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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. The Jews and other prisoners arriving at Auschwitz were not run through an aptitude test. Those who looked young and strong enough to survive a few months of manual labor on a starvation diet were forced to work until they dropped. The rest were killed shortly after they arrived. Being young and healthy isn't a skill.
  2. True, but that doesn't mean that "these veteran IRS agents" don't have disagreements with prosecutors regarding charges to bring to court.
  3. The claims by the IRS agents could be standard disagreements between investigators and prosecutors about when a case is suitable for prosecution and for which crimes.
  4. Once again, the post I replied to referred to Archer. There was no mention of the IRS agents.
  5. "I understand how a carbon tax works, I've explained it couple of times already." Your explanations indicate an ignorance of how a carbon tax would affect the economy by altering the balance of supply, demand and pricing of carbon intensive goods. "What don't I understand is why you refuse to respond to what I said." Because you and other posters react to this subject like four year old boys who seek attention by "why-ing" things to death. If I encounter a climate change denier who actually presents a science based challenge, instead of a "why" question about accepted science, I will try to give an intelligent answer. "Is the world ending because we are generating too much CO2 or not?" More likely a mass extinction, but if poorly understood tipping points are breached, there is the possibility of turning the planet into something like Venus. I think mass extinction(s) are the more likely outcome. No, I will not explain the science to you. "Is the plan to save the world by reducing the amount of CO2 we generate by a few percentage points, or isn't it? " No, the plan is to rapidly slow the increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere and then get them to drop. The sooner the better. No, I will not explain the science to you, and I suspect you already knew the obvious answer to your question, so you are just trolling.
  6. I think Andrew Tate is the sort of man Trump would respect, so this could get interesting: https://aseannow.com/topic/1301403-trump-wants-to-execute-people-who-engage-in-human-trafficking/
  7. You don't convict based on "could be guilty". Even with a witness of unquestioned integrity testimony must be backed up by evidence to get a conviction. That's why so many "he said, she said" rape cases are dropped. Devon Archer is a convicted fraudster. He is a highly compromised witness. Without supporting evidence his testimony is worthless. Why do you find that difficult to grasp?
  8. Who knows? Perhaps he's being investigated in something illegal and attempting to cut a deal. Perhaps he thinks a media spotlight will benefit him. Regardless, his testimony without supporting evidence will be worthless.
  9. As disturbing as his fascination with his daughter is, I think a better indicator of his lack of character, integrity and family values is his fling with a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his son.
  10. My post immediately preceding this one addresses many of you comments.
  11. You don't need to continue to drive home your ignorance and lack of interest in the science of global warming; you have us convinced. No, we are not going to attempt to explain the science or explain how a carbon tax reduces demand for carbon intensive products, makes less carbon intensive products more competitive, and motivates research and investment in less carbon intensive alternatives. It's pointless to attempt to educate those who don't want to learn.
  12. I was replying to a post that said Archer would provide incriminating testimony about the Bidens. Since he is a convicted fraudster anything he states that is not backed up with additional evidence is not credible. That is on-topic.
  13. No mention of how or why the dog was killed. If it was accidentally run over and hidden because the driver realized he'd killed a popular animal the punishment was too severe. If it was intentionally killed out of psychotic cruelty the punishment was not severe enough.
  14. If the seat is empty people should be free to ask a flight attendant if it is ok to move to it. Otherwise you could have a free-for-all as people fight for a desirable open seat as soon as the Fasten Seatbelt sign goes off.
  15. I wasn't defending Hunter, I was pointing out that Devon Archer is not trustworthy.
  16. I'm curious. What do you think "the left" is doing about climate change and why is it ridiculous?
  17. If you can't trust a convicted fraudster like Devon Archer, who can you trust? https://nypost.com/2022/02/28/devon-archer-sentenced-for-role-in-hunter-biden-fraud-scheme/
  18. The fossil fuel industry, which is keen on denying global warming is a problem. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/09/oil-companies-discourage-climate-action-study-says/ https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/ https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/23/opinion/sunday/david-koch-climate-change.html
  19. I have my head firmly buried in the sand and I see no evidence of climate change. The sand is awfully hot though.
  20. Let's see; you think it's a good idea to commit an act of war against one of our neighbors (one which has a far more legitimate grievance against us, we're providing the guns the cartels use to kill Mexicans) in order to prevent the importation of a drug easily smuggled into the US in any number of ways. Does that sum it up?
  21. Tricky subject to comment about. I remember when LM was used very, very rarely and pardons usually followed. That has changed, and it hasn't been a change for the better.
  22. "Who has more monetary/military/personal resources? Not the Ukraine. So, who will win the war?" Is that how the Soviet Union defeated Afghanistan? "The "western" Taxpayers will be thrilled to hear that they will pay for the "rebuilding" of the Ukraine." The west can make the initial payments using assets seized from Russia then charge very heavy taxes on energy and any other Russian exports to cover future costs.
  23. What are you confused about? The original US Constitution allowed slavery, denied women and many others the vote, and used to Electoral College to keep those who were allowed to vote from electing anyone the those that considered themselves the elite of society from electing anyone these self-proclaimed elites considered unacceptable. Fortunately the Constitution allowed for change. Slavery was abolished and women given the vote. The states changed the rules on elections so the Electoral College no longer thwarts the stated will of the states' voters, but the smaller states did not give up their disproportionate influence in Presidential elections and the Senate. This has resulted in the disastrous Presidencies of W. Bush and Trump.
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