medication which he took for a month or so, and then we had to closely monitor him ... we were very lucky it all turned out for the best and we weren't 'too late' ... the Dr. went on to tell us how common this problem is and how 'fatal' this disorder can be ....


    I'm sorry for the long message, however, I just wanted to let other parents know who may have a child (or two) like our son was, to let them know that there is a cure and if the child is as cooperative as our son was, you just won't believe the change in him/her and the better life that he leads now

    I smell laziness in feel good yarns. They don't get these "fatal disorders" in ,for example, Malawi, where boys/men have to wake up at 5 am to try and make a living. What did the shrink say to the guy that he  couldn't have thought of himself? 

  8. 1 hour ago, wanderluster said:

    thailand is really going to be in trouble if it gets the brits to help them with english.  the brits cant even speak the language themselves, they have totally destroyed the queens english.

    Only 2% of the the British people speak the so called "queen's language". The language that the NES brigade pretends to teach. 98% of Brits speak in their local dialects and it's not English. 

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