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  1. I won 2000 baht the vendor won’t cash it, I went to the BAAC bank commonly known as the Farmers Bank, they said only Thai people can get money from lottery winning tickets.
  2. 38 year old Thai male was electrocuted in a BBQ shop in Soi Arunotai last week when changing a light bulb.
  3. Why pay when can have it for free ? https://smarttubeapp.github.io
  4. Grumpy old foreign men in the supermarkets who get annoyed when the cashier doesn’t understand what they are saying, they forget whilst they might speak English they don’t understand accents probably the same men who rush round nearly taking your legs away with their trolley.
  5. Axa won’t cover me for either.
  6. Statins wouldn’t cause me to have an accident would they ?
  7. They refused me Health Insurance, not even with a surcharge, after I was refused Health Insurance I enquired would I be covered for Travel Insurance , no.
  8. Well AXA would only insure me for accident after I declared I was on statins.
  9. Zero as no company will insure me because I am on 20mg statins even though I have no coronary disease history, my cholesterol was 6 now 4.5 after taking the statins.
  10. They will need to hire buses to ship them all too the station then find some where to hold them.
  11. If you asked mist people what the red and white crossings mean they couldn’t tell you, it’s safer to cross at other places, I avoid them. Even the ones controlled by lights get ignored by drivers.
  12. I don’t disagree with what you say but after being with the bank since 1992 I have been more than profitable to them over years with loans, mortgages etc, I thought it was time to show a bit of loyalty back to me for all the years I have been with and never defaulted on any debts. I still have a substantial amount in the bank around 25 times more than I wanted my CC limit increased by. I am now in the process of keeping the minimal amount in my accounts so they can’t profit from me.

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