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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I agree. The law should require that guns be properly secured at all times, especially in a house with children.
  2. According to some posters nurses are under-worked and overpaid, yet they are resigning in droves. Could it be that the anecdotal evidence presented by these posters doesn't accurately capture the big picture?
  3. While reading your post I couldn't help but think about how conservatives "paint" everyone who disagrees with them as woke.
  4. Bush was delusional. Regarding god, that superficial statement is a deep as I will go on the subject.
  5. I've attended many schools and none of them promised me a good job. Of course I've never attended a fraudulent university.
  6. What sane person would believe that a fraudster running a fake university should be President?
  7. Right. Just like he really wanted Trump University to give people a valuable education. ????
  8. Escaping legal jeopardy isn't the only reason. Look at all the money he's raked in, and will continue to rake in, from the suckers who believe him.
  9. Yes, half the nation (at least) recognize Trumps claims as BS. It's sad that the rest ignore the obvious.
  10. Aside from the fact that stealing government documents is a crime whether they are classified or not, the subject of your link is: "Declassification of Certain Materials Related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane Investigation". Classified relating to many other subjects were found at Mar-a-Lago.
  11. Trump stole government documents and refused to return them. Only the people who resist knowledge don't know that.
  12. Others who took government documents, many classified, and refused to return them? Who are these others?
  13. Inadvertent mishandling of classified is common and is usually dealt with by counseling, training, administrative measures and sometimes loss of a security clearance. Intentional retention of classified in a non-secure manner is a crime, made more so by refusing to return the documents when requested. People are prosecuted for that, as they should be. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I assume Patreus negotiated a deal in which he pleaded guilty and did not have to go to prison. It probably would have been difficult or impossible to prosecute him without revealing some of the TS he intentionally mishandled. What are the chances Trump will plead guilty?
  14. Agreed. Trump is a thief and a national security risk, and he has been treated far too leniently.
  15. Right....where is that memo? There was nothing to negotiate about. The documents were US government property, as per the Presidential Records Act. He never should have taken them. Once he was notified about them he should have returned them. Instead he chose to keep stolen property.
  16. A rational defendant would negotiate a plea: "Guarantee I don't serve time and I won't insist secrets be revealed in court." I assume that is what Gen Patreus did. I don't think "rational defendant" apples to Trump.
  17. "Millions of hard working Americans who just want to hold the unelected bureaucrats accountable!Thats what the declassified docs were all about imop" What declassified documents and how does holding Trump accountable for the theft of government documents have anything to do with unelected bureaucrats?
  18. To my knowledge Hunter Biden has not been charged, and certainly not prosecuted, for lying on a federal form. I assume that means the ruling would apply if he is.
  19. The laptop has nothing incriminating about President Biden and apparently nothing that prosecutors think is worth prosecuting against Hunter Biden. Claiming otherwise is disinformation.
  20. No, I have never asked "departed loved ones", or any other dead people for advice. I find it odd that you think that's normal. The "demented 80 year old" has gotten more done in two years than Trump did in four. Don't bother asking what, start following the news.
  21. Literally caught with the goods in clear violation of the law and he insists that he did nothing wrong. The saddest part is that his base will believe him.
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