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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. It's not easy being a Trump prosecutor. The number of crimes you have to choose from can be overwhelming. "A decision by then-President Donald Trump’s campaign to spend more than $1 million for two firms to study whether electoral fraud occurred in the 2020 election has become an increasing focus of federal and state investigators in recent weeks, according to people familiar with the matter." "Knowledge of the reports in recent months has given prosecutors new witnesses who have described exactly how theories about electoral fraud were debunked in writing, and have said that many campaign and White House advisers knew of the research. The 29-page report from Berkeley and Block’s research show that some of the claims had been debunked even before Trump’s advisers made them publicly." https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/06/05/trump-funded-studies-disputing-election-fraud-are-focus-two-probes/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most I hope someone can find a non-paywall link. It's an interesting read; Trump and company were told there early on by their own investigators that there was no evidence of fraud but chose to ignore it.
  2. The immigrants weren't in Florida. DeSantis used Florida taxpayer money to fly immigrants from Texas to California. If the immigrants were lured onto the plane under false premises then laws were broken. DeSantis is using Florida tax money to establish anti-immigrant cred as part of his Presidential campaign. It that isn't illegal, it should be.
  3. heybruce


    I just exchanged messages with the owner. It's the low season, things might be pretty quiet there and other places. I consider that a good thing, but not everyone agrees.
  4. heybruce


    Yawk Bar. Mostly 20 and 30 something customers. Older people welcome. The owner is Thai-American and cool. Turns into a sports bar during big events. A friendly hang-out. I liked it.
  5. heybruce


    I agree. Until you give people a better idea of what you want you are not helping your cause.
  6. heybruce


    I haven't been there for seven months. At the time, excluding a small bar owned by a friend of mine, by favorite was Yawk Bar in Santitham on Santitham road just a little south of the elephants. It is a casual open-air restaurant bar with a mix of Thai and foreign customers. I also recommend Khua Lek restaurant on the east side of the river near the Iron Bridge--good Thai food, mostly Thai customers but some foreigners. If you want a place that is more hi-so, touristy and expensive there is a big place on the west side of the river just across from Khua Lek. I don't remember its name but it's easy to spot from the bridge.
  7. heybruce


    You're still not being specific, but I'll assume you are not interested in gay bars, hooker bars, student bars and the Zoe in Yellow backpacker bar area. If these assumptions are correct they will narrow down the candidate night spots significantly. That still leaves expat bars, tourist bars, live music bars, pretty bars... More information on what you consider interesting nightlife will help others help you.
  8. heybruce


    At one extreme are people who think Chiang Mai means the old city, at the other extreme are those who think it means all of Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai is not a big city, but big enough so that walking from the CMU area to the river takes more time than most people want to invest. Also big enough so that traffic is slow and tedious. Specifying a specific part of Chiang Mai is helpful.
  9. Trump had no legislative accomplishments other than a deficit expanding tax cut.
  10. The possibility of a coup getting messy is a much bigger risk than of a US-China war spilling over into Thailand. The only precaution I ever took is keeping my passport and some cash in an accessible but secure place.
  11. If a man identifies as a woman that is an expression of sexuality, not a gender issue. If such a trans-woman wants to use the women's bathroom, that is a sexuality issue. How can you expect to have any sort of meaningful discussion with someone when you insist that your definitions of terms, not the dictionary definitions, are the definitions that must be used?
  12. heybruce


    Seriously? You can't even narrow it down to gay or straight? Tourist or local? Old or young clientele? Thai only or some English spoken?
  13. Can you give examples of leftists complaining about minor things and explain how that is woke? Probably not. Woke now is used almost entirely by conservatives as a very general slur. Presidential candidates use it the most. None of them give a definition.
  14. This side-bar nonsense began because you apparently think the greatest danger of "woke" is transgender men using women's restrooms. You have never been clear as to why that is such a big deal for you, and your follow-on posts have been getting vaguer but much more insistent that you are right about something, though I'm not sure what. I see no point in pursuing your obsession any further.
  15. I don't deny its existence, I deny that the people using it can give an accepted definition. Your definition is not an accepted definition, regardless of how highly you regard it. "Woke" is used as a non-specific pejorative by conservatives. It is not used that way be anyone else. That means it does not have an accepted definition. It's use by conservatives is as specific as "poopy-head" and equally immature.
  16. Why would I thank you for obfuscating? Here are accepted definitions: sexuality sĕk″shoo͞-ăl′ĭ-tē noun The quality of being sexual, especially sexual orientation and behavior. A manner of being sexual or engaging in sexual activity. Sexual activity. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. gender jĕn′dər noun A grammatical category, often designated as male, female, or neuter, used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms. The fact of being classified as belonging to such a category. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. If you go back to the origin of this sexuality vs gender debate, you stated that this discussion is about gender, not sexuality. However "woke" has nothing to do with biological sex or gender. Woke people are open minded about people's sexuality and how they express it, but don't deny the biology of gender. BTW: One's choice of restrooms to use is an expression of chosen sexual preference. Why don't you accept that and move on?
  17. Here are your definitions of woke from your post yesterday: Old definition (positive): Being aware of certain social/political/economic issues affecting certain marginalised and disadvantaged groups. (E.g. "He's cool, he's woke to the things that affect us.") New definition (negative): Trying to pander and virtue signal, making it appear that someone is trying to help the groups from the old definition but are actually doing so purely for personal gain. (E.g. "Go woke, go broke.") The only dictionary definition in your sources approximately agrees with your "Old definition". However the dictionary's attempt to offer a negative definition of "woke" suffers from the same problem as before; the word is used as a pejorative with no clear meaning. You claim the new definition of woke is "Trying to pander and virtue signal..." However you provide no evidence that your definition is the generally accepted definition. I can assure you that people who consider themselves woke don't agree with it. People who like to use woke as a pejorative might go along with it, but that does not make it the generally accepted definition.
  18. In other words; you have no source. You are stating your opinions as facts.
  19. Instead of you telling us what you think these terms mean and proceeding as if the issue is settled (it isn't), why don't you give definitions from a credible source? That would be something we could all work with.
  20. I'm still waiting for a commonly accepted "new meaning". One from a credible source, not one that represents you opinion of what "woke" means.
  21. You're afraid of "woke" because it might result in people with penises using woman's facilities? I agree that is a concern but it is a minor one that can be dealt with in a reasonable manner if people get past their hysteria on the subject. Identifying as a man, woman, or other is about sexuality. Or will you invent definitions that somehow segregates sexuality from gender?
  22. You gave a definition. Either you invented that definition or you have a source.
  23. "without any evidence"? What cases are you referring to? There is abundant evidence against Trump regarding stealing and mishandling classified, inciting an attack on the Capital, attempting to subvert election results by pressuring state officials and creating fraudulent electors, etc.
  24. I know that people can not communicate unless they agree on the meaning of the words they use.
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