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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I posted "thriving firearms smuggling business". Single digit smuggling operations, or even numbers in the dozens or hundreds, will not lead to the situation of more guns than citizens. That is where the US is now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country
  2. Right. This is a one time exception, according the the Solicitor General, not the Supreme Court. And the next time precedent is overturned will also be a one time exception. And the one after that, and the one after that...
  3. Having grown up in the Bible Belt, I can assure you that most Christians in the US practice Christianity a la carte. "Turn the other cheek"? I prefer "an eye for an eye". "easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God"? Let's pretend Jesus never said that. Don't lie, cheat or steal, unless it is accepted business practice (and you can get away with it). The thinking is God listens but doesn't really pay attention. So long as I talk the talk I don't have to walk the walk.
  4. I have above average reading ability. You talk about merely qualified, I maintain that people who work for the public and are paid by the taxpayers have an obligation to hire the best qualified. In you defense of nepotism you have studiously avoided the subject of hiring the best qualified. Perhaps that is because you know nepotism rarely results in the best qualified getting the job. You seem to have a stubborn bias in favor of nepotism. Have you benefited from the practice? Have you practiced nepotism?
  5. Yes, the current court won't reverse decisions expanding gun rights but may reverse decisions regarding gay marriage, voting rights, and who knows what else. This ruling has taken the Supreme Court from the respected institution that has the final say on interpreting the Constitution to just another political branch of government. If you don't like the rulings of this court just work on getting more agreeable judges and they will reverse them. The rule of Constitutional Law in the US has been made much more elastic. That's not good.
  6. "If one agrees to get pregnant..." Abortions of healthy fetuses by healthy women who wanted to get pregnant are rare, almost non-existent. Most people are concerned about the 99.9% of abortions that fall into other categories. BTW: I did an internet search on "how many abortions are by healthy women who wanted to get pregnant and changed their minds?". I did not get any pertinent results. That supports my supposition that these abortions are extremely rare.
  7. Nothing simple about what the Supreme Court did; it overturned 49 year precedent established by the Supreme Court in 1973. In so doing, it has made all prior Supreme Court decisions open to review and reversal. That includes the 2008 "District of Columbia vs Heller" Supreme Court decision that stated that the right of an individual to have a gun was protected independently of the well regulated militia part of the 2nd Amendment, a ruling that passed on the narrowest 5-4 majority. Before this appalling ruling the past rulings of the Supreme Court were considered the final word on interpreting the Constitution. Not any more.
  8. In other words, if women behaved the way you think they should. As you have made clear, you don't wear condoms. You think birth control is entirely the woman's responsibility.
  9. A typo. I'm sure everyone understood what I was posting. One is a person who had a functioning brain, consciousness, thoughts, independent action, and a lifetime of experiences and memories. But when the brain ceases to work the person is gone. The other never was a person and never had any of those things. It is a work in progress. If the woman does not wish to continue the work, she should be allowed to terminate it.
  10. If you won't say who "he" is, everything you say "he" said is suspect. Try referencing your sources.
  11. A couple of blips? Wow, your standards for evidence are low! Canada, a country where there are a lot of hunters, has less than one third the number of guns per capita as the US. Other countries much less. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country Apparently smuggled guns are not flooding any of these countries with weapons.
  12. It's the real world. No brain activity means no not alive in a conscious, sentient manner. That's why brain activity is used to determine when to "pull the plug" on patients in a coma.
  13. I see. So before any of your one night stands you verified that the women were all using birth control correctly. Though even then 99% is not 100%. And some men have sex more than 100 times in their lives.
  14. Apparently ExpatOilWorker made an obvious attempt at disinformation. Why would he do that?
  15. Russia is using old technology weapons to fight a bloody war of attrition: "After losing more than 700 of its best T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks in Ukraine in the first three months of fighting, the Russian army got pretty desperate for functional armored vehicles. So desperate that, in May, the army pulled from long-term storage what might be at least a battalion’s worth of 60-year-old T-62 tanks—perhaps 50 in all. Two weeks later, some of the museum-ready T-62s have been spotted rolling toward the front line outside Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine." https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/06/06/russias-ancient-t-62-tanks-are-on-the-move-in-ukraine/?sh=385c0e2c12be "Russia is running out of precision guided munitions and it is more likely to rely on so-called dumb bombs and artillery, a senior Pentagon official said on Thursday." https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-running-out-precision-munitions-ukraine-war-pentagon-official-2022-03-25/ The second source is three months old. Since then Russia has been relying almost entirely on unguided munitions in great quantity in order to level cities, with no regard to civilian casualties. It's appalling, but the west should continue to support Ukraine for as long as the Ukraine people are willing to resist the genocidal invasion.
  16. It does not have a functioning brain capable of supporting consciousness and thought. It is not a human being. Looks are deceiving. Is a statue human life? It looks human.
  17. But of course if one or more of those one night stands told you she was pregnant you would happily devote the rest of your life to supporting your child. Right? BTW: If none of those relationships using birth control never resulted in an unintended pregnancy you are either very lucky, didn't have a lot of sex, or are "shooting blanks".
  18. A bacteria is also a life. We're are predominantly concerned with human life, which begins at the time of fetal viability during the third trimester.
  19. I was replying to your "future person" post. There is potential for life, a future person, whenever there is the possibility of sex between a man and a woman. You seem to think this potential is worth defending. Also, the egg is alive both before and after fertilization.
  20. This is how it works. I maintain there isn't a thriving firearms smuggling business in Canada, Europe, and Japan. I'm not saying there isn't any smuggling, just nothing that would arm these countries to anywhere near the degree of the US. I am not obligated to prove a non-existence, which is impossible. You must prove there is major smuggling in these countries. In other words, you google it.
  21. Once again, Putin started the war. He is the war monger. Why do you have such difficulty grasping this?
  22. "Zelenskyy needs to talk real nice to the western war mongers to find a way out of this." What a load of .... The war monger is Putin. Zelensky and the rest of his country want western support in stopping him
  23. Trying to make people think the US is doing all the heavy lifting? Good troll tactic. Of course Europe is bearing almost the entire burden of care for Ukrainian refugees and bearing the worse of the energy consequences of the war. Yet most of Europe seems willing to bear this burden.
  24. Do you think Putin should be rewarded for intentionally starving the world?
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