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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. It's a sign he's getting scared and desperate.
  2. Most people can tell the difference between protests and an attempt to seize the seat of Federal government and prevent the certification of a legitimate election. But obviously some people can't.
  3. Ukraine is using every able bodied fighter it can find. Tell us how much influence these people have on Ukraine's government. Use sources correctly, not like the one you used above.
  4. Wow! Just....Wow! How much of the Russian lemonade have you drunk?
  5. My source wasn't Forbes and your source is from a technology writer who wasn't writing about Ukraine.
  6. Let's hope this lie has consequences: https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/moskowitz-calls-to-increase-mar-a-lago-property-taxes-after-trump-claims-its-worth-1-8b/
  7. How about the "stable genius" who thought the penthouse he lived in was three times bigger than it actually is?
  8. They should apply the same logic to the types of weapons. I have no problem with law abiding citizens being allowed to have single-shot flintlock muzzle loaders, although even then I think mandatory safety training is a good idea. It's allowing near unrestricted access to weapons hundreds of times more lethal that I have a problem with.
  9. Jesus looks really PO'd about being next to Trump.
  10. Do you have any evidence that illegal immigrants, who have much more to lose if caught shoplifting than legal citizens, are doing a disproportionate share of the stealing?
  11. Does that justify a shoot on sight policy in Tulsa?
  12. Not clueless, as I've stated before I don't "watch" the news, I read the news. I don't watch carefully selected video clips and assume they accurately portray the situation across the country, state, or even city. I'm sure there are problem areas, I don't think summary justice delivered by...I don't know, who do you think was suggesting should do the shooting?
  13. I checked, I couldn't find anything that would give a staged vote in occupied territory any credibility.
  14. That's ok, I'm sure the jury will..... Oh yeah, he opted out of a jury trial. Wow, new standards of idiocy.
  15. Belarus? It's like a colony of Russia. Ukraine isn't "surrounded on all sides" by NATO nations. Maybe 20% of it's borders are with NATO nations, much more is with Russia and Belarus. Putin's next move? He's been stirring up trouble with Georgia and Moldova in addition to Ukraine. He's also currently annoyed with Armenia. Or he may look for more ways to stir the pot in the Middle East. He needs to keep the Russian population distracted with invented outside enemies or they may question why he's doing such a miserable job of governing Russia.
  16. You're right. It was so close that the Soviet Union would probably have lost without the US aid.
  17. Do you think Russia would have won without the significant aid the US sent it? "In the final tally, America sent its Russian ally the following military equipment: 400,000 jeeps and trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks" https://ru.usembassy.gov/world-war-ii-allies-u-s-lend-lease-to-the-soviet-union-1941-1945/
  18. We need a functioning House of Representatives to get things done. If it weren't for that unfortunate fact I would enjoy watching the Republicans self-destruct.
  19. I wonder how he feels about shooting people who commit financial fraud.
  20. Really? Where doe she exclude shoplifting from the theft category?
  21. I'm not, I'm turning it into an ignorance issue. It's clear Trump doesn't know what he's talking about, again.
  22. Read the topic OP. It's about stores being robbed, which is almost entirely done by shoplifters.
  23. Care to provide links to those surveys?
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