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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Yes, America should not try to prop up unpopular governments. That's not what's happening in Ukraine.
  2. A trivial amount of voter fraud. The major fraud was a Republican tool who swung a tight election by arranging a "ghost candidate". https://floridapolitics.com/archives/527424-seminole-county-republican-chair-two-others-indicted-in-ghost-candidate-case/ None of DeSantis's election laws would do anything to prevent the kind of fraud identified. His laws target non-existent fraud.
  3. Keeping Ukraine propped up with weapons and gold will encourage Russia to negotiate. Allowing Russia to overrun Ukraine will not.
  4. "And, of course, once the insurrectionists had invaded the Capitol, he did not call in the National Guard or other agencies to put a stop to it. Even though, according to Hutchinson's testimony, he was told these people were armed. " That is a very, very important point. The Commander in Chief of the United States, when presented with an active insurrection that had invaded the Capitol, did nothing. He was impeached but not convicted. How could any responsible, patriotic Senator not vote for impeachment with that evidence? History will not be kind to those Republican Senators.
  5. So you maintain Trump didn't knowingly provoke a violent attack on the Capitol, he's just an idiot who didn't know what he was doing? This is too easy now.
  6. Once again, Trump's actions on January 6 prove him to be either a criminal or a fool. Either way he's unfit for office.
  7. Oh yes, thank God that DeSantis is dealing with non-existent voter fraud instead of the very real pollution of Florida's beaches, coastal flooding, sky-rocketing insurance rates...
  8. The trivial amount of voter fraud found in Florida's 2020 election was in the single digits, and mostly involved Republicans voting twice. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-residents-the-villages-arrrested-voter-fraud https://www.foxnews.com/us/fourth-florida-the-villages-resident-accused-of-voter-fraud
  9. Do you understand the difference between a news program and a pundit's entertainment show?
  10. Voting rule changes in the 2020 election were agreed upon by Republicans and Democrats to accommodate health and safety concerns related to a very real pandemic. The election was judged by officials all over the country, notably Trump's Homeland Security Chief, as being the most secure in history. Voting restrictions being put in place now are claimed to be necessary to prevent non-existent fraud. There's a clear difference, but I'm sure you'll refuse to see it.
  11. So much voter fraud! Yet somehow the actual evidence of voter fraud has not been enough to swing the election for dogcatcher of Podunk village.
  12. As has been explained, Trump's actions on and before January 6 showed him to be a criminal or an idiot, or both. He has been shown to be unfit for office. The Democrats have plenty of potential candidates for President, and hopefully this time they will get the over 70's of the party to get out of the way and let younger candidates compete. That's what they should have done in 2020.
  13. Weak deflection. You were asked to provide facts to support your assertion that the press could not be trusted. You haven't provided facts because you can't.
  14. Seriously? How about the democratic norm of the loser of an election acknowledging the loss? The democratic norm of a peaceful transition of power? I could go on about Trump's aversion to transparency, failure to follow the Presidential Records Act, revealing classified information to adversaries, etc., but you get the idea.
  15. DeSantis is Trump minus the charisma but with more intelligence. He has the same lack of ethics and abundance of contempt for democratic norms.
  16. Trump doesn't need to be charged and convicted, though it would be nice. As I've already noted, either Trump intentionally provoked a mob to violently storm the Capitol in order to prevent the legal certification of a legitimate election, or he did so stupidly. I can think of no other explanation for his actions. Die hard Trump fans won't care that he is either a criminal or an idiot. Hopefully a majority, large enough to overcome the undemocratic electoral advantage the Republicans have, will recognize that regardless of the explanation, Trump is unfit for office.
  17. "..this committee may soon get lambasted with some real sharp evidence and revelations that they don't want to discuss in their hearings." Did you get that from Qanon, or do you think Sidney Powell will finally "release the Kraken"?
  18. I asked "Why don't you provide some facts to support your claims above? " and your response is "Why indeed." I assume that means you have no facts to support your claims: "I know many of the stories presented as "fact" the media were refuted, but a large percentage of the citizenry still believe. " and: "Yes, but when 90% present something as true, and 10% show it to be false, and half the county never sees the 10%, it's not as "competitive" as it might be. " In short, you believe Trump's "enemy of the people" claim without any evidence to support it. Do you also believe his evidence free claim that the election was fixed? Do you think Trump intentionally provoked the mob to attack the Capitol on January 6, or was he so stupid he didn't know what he was doing? It has to be one or the other. It is a fact that democracies don't survive without a critical free press. It is a fact that you have not provided any evidence of the press failing to perform its functions of critically reporting events. It is a fact that Trump, intentionally or through stupidity, provoked a mob into attacking the Capitol with the intention of preventing the legal certification of a legitimate election. It is a reasonable, to the point of being unavoidable, conclusion that this makes Trump a threat to democracy in this country.
  19. I state my opinion as fact? Why don't you provide some facts to support your claims above? It is my opinion, supported by historical evidence, that democracy will degenerate into kleptocracy and autocracy without a free press. The government calling the press "the enemy of the people" without evidence, which is what Trump and now you are doing, undermines that press and so undermines democracy. Can you give an example of a successful democracy that was openly hostile to the free press? Regarding the January 6 hearings; a mob provoked by then President Trump violently stormed the Capitol and attempted to prevent the legal certification of a legitimate election. If you don't think that warrants public examination (a lot more than it has been receiving) you are not only an enemy of democracy but also an outright anarchist. However I'll give you an opportunity to defend your opinion "the January 5 "hearings" are a farce and that the people running it are an enemy of the people." How is examining an insurrection and the events leading up to it detrimental the citizens of a democracy?
  20. That would not be random killing. When soldiers on either side embed themselves among civilians they risk making civilians "collateral damage" from legitimate fire. What JetsetBkk can't do is provide credible sources for claims that Ukraine killed civilians as part of a terror campaign.
  21. I see. You're sure the refutations are out there even though you don't know where. Do you feel the same way about voter fraud? The press (excluding the BS pundit shows) is a competitive business marketing facts of interest to the public. News organizations that don't publish the truth are exposed by their competitors. Every example you can give of a news organization publishing something false was exposed by the same or another news organization. This free press is essential for preventing corrupt, self-serving politicians from using their positions of power to loot a country (as is being done in Russia and many other places). Believing the press is the enemy of the people makes you and Trump enemies of democracy.
  22. I've brought the topic to the fact that Trump is a threat to democracy in the US, which is very much on topic. Trump never refuted the stories about him and his performance that he didn't like, he simply called it fake news and his sheeple believed him. That is another aspect of his threat to democracy.
  23. Correct. There was so much to answer in his first two lines I missed the third. The proposed Missouri law is modeled on the Texas bounty law, which has not been stopped. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/about-us/newsroom/press-releases/supreme-court-refuses-to-block-texas-abortion-ban-greenlights-bounty-hunting-scheme
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