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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Merely pointing out the absurdity of the assumption that security cameras cover everywhere all the time, and the situational ethics of some posters here; if it happens under Biden's watch it's bad, if it happens under Trump's watch it's no big deal.
  2. You must be a serious anti-Trumper. He was a nonstop security incident.
  3. "Low on" and "Out of" are not the same. Ukraine doesn't have as much of any munitions as it would like, however the lack of progress by Russia indicates it's not completely out. It's also know that Ukraine has not committed its reserves to the offensive. An offensive does require a lot of munitions, which are probably being stockpiled now. In short, while Ukraine needs more, the situation is not as bleak as you presented it.
  4. When was the last time Trump promoted or "pushed" any vaccine? Do you think he'll be promoting vaccinations as part of his Presidential campaign?
  5. And I pointed out that there was an incident earlier that showed that security cameras don't cover everywhere all the time. So in summary, the cocaine was found in a high traffic area not fully covered by security cameras and without adequate fingerprints, DNA evidence or witnesses to tie it to anyone. Unless additional evidence is found (unlikely) there is nothing more to do. Well, nothing other than the wild speculation many people enjoy engaging in.
  6. Perhaps. Ukrainians have shown that they are very good at improvising effective weapons, among other things.
  7. Right. And he's the only on in the country, probably the only one in the world, who uses drugs. So obviously the coke belongs to Hunter.
  8. Right. No doubt one of those blood drinking pedophiles or one of the lizard people hid the evidence.
  9. I'm not sure who posted the laughing emoji, but my post was serious. Cluster bombs figured prominently in the 1991 Highway of Death in Iraq. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death They are very effective weapons.
  10. Since they didn't find out who was flushing documents down the toilet during the Trump administration (an act that would have been much more obvious than dropping a small bag of cocaine) it's safe to assume that there aren't cameras covering everything.
  11. Family members aren't required to sign the visitor logs. However if a Biden family member had been in that area in the days before the discovery, you may assume cameras would have picked it up and witnesses would have remembered it.
  12. Wait until there are enough of them to clear a few wide paths through Russian defenses.
  13. So the only difference would be that other countries would have boots on the ground in Ukraine. Doing this while not attacking Russia would make these soldiers easy targets for long range weapons just outside of Ukraine. Once again, some NATO member have a problem with that. I think Ukraine should be allowed to attack legitimate military targets in Russia. That, along with continued western support, should be enough to let Ukraine win the war. Then discussions about joining NATO can take place.
  14. Visitor logs show hundreds of people may have been there, forensics did not find sufficient DNA or fingerprints for analysis, and CCTV does not cover everything all the time. If it did we would know who was flushing documents down White House toilets. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/593645-wads-of-printed-paper-regularly-clogged-white-house-toilet-during/
  15. Do you think Qanon believers are sane? Or do you think they don't count as conservative?
  16. It also would require all NATO members to actively go to war against Russia. Some NATO members are uncomfortable with that.
  17. What is your source for your claim that Ukraine is out of air defense munitions and 155mm shells? If that is true, why isn't Russia taking advantage and using more of its air power? Another explanation of the lack of dramatic action is that Russia is exhausted and Ukraine is hoarding munitions while testing Russian defenses. Once enough munitions have been stockpiled Ukraine may unleash a massive push on one or more points of Russia's defensive lines. The cluster munitions could be very useful when that happens.
  18. It's a stretch to say that the US is directing Ukraine to fight for its survival. But it's kind of amusing to think that some people believe the US is fighting a proxy war against Russian imperialism.
  19. A lot of people say that, but I don't recall any legitimate news sources that definitively called the laptop "Russian disinformation". Do you have a link to such a source?
  20. Let's take a slightly closer look at your hodgepodge of sources: CNN and MSNBC--24 hour news networks that, like Fox, employ infotainment to keep ratings up. Washington Post--legitimate print news with clearly labeled opinion pieces CBS--entertainment network with some legitimate news programs. The View, Morning Joe--pundit television, much like the top rated Fox news programs. If you want to be informed use the legitimate news sources. If you're into that kind of entertainment you can watch the pundit programs, but don't confuse them with real news. That will make you look stupid and uninformed, as many posters here have demonstrated.
  21. So one bad dictator is replaced by another bad dictator, one who leaves Ukraine the same way the USSR left Afghanistan. Why do you think that would lead to Russia going nuclear?
  22. Fantasy. Negotiations? Like the kind that resulted in Ukraine giving up its Soviet nukes in return for security guarantees? Russia having no need to arm separatists? It never had the need, it had the desire to recreate the Soviet empire. Russia pulled from China's orbit? Russia is a corrupt petrol-state on the verge of failure. China is a rising super power that likes having a dependent Russia protecting its northern border. Russia has permanently delegated itself to junior partner status in the world order.
  23. Ukraine was never allowed to be neutral. In Putin's mind there is no such thing as Ukrainian neutrality, it is either under Russia's thumb or will be a western nation. NATO membership is the only option for Ukraine, but first it must expel all Russian forces from all Ukrainian territory.
  24. I assume you mean all the mines and other unexploded Russian ordnance. It will all have to be removed. Payment for that will have to be part of the negotiations.
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