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Posts posted by Machiavelli

  1. 2 hours ago, AboutThaim said:

    So in your midguided opinion every white foreigner that comes to live in Thailand and is not loaded is “trash”?  Get a grip and pull yourself together ( not to death!).  Many people have circumstances that leave them without a huge stash of cash through bad luck or costly divorces.  Not what I would call trash.

    Must have hit a nerve. :ph34r:

  2. 22 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:

    I feel local citizens should be vigilant, and report the suspicious people to police.


    I hope Thai TV's should create a promotional video about illegal stay, and how to check  valid visa etc.


    Otherwise there is no way this country will safe while insurgents are attacking the Army in the south.

    Over-stayers have turned to insurgents! Gents, someone been smoking.

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  3. 33 minutes ago, Sid Celery said:


    To my mind. it's a question of degree. there are many, many stupid people in my home country, but the average intelligence is still considerably above Thailand and considerably below Singapore and Korea. 


    Personally speaking, I have never in my life seen so many people who believe themselves to be superior (because that's what they've been told), and yet who are almost unbelievably dim, as I have since retiring to Thailand. For years I tried to make excuses for them, in remarkably similar ways to those I see today in these forums. Now I don't bother, I've accepted that nothing I can say or do will improve their dismal levels of comprehension among these people because they lack the motivation to improve - they don't see the need. I suppose they believe that there's no point trying to improve on what's already the best in the world. What's puzzling though, is that this superiority is not reflected at all in sport, science, education or anything else that might matter on the world stage. Have you ever seen Thais playing football? Then you'll know what I mean - or that dopey foot-volleyball they call Takraw and  'Thaiball' even though it was invented (I believe in Burma). The relentless race to the bottom.


    Best to just let them get on with it. One day they'll wake up but it won't be today. In the meantime, I'm content to accept that ignorance is bliss, while not advocating it for myself.


    As for the nonsense that you can't be a Thai if you criticise the country or its people, well, that's just arrant nonsense. Predictable though, given the characteristics of the population.

    Calling an entire nation dim based on your personal preferences shows more dimness on one's part. Saying Thais are dim because they play "takraw" means I can justifiably say Americans are dimmer because they play "American football" and "Ice hockey". You have to be pretty dim to watch and let alone play such violent sports. 

  4. The boy might have a point but lets face it, most countries including those where most of the posters here come from is riddled with ignoramuses who have no clue whats what outside their countries! You don't get more coconut shell than an American from Idaho or Utah for example. From Utah + religion and you get yourself real block. Many videos on YouTube showing Americans, Brits,  South Africans etc failing to answer basic world geograhy questions and even failing to name their leaders! Thailand has its share of ignorant people but which country doesn't? 

  5. EF is a dodgy and useless company that can't run a simple online English teaching program. They are trying to seek relevance. Just another Farang run company seeking to trash then gain. You can read the NES crowd here on this thread. They think only them should be teaching English in Thailand. Its funny how people who can speak only one language like to pontificate, to wax lyrical about how to learn a new language! Ban Ki Moon, the ex SG of the U.N. spoke dodgy English but was top of the food chain. Nobody cares about pronunciation! 

  6. 1 hour ago, Yme said:

    Ahahaha. #FakeNews


    Not what it appears to be at all.


    ‘Teacher Beating a Student Video’ Goes Viral in Thailand – But It’s Fake News (video)


    Here is their two cents about TV. It's hilarious! 

    "Similarly, on one online English-language expat forum renowned for its bar stool legal expertise, armchair online crime scene investigators, and ‘hanging-em high’ juries, the outrage and criticism has been equally fierce, the topic billed as ‘Millions view shocking school violence as teacher appears to attack student". Hahaha. The truth right there! 

  7. 5 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

    Perhaps not paying attention was taken as an insult by this thai teacher- don't know ? what incited this violence. It also concerns me how the other students who witnessed this outburst will process an incident surely engraved on their memory.


    Maybe the student said something vulgar. Maybe the student disrespected the teacher's mother or wife using vulgar words. In Thailand that can send you to the crematorium, student or no student. Nothing is going to be engraved in memory. They will be too busy on their mobile devices to remember this beating.  

  8. 8 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

    What scares me the most is the new generation of onlooking students doing nothing about it. When I was a student, a long time ago, we would have beaten the shitake out of this pervert. Now I fully understand the fatalism towards repression by generals, police and influential people here. My advice to the students: If you don't get your lazy (deleted) up you will have to take abuses for the rest of your life, or even worse, became the abuser.

    Maybe unlike the do gooder brigade on this thread, they are in the know of what caused the mess. I don't know where you are from but where i come  from, vulgar words about one's mother can get you beaten up pretty bad. It might be the last thing you will ever say. A student, grown up, cat, giraffe or any living thing that utters vulgar about one's mother should expect a thorough beating where I come from. Nobody knows what this student said or did. 

  9. Nobody is sure yet if this video was filmed in a Thai school. Assuming it was, I have always wondered how Thai teachers kept it together. Thai government schools and vocational schools aren't for the faint hearted. I actually know of a Farang teacher who was beaten up by Thai students! It's good to wax lyrical about kids rights having never been a teacher in Thailand or not knowing both sides of the story. I doubt this teacher left his home planning to beat the kid. Teachers are human. They break when pushed to the limit. What he did was wrong! I can understand the anger people have towards the teacher. I will pass judgement when I have the whole story. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    It's morally wrong for starters. It's called Child Endangerment and it's a crime, as is the entrapment. What if the kid ends up hurt or dead? Would you still think it's okay to do it then? The FBI or any other law force suspects someone of committing crime, they should investigate within the law, but should not have children deliberately abused in the process. The whole idea is to protect kids and stop this filth, not enable it.

    Small price to pay to catch scum that is a pedophile. They must use every method available to catch the scum of the earth. If the pedo hurts the kid, that is just more time behind bars. 

  11. 8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    If the FBI are working with the Thais again, I hope this time round their modus operandi is a little more legitimate. When FBI agent Chris Cantrell was in charge, they worked with and paid a dubious, legally non existent charity called ATCC, that deliberately and intentionally sent young children out, from a supposed sanctuary, to offer sex to foreigners so they could then report back and generate arrests.

    They generally would be sending the kids to suspected kiddy diddlers (pedophiles). If you are not a kiddy diddler and the FBI sent some kid to you, tell the kid to buzz off. If you however have your way with the kid, it's not entrapment. You will be a full time kiddy diddler (pedo). 

  12. 6 hours ago, sanemax said:

    They all left Thailand on the next available flight, this was the "final nail in the coffin" ,"its just not safe here anymore" , "its not like how it used to be" "These kind of things happen everyday , these days" , "its just not safe to walk the streets" "Thais everywhere with guns shooting felangs" , they all got on the next available flight to Dubai , probably on the same flight as Mik and his Mrs 

    Thanks for the laughs but they are still here. All bark and no bite. You forgot "dishonor the regiment " or some such......

  13. 10 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Let's not get carried away. It's bad, but certainly not the worst. There's North Korea and failed states in Africa. And it gets lots of competition from some of its arab allies. On the other hand, it is definitely worse than Iran.

    I would live in any failed state in Africa than spend a minute in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the worst. 

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