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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Do you think we should have done that after WW II when Stalin was convinced that Soviet-style communism was destined to rule the world and Europe was exhausted and largely helpless?
  2. When was Ukraine supposed to negotiate? When Putin was claiming Russia wouldn't invade, or after?
  3. Do a little research on Japan's Tokugawa shogunate period and China's Edict of Haijin. Both were led to periods of enforce isolation, neither ended well. Or simply give a modern example of a prosperous nation that isolates itself from the world and reality.
  4. Comer has overwhelming evidence, that he's keeping in the same place as Trump's health care plan and the check Mexico sent to pay for the wall.
  5. Even if the rest of the world played along, isolationism leads to decline. North Korea is an obvious example, but there are no wealthy nations that are isolationist, unless you count special case minnows like Vatican City or Monaco.
  6. Hmmm...Should I contribute money to the man who brags about his golf courses, private jet and Mar-a-Lago resort, or should I pay my own bills. Such a dilemma.
  7. You think the US can just ignore the rest of the world and everything will be fine?
  8. Shutting down the government is insanity. "Resources could be even more strained for those military families living paycheck to paycheck, Pinchotti said. And while the military may see back pay, there are families that can't afford to miss a paycheck, she said." https://www.yahoo.com/gma/military-families-brace-loss-paycheck-214100240.html
  9. Putin has been destabilizing bordering countries that have expressed interest in joining NATO--Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. He will never stop doing so while he is in power. Also, Russia's second war with Chechnya, the one in which Grozny was flattened, was under Putin. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/12/1085861999/russias-wars-in-chechnya-offer-a-grim-warning-of-what-could-be-in-ukraine Georgia
  10. If there is credible evidence, yes. Will Trump supporters wait for credible evidence before calling President Biden a criminal? Obviously not.
  11. The consequences of giving the entitled .... special treatment will be far more damaging to the US Justice system than whatever consequences you imagine from shutting him up.
  12. People who want to express an idea shouldn't use it, or at the very least should be prepared to explain how it is to be interpreted when they use the word. That won't happen. Most of the people using "woke' just want to make noise and fill internet forums with meaningless drivel.
  13. Not sure what the point of your last statement is. Why not ask "If Ukraine had not given up its nuclear weapons do you think Putin would have invaded?"
  14. Every bit as well researched as your claim that Trump is "standing up to the swamp dwellers."
  15. You have greater perseverance than me. I read a few lines of his post and dismissed it as the ramblings of someone who has too much free time but lacks the discipline to condense his thoughts into coherent statements.
  16. I'm not surprised that you have nothing. Try identifying some of the "several conversations" and indicate the evidence they provide.
  17. I see. You can't engage in an intelligent debate with other posters, so you engage in a debate with an imaginary "woke" poster you have in your mind. You've been in your echo chamber too long.
  18. Examples? Please identify the conflicts, groups involved, and tell us what you think the west should do.
  19. The discussion of the definition of "woke" was started by BenStark's post above. How is his use of the word consistent with your definition?
  20. That makes the definition of "woke" so vague and broad as to make the term meaningless. Time to go back to using it as the past tense of "wake".
  21. Based on your posts, I gather you know very little about Washington and can name nothing Trump did to fight the swamp.
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