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Everything posted by heybruce
Funny. I'm curious, what date do you consider to be the start of election season? Trump supporters seem to think it is the day any legal action is taken against Trump. There was criticism about the timing of the Mar-a-Lago raid in the summer of 2022 because Trump was sort of hinting about political plans.
The Trolling game?
Yeah, and Trump was screwing a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son. Appalling behavior is not criminal.
Yes, DeSantis voters were assuming they could continue to break the law, and now they're p.o.'d because they can't. The wanted DeSantis to be more like Trump, someone who talks trash about immigrants but hires them illegally. How many of those 2.6% do you think are unemployed because they left one job (a lot of seasonal jobs in Florida with seasonal hiring and firing)? How many can't find a job because they have a criminal record (the US has a remarkably high incarceration rate)? 2.6% is a remarkably low unemployment rate. Jobs, especially skilled jobs, are not being filled because there are not enough candidates.
If people took the time to actually read stuff they'd realize that the majority of Democrats and Republicans in the House and the Senate are in favor of supporting Ukraine. McCarthy won't put Ukraine aid to a separate vote because it would pass with majority support from both sides, but more Democrat votes than Republican. That would make the Republicans look bad and cost McCarthy his job as Speaker.
Evidence! Evidence please, do you have any evidence? Not links to speculation but hard evidence.
Where in that link is any evidence of criminal activity by President Biden?
You really need to study history. The framers were not the ones who decided a sitting President should not be charged with a crime. That is DoJ policy, not law and certainly not in the Constitution. Regarding your link, once again, where does it provide evidence of criminal activity by President Biden. I know Comer likes to repeat innuendo and hope people will mistake it for fact. Are you actually falling for that?
The evidence may be anecdotal, but it is credible. Can you refute any of it? As far as the story being a "DeSantis hit piece", it factually reports what DeSantis' anti-immigrant laws are doing and their effect on people. The effect is notable on those people who never thought that voting for an anti-immigrant leader would keep them from hiring illegal immigrants. BTW: Unemployment in Florida is 2.6%. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FLUR Everybody who wants to work is working, immigrants aren't taking jobs from anyone.
In terms of the immediate damage to the country I would say George Bush Jr. However in terms of damage to US institutions and trust in elections, Trump definitely did the most long term damage. Nixon was bad, but the country quickly pulled itself together and carried on after he was ousted.
I'm probably the "stoop labour" poster you are referring to. I use the term because I did stoop labor in a tobacco field in August in the deep south when I was 12. I also pushed a shovel in a lime kiln in a pulp wood mill in my home town when I was 18. I'd rather go back to the lime kiln than the tobacco field, even though the lime dust ate holes in my skin. I have a great deal of respect for people who will work that hard for an honest living. I also know that the limited number of young people in rural areas no longer do that kind of work because they can get easier jobs that pay better. We need immigrants.
Will you stop with the speculation and do a little research before posting? "Farmers have been struggling to fill these positions; in 2019, 56% of California farmers reported being unable to find all the workers they needed over the last five years. This is partly because, even when wages and benefits are increased, there are still not enough U.S. citizens applying." https://www.fwd.us/news/immigrant-farmworkers-and-americas-food-production-5-things-to-know/ "According to data from the 2017 Census of Agriculture, wages and salaries plus contract labor costs represented just 12 percent of production expenses for all farms, but 43 percent for greenhouse and nursery operations and 39 percent for fruit and tree nut operations." https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-labor
Exact numbers are difficult to come by, but "less than a third" is a ridiculous underestimate. "As recently as 2019, almost half—or 48.9 percent—of all agricultural workers were foreign-born and more than one-fourth (27.3 percent) were undocumented. Among workers in crop production, the share of foreign-born workers is even higher. In 2019, almost 57 percent of crop production workers were immigrants, including 36.4 percent who were undocumented." https://research.newamericaneconomy.org/report/immigration-and-agriculture/ "Immigrant farmworkers make up an estimated 73% of agriculture workers in the United States. Farm labor is absolutely essential work that puts food on our tables across the country, powers the economy and supports our communities, from dairy farms in Wisconsin to strawberry fields in Florida and apple orchards in Washington. All together, food and agriculture sector is a $1.053 trillion industry." https://www.fwd.us/news/immigrant-farmworkers-and-americas-food-production-5-things-to-know/ Why do you have such an aversion to providing sources for your claims?