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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Really? You couldn't see my sarcasm directed towards your at post? Clearly I'm more aware of the Mueller investigation than you are.
  2. I could not find any Mueller investigation into "Russian collusion". I did find a report titled "Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election" . If describes an investigation that found significant Russian interference. Is that the investigation you were referring to?
  3. It's the "strong evidence" part that is missing. That is explained in posts preceding yours.
  4. Rarely prosecuted because there are no penalties. The US Constitution and many of the laws pertaining to the Presidency were written under the assumption that US Presidents would be honorable men who wouldn't do certain things, especially break clearly written laws, because that would be dishonorable. Trump has shown what a bad assumption that was. Times have changed.
  5. There are no penalties or enforcement mechanisms for the Presidential Records Act. Perhaps this will change based on Trump's violation of the act. However for now there would be no reason to to include them in the charges.
  6. "My point is that Trump was allowed to have these documents under the PRA." Wrong. Where do you get this stuff? The PRA states the opposite: "Enacted November 4, 1978,[4] the PRA changed the legal ownership of the President's official records from private to public, and established a new statutory structure under which Presidents must manage their records. ...The law superseded the policy in effect during Nixon’s tenure that a president’s records were considered private property, making clear that presidential records are owned by the public. The PRA requires the President to ensure preservation of records documenting the performance of his official duties (44 U.S.C. § 2203(a)), provides for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to take custody and control of the records (44 U.S.C. § 2203(g)), and sets forth a schedule of staged public access to such records (44 U.S.C. § 2204)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Records_Act More succinctly: "Specifically, the PRA: Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office" https://www.archives.gov/presidential-libraries/laws/1978-act.html
  7. Why would an act defining ownership of documents supersede the Espionage Act? Good luck trying that argument in court.
  8. Unfortunately thinking Republicans have left the party or gone quiet, while people non-thinking people have flooded in. I don't see calling out Trump as being a winning strategy.
  9. I understand it, it's quite clear. I stand by my post.
  10. "all the others from Bill Clinton onwards should be long in jail as well" I won't attempt to defend George W. Bush, but what did Clinton, Obama and Biden do to deserve jail?
  11. Convincing evidence that Trump is a conman abounds. I have yet to see any credible evidence indicating that about Biden. Just to be clear, "Comer says...." doesn't count as convincing evidence.
  12. I don't know of anyone who was gracious about the Trump victory; Trump and his fans certainly weren't. However there is no equivalence between the objections to Trump's 2016 election and Trump's calling both the 2016 and 2020 elections fraudulent and fixed (starting before the vote took place both times), and attempting to overturn the 2020 election results using illegal means.
  13. Ok, I stand corrected. He violated the Presidential Records Act, which makes Presidential documents government property which he did not return once asked to do so (also known as stealing). However he was charged with violating the Espionage Act, which is much worse than stealing documents.
  14. Neither John Lewis nor Hillary Clinton denied the election outcome or tried to prevent the certification. They both had legitimate concerns about Russian interference (yes, it was real as explained in the Mueller report) but did nothing to prevent Trump from taking office. The behavior of Trump and his followers went beyond petulant; they actively and illegally sought to prevent the legal certification of a legitimate election. There is no comparing that with Democrats who complained about Russian interference.
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