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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Unfortunately you are correct. It is scary. "Anyone who doubts the loyalty and even love that millions of Americans feel for Mr Trump should attend one of his rallies, or just watch one on YouTube. Each is a vicious, exhausting festival of the counterfactual, and his crowds glory in it. If Democrats had not cheated Mr Trump out of his second term—he actually won all 50 states “plus the islands, too”—Iran would have signed a nuclear deal within a week; just three weeks in, he would have finished his wall along the border with Mexico, and foreign adversaries would not be emptying their prisons into America; America’s streets would not be “flowing with the blood of innocent crime victims”; petrol would be cheap; Vladimir Putin would have left Ukraine alone, because Mr Trump would have withdrawn so smoothly from Afghanistan. https://www.economist.com/united-states/2022/07/21/the-january-6th-committee-has-hobbled-donald-trump Funny that he didn't repeat his 2016 promise to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better and cheaper.
  2. "If he genuinely believed that the vote was rigged...?" That would make him delusional. Not the sort of person you want to trust with the nuclear codes.
  3. Whenever there is demand on one side of the border and supply on the other, the supply will cross to meet the demand. Aggressively prosecute those who hire illegal immigrants and the jobs that are attracting the immigrants will be eliminated.
  4. I'm in favor of greatly expanding legal immigration for all those willing to work, from PhD's in the STEM fields to farm laborers. There are a lot of employers in the US who would like that as well. Unfortunately the very subject of immigration has become so toxic that I don't know of any elected official pushing for such a sensible policy.
  5. What is the threat? It's not like these immigrants are storming the Capitol.
  6. The people who do the hiring also vote and hire lobbyists. That makes them untouchable in America's current political system. Gov. DeSantis of Florida knows how its done: Lots of grandstanding against immigrants, pass a law requiring verification of legal status, then don't enforce the law. https://www.immigrationreform.com/2021/06/17/florida-everify-law-proves-bad-immigrationreform-com/
  7. The kindest description that can be applied is dereliction of duty on a grand scale. I think there are less kind descriptions that are more accurate.
  8. If Thailand were shunned by the West it would be even more dependent and beholding to China.
  9. 1. QE and low interest rates affected the economy at large, not just oil prices. Now that the economy has reached a state in which supply exceeds demand, causing inflation, QE is being withdrawn and interest rates increased, which is the correct response. However if you are indirectly suggesting that oil is just part of the economy that needs to be reigned in with current policies, I agree. 2. None of those policies affect the current or near-term price of oil. None of them change the significant financial incentive to greatly increase production with existing approved oil fields. That's not happening because the oil industry sees little future in oil so it prefers to make money with what is available now. 3. To address the problem now we need to conserve fuel and continue the transition to renewable energy. That is the long term solution, and the solution that won't cause irreversible damage to the planet and flood out every coastal property from Bangkok to Mar a Lago. 4. If you really believed that you wouldn't bother to post your opinions.
  10. And you ended by claiming that Biden was doing nothing to fix the problem.
  11. Please identify what operational freedom has been denied the oil companies since Biden took office.
  12. If high oil prices cause inflation, then why was inflation low in 2011 and 2012 when oil prices were comparable to now? https://www.thebalance.com/oil-price-history-3306200 Also, nothing the Biden administration is doing is preventing oil companies from increasing production now. What's even more informative is that today's high prices also aren't tempting these companies into increasing production. That's because any production increase will take billions in investment and take months if not years to show any results. As I've posted before, the oil companies know that today's high prices may prove to be oil's last great moment before declining into irrelevance in the energy market. For that reason they aren't going to make big investments that can result in stranded assets. Nothing short of heavy handed government interference in the market will change that. Do you advocate such a socialist approach?
  13. The "fix" for inflation is an economic slowdown, which can be brought about by higher interest rates and/or increased taxes. Interest rates are already higher. Are you advocating for tax increases? Or perhaps you want to try the Republican's last attempt at fixing inflation; President Nixon's Wage and Price freeze, a.k.a Republican Socialism.
  14. At least some Thai's get it: "Move Forward MP Wiroj Lakkhanaadisorn said in his Facebook post last night that General Prawit’s statement about the coup could be used as evidence to take Prayut to court in the future on charge of insurrection." "On Facebook, the Thai Liberal party’s strategy chief, Somchai Srisutthiyakorn, accused the prime minister of completely lacking an awareness of what “democracy” means when he confessed, with a smile and a wave, to staging the coup, the worst offence against democracy."
  15. Or in going from 100 km/hr to stationary in ten seconds (controlled stop) and doing it in 1/10 of a second (fatal accident). How fast things change is very important.
  16. Yes, archaeologists have shown that Earth's climate has changed dramatically during Earth's existence. Archaeologists have have also shown that as the climate changes over millions of years the plants, animals and ecosystems evolve with the climate. And when Earth's climate changes rapidly, as it is doing now, there are mass extinctions.
  17. Was you point that you don't understand how data analysis is done? Do you want someone on this forum to provide you with many years of education on instrumentation, data collection, statistical analysis, and other pertinent topics?
  18. You posted "But this is an average of the globe, a dubious concept at best. It's not like a pot of water heating up on the stove, which is the way it's presented." It appears that you doubt science's ability to deal with averages. The temperature of the pot of water is based on the root mean square of the velocities of the individual water molecules, where "mean" has the same meaning as "average". So it is like that pot of water. If you have doubts about how this "dubious concept", then perhaps you should research how it is arrived at. Feel free to identify errors in the approach. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/global-temperature-anomalies
  19. You posted a link to a podcast by some right winger.
  20. Just because you don't understand the science doesn't make it wrong. I seriously doubt you understand how your phone works, yet you use it.
  21. Yes, especially in the heat absorption/reflection characteristics.
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