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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I relied on a Merriam-Webster definition, just like you. Are you saying Merriam-Webster was correct in its definition of semitic but not in its definition of anti-semitism? Perhaps you think that antisemitism means people who are opposed to semitic languages?
  2. Are you saying people who follow Qanon are sane? Do you believe that people who think the 2020 election was stolen are rational?
  3. Well if it's between him and an insurrectionist....
  4. I sometimes give money to charities. That does not mean I own or control those charities. Neither is it correct to post that there are "US labs in Ukraine". Not unless you can show proof that there are labs owned and controlled by the US in Ukraine. Of course you will continue with your word games rather than admit you are wrong.
  5. The topic title uses the word "antisemitism", not Semites. anti-Semitism noun an·ti-Sem·i·tism ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī- variants or less commonly antisemitism : hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-Semitism
  6. Your correct, you have begun the word games in order to avoid admitting you posted nonsense. You are now retreating from your claim of "US labs in Ukraine". Being one of many countries and organizations funding research in Ukraine does not make the labs US property. I think even you understand that, but you won't admit it.
  7. I suggest you read about the history of the US from 1776 through the ratification of the US Constitution, with special emphasis on the Constitutional Convention, the failures of the Articles of Confederation (which produced a republic so dysfunctional the new country nearly failed years after its start) and the ugly compromises reluctantly made to produce a document everyone could support, though with many reservations. Your are correct that those in the convention did not trust direct elections; they assumed everyone would vote for their personal interests so they arranged a system much more complicated and undemocratic than the current one. They also didn't trust political parties and were especially leery of a two-party system. Our current system of elections has evolved significantly since then, with the antiquated electoral college being one of the few relics of the original. It's time to evolve past that. I also advocate protecting the country from the extremist foolishness of two party politics by introducing rank choice voting, but that's getting well off-topic.
  8. Really? Identify them. Before you start, note that Ukrainian government labs that receive funding from the US and other sources are not "US labs in Ukraine".
  9. I would question your logic if I could find any.
  10. I think she would be an appealing option for the authentic, Never-Trump Republicans.
  11. No doubt she is an intelligent and accomplished woman. However the Presidency isn't for amateurs. I'd never support anyone who thinks their first job in government should be as President.
  12. "Most rational Democrats realize, and admit they were wrong in voting for him, just to keep Trump out. " Strongly disagree. I admit I voted for Biden just to keep Trump out, and have no regrets for that. However I have been pleasantly surprised by what Biden has accomplished legislatively and diplomatically. I don't agree with everything he has done and I don't like the gaffes, but I am still incredibly happy he is in the Oval Office and not Trump.
  13. If the Republicans fund that the Democrats should fund a Liz Cheney 3rd party candidacy.
  14. The reasons, which are not a secret, is that some people judge a President by what he accomplishes. It also helps if he doesn't alienate democratic allies or cozy up to dangerous autocrats.
  15. "Ukraine has dozens of public health laboratories that work to research and mitigate the threats of dangerous diseases. Some of these labs receive financial and other support from the US, the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO) - as is the case in many other countries. Despite Russian claims that these are "secret" labs, details of US involvement can be found on the US embassy's website." https://www.bbc.com/news/60711705 Laboratories owned by the Ukraine government that receive some funding from a number of sources, including the US, and not a secret. Regarding your source: "We are proud and excited to announce the launching of the new website for the People’s World. This accomplishment truly represents the 21st Century Marxist press. Below is a message from the Editor of the People’s World. Check out the site, and keep your eye out for the new Communist Party site in coming weeks." https://www.cpusa.org/article/welcome-to-the-new-people-s-world-online/
  16. "it's so easy to exploit this law and basically arrest someone based on their feelings and opinions rather than objective facts." Why don't you illustrate this with some examples from the US? Could it be that you don't have any?
  17. Please pay attention here; I'm supporting my claims with sourced facts. You should try it. Social Security and Medicare are social welfare programs: social welfare noun : organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups specifically : social work https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/social welfare US healthcare costs as a percent of GDP relative to other nations: https://www.statista.com/statistics/268826/health-expenditure-as-gdp-percentage-in-oecd-countries/ At least the US in number one, by a considerable margin, in that regard. Healthcare in the US is absurdly expensive. US life expectancy vs other advanced economies: https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/Life_expectancy/G7/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11866813/US-LOWEST-life-expectancy-G7-nations.html We're not only last by a considerable margin in the G7, we're not in the top 50 globally. We're behind China, Thailand, Cuba and Lebanon. Public education dominating: https://www.indexmundi.com/facts/indicators/SE.PRM.PRIV.ZS/rankings Note that only 11 out of 192 nations have the majority of students privately educated, and those 11 nations are small ones. Ok, I've backed up my claims with facts. Now it's your turn.
  18. Evidence which they don't have. Which is why they use "everyone knows", "everyone is saying", "we all know" and the Trump favorite, "people say".
  19. The UK is not the US, and in the UK the absurdity of the arrest led to charges being dropped. Police make mistakes. Free speech and a free press are essential to identifying and correcting those mistakes. Both in the case of the UK "gay horse" nonsense and the nonsense Kennedy is saying.
  20. Wow, you are seriously uninformed. If welfare, including Social Security and Medicare, is a fail, explain why it is so popular as to be politically untouchable. If socialized medicine is a fail, explain why advanced economies that have it have lower medical costs and longer life expectancy than the US. If public education is a fail, explain why no advanced or advancing economy does not have it, and even impoverished nations try to get it. Back up your naive statements with real world facts.
  21. Please explain how the majority can be elite? It seems the true situation is that the self-serving minority is blocking needed reform.
  22. Another ridiculous opinion piece from Faux News. I guess after losing hundreds of millions for dishonesty regarding the 2020 election they are now restricting their lies to clearly labeled opinions.
  23. And yet you won't share with us your sources. Obviously you haven't seen the classic Disney version of the The Jungle Book.
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