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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Show us the statements where Trump was called illegitimate in full context. Obama attended Trump's nomination, Trump didn't attend Biden's. What would you call falsely claiming massive voter fraud, nominating fake electors and pressuring the Vice President to illegally refuse to certify a legitimate election?
  2. Using Trump logic that means the 2016 election was stolen. Of course Trump logic only applies when it benefits Trump.
  3. Loud and proud cynicism. It's useless and annoying but a great way to feel morally superior while avoiding any answers or responsibility.
  4. Doesn't matter, Pheu Thai didn't win and Thaksin wasn't a candidate. Who's that brilliant autocrat that you think is better qualified than the people's choice? Who's that brilliant autocrat that you think is better qualified than the people's choice? Who's that brilliant autocrat that you think is better qualified than the people's choice? Maybe if I ask the most important question three times you'll stop dodging it. But probably not. I'm stating facts, you are dodging them.
  5. Thaksin's name was not on any ballot. So you have no reply to any part of my post. Most notably, you can't name anyone you think is better qualified to run the government than those elected.
  6. Selective in what way? Can you name any other person who stole government property, including highly classified material, refused to return it and was not prosecuted for that crime?
  7. What leaders does your preferred political system result in? Who specifically do you think is better qualified to run the country than the people's choice?
  8. So you think ignorance of the law is an excuse, even though he had been President for four years, was surrounded by lawyers and advisers, and signed into law increased penalties for mishandling classified. And what about after he was told the documents were government property and he had to return them, but didn't?
  9. Thaksin? He wasn't a candidate and the party affiliated with him didn't win the election. And Prayut is....? A progressive manifesto that clearly has far more support than the coup leaders.
  10. "Biden who has done basically exactly the same as trump with documents and not a sausage of a prosecution by the DOJ and FBI" Really? Did Biden refuse to return documents, attempt to hide them, show classified to uncleared people, etc.? If not, stop lying.
  11. The Presidential Record Act make it clear that the documents Trump stole are government property, but you claim that is not a chargeable offense. Please explain.
  12. It's not a hard sale to believe a former President can not steal documents, keep highly classified information in a resort open to anyone with money, show classified to people without security clearances, refuse to return the documents and interfere with legal efforts to retrieve the documents.
  13. The late great Merle Haggard. Thanks for that. "And I turned twenty-one in prison doin' life without parole No one could steer me right but Mama tried, Mama tried Mama tried to raise me better, but her pleading, I denied That leaves only me to blame 'cause Mama tried" Mama Tried Merle Haggard
  14. I was referring to "the laptop was disinformation: part of you post; I never said that the laptop was disinformation. The rest of my post made it clear that I was referring to the laptop part of your post. Try to improve your reading comprehension.
  15. "Chiang Mai Police stated that the suspects had been hired by investors to encroach upon the forest reserve areas" Will the investors be arrested?
  16. I never claimed democracy is perfect, just better than the alternatives. I hear repeatedly about vote buying, but have never been presented proof that it exists or that it benefits one party over any other. Voters are sometimes conned. They can learn from the experience. The best thing about democracy is that it provides a peaceful way to remove incompetent and corrupt leaders. Autocracy does not provide that. You are also western. You present no proof of vote buying. I stand by my words.
  17. "The reason is because you are trying to hold onto your (diminishing) hegemony and to continue to prop up the MIC which is the real ruling elite." It's becoming increasingly clear that you are a fan of hyperbole and paranoid conspiracy theories. The US is in east Asia and other places because it is the leading economic and military power among a community of nations that wish to maintain a rules based world order that respects nation's borders and human rights. Russia, China and many other nations hate the idea of having to respect borders and human rights. They prefer a more anarchistic "might makes right" system where they can go wherever the opposition is weak and take whatever they want.
  18. It is obvious that you get your views from text books and debating westerners, not from living and dealing with a variety of Thai people and learning what they think and want. I don't want any country imposing its values, culture, government, economic system or anything else on Thailand. I want the Thai people, meaning all the Thai people not just the "elites", choosing what is best for their country.
  19. If the autocracy were benevolent and competent there would not be majority support for ending it.
  20. I posted this on another topic, but it's good enough to post twice: "Donald Trump spent the day before his historic appearance in federal court scrambling to find a qualified Florida lawyer willing to join his defense team as he faces the Justice Department’s first prosecution of a former president." "Several prominent Florida attorneys declined to take Trump on as a client after two of the key lawyers handling the documents matter — Jim Trusty and John Rowley — resigned last week, according to people familiar with the matter." "Trusty and Rowley’s departure was sudden and unexpected, leaving Trump jockeying to identify a lawyer ahead of his Tuesday appearance in federal court in Miami, where rules require practicing attorneys to be a member in good standing of the Florida bar or to be sponsored by one before appearing." https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/12/trump-documents-lawyer/
  21. So all Trump needs is a good lawyer. Could be a problem: "Donald Trump spent the day before his historic appearance in federal court scrambling to find a qualified Florida lawyer willing to join his defense team as he faces the Justice Department’s first prosecution of a former president." "Several prominent Florida attorneys declined to take Trump on as a client after two of the key lawyers handling the documents matter — Jim Trusty and John Rowley — resigned last week, according to people familiar with the matter." "Trusty and Rowley’s departure was sudden and unexpected, leaving Trump jockeying to identify a lawyer ahead of his Tuesday appearance in federal court in Miami, where rules require practicing attorneys to be a member in good standing of the Florida bar or to be sponsored by one before appearing." https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/12/trump-documents-lawyer/
  22. "Still, all speculation until the evidence comes. If it comes exists..." With that small change I agree with the statement.
  23. I don't recall ever saying that. If I remember correctly, the FBI said it bore the earmarks of Russian disinformation, and I have no reason to doubt them. Also, after all this time, I have no reason to believe that there was anything to incriminate President Biden on the laptop. If there had it would have been acted upon by now. Of course the right likes to take hyperbole to the point of outright lying.
  24. You clearly don't want the Thai people to choose their government. The traditions you claim to like are of autocracy and corruption. So I stand by my translation.
  25. The reason there isn't regional instability in east Asia is because the US is sailing warships in international waters. However if you can get South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and all the ASEAN countries to make it clear they don't want the US here we will depart and save ourselves a lot of money and trouble.
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