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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Read your source. The illegal possession of classified was clearly intentional with Weldon Marshall and Donald Trump. That has not been shown in the case of President Biden. All evidence points to classified being carelessly mixed in with unclassified material. That is a security issue but not a crime.
  2. Your memory is faulty. The documents were government property. That was explained to Trump. He tried to keep what he had stolen regardless.
  3. Another newby making unsubstantiated claims. Why don't you prove that "They publish propaganda and have proven to be inaccurate most of the time..." The law is clear that inadvertent mishandling of classified that is corrected using proper procedures is not a crime. That's what the Biden team did. Trump's team did the opposite.
  4. You can guess which political party left a wrecked economy when it left the White House in 2009 and 2029.
  5. You know nothing about working with and handling classified. That is obvious from your posts.
  6. But you do not understand that when classified was found in Biden's office and home proper procedures were followed. That is not what happened with classified that Trump was holding, hiding, denying and refusing to return.
  7. Are you back to that again It has been explained, on one occasion using your own sources, that inadvertent mishandling of classified is not a crime. Clearly you are also trolling.
  8. The fact that inadvertent mishandling of classified is not a crime has been explained many times. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge this well known fact shows that you are a troll.
  9. Pattaya Spotter likes to invent rules as he goes. He invented the rule that intent was not necessary for mishandling classified to be a crime. When I corrected him he challenged me with two sources that confirmed that I was correct, not him. Since then he's dropped the "intent is not necessary" claim and is inventing new rules. Below is the sequence of posts that I refer to.
  10. Really? You reply to my post with "so why lie and claim no knowledge then??" and now you are offended by abusive language? More important, you are wrong again. Read your source. The words "enabled", "involved", or any other words suggesting Biden was involved in the decision to conduct the investigation or execute the search warrant never appear. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/americas/biden-denies-advance-knowledge-of-fbi-raid-on-trumps-mar-a-lago-home/2668784 In fact, all that is said about Biden is in the first three short paragraphs, and they don't in any way suggest Biden was involved. So again, are you lying or do you have reading comprehension problems?
  11. Translation: You have no evidence, it's just what you want to believe.
  12. Do you have any evidence Biden did interfere with a Justice Department investigation? No, it's kind of like the difference between going 5 mph over the speed limit and going 50 mph over.
  13. Are you lying? Or do you not understand that my post "Unlike Trump, Biden and every other President in living memory didn't get involved in Justice Department investigations." did not mean the President didn't know about the investigation? If it is the latter, I suggest you work on your reading comprehension skills.
  14. Knowing about an investigation is not the same as interfering in it.
  15. Yet all total the total number of classified documents are only a small fraction of what were seized from Mar-a-Lago. It looks like Biden's staff got careless with securing some work papers, while Trump was intentionally trying to get away with a major heist. "By the end of the search earlier this month, officials had left with 26 boxes, including 11 boxes marked as classified." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/300-classified-documents-have-been-seized-from-mar-a-lago-report-claims/ar-AA10Ykkf
  16. Unlike Trump, Biden and every other President in living memory didn't get involved in Justice Department investigations.
  17. Try reading the OP that you are commenting on: "But keeping such a discovery private is "normal", said David Weinstein, a formal federal prosecutor in Florida. "It's not your place as a target or a witness of an investigation to say what happened, it's up to the people investigating it to decide what to say and when to say it," he said."
  18. No, Biden never "sicked his Justice Department" on Trump. The Justice Department concluded, with good reason, that Trump and his lawyers were not negotiating in good faith and had no intention of returning the government documents Trump took from the White House. That's what led to the search warrant.
  19. Ever heard of reading your own sources? Every example given involved the knowing and intentional misuse of classified information. Your Washington Post source states: "The criteria for prosecuting people who improperly handle classified documents are clear: Prosecutors must prove a person deliberately flouted rules for how to store the material securely, while knowing it was classified or secret national defense information." All you've done is support my post that no one has ever been charged and prosecuted for inadvertent mishandling of classified.
  20. Really? Can you give us a single example of someone being charged and prosecuted for inadvertent handling of classified in the United States? It's a rhetorical question; you can't.
  21. Having worked with classified a great deal, I can tell you know nothing about this subject. I won't attempt to correct everything you posted that is nonsense. I will address your first point: Biden had a security clearance. He was the VP, expected to step in at a moment's notice to fill in for the President, who also has a security clearance. The VP always has a clearance. It's absurd that you suggest otherwise.
  22. Clearly you have little or no experience working with classified. Intentional mishandling of classified is not a crime. In offices where classified is dealt with on a daily basis mistakes happen. They are dealt with, usually with training, counseling, or, in the event of repeat violations of proper procedures, reprimands, reassignment or firing. It's a bad thing, but not a crime. There is no indication of criminal conduct here. It is also unlikely that Biden himself was the one doing the administrative task of monitoring and securing classified material. This is probably a case of staff making mistakes. Trump's lawyers negotiating/stalling for over a year on the return of material that clearly did not belong to Trump and that he had no right to keep is hardly laudable. Why do you keep bringing it up? The National Archives should have been notified immediately after the material was discovered and returned as soon as possible. That's what Biden's lawyer did, and Trump's lawyers failed to do. Failure to do this is a crime.
  23. Let's not forget the the VP has a clearance for and a legitimate need to access classified and has staff responsible for handling it. Ex-President's have no right to classified unless granted by the current government and have a legal responsibility to return illegally taken classified.
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