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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. The danger of what? Are you afraid of people being honest about their sexuality?
  2. When I asked where your new definition came from, I meant give a source. Do you expect us to believe that you are in charge of defining words?
  3. The FY 2021 budget was approved when Trump was in office. Biden can only claim FY22 and after.
  4. You know? Can you give us a generally accepted definition? If not, can you please tell us how the word is consistently used now? Consistency is key. We can't have two different definitions of a commonly used word, can we?
  5. OK, uh, wow! Do you really want to give people that much insight into your priorities?
  6. Agreed. However it is still embarrassing to admit that I agree with Trump on anything. At least I can disagree on the 50% figure. I don't know of anyone who uses "woke" who can give an accepted definition of the term. Other than the past tense of "wake", of course.
  7. The final two sentences are interesting: "Judge Howell’s memorandum compelling Mr. Corcoran to answer questions in front of a grand jury and to produce his notes described the lawyer as essentially a casualty of Mr. Trump’s months of gamesmanship with investigators and National Archives officials about returning the documents, according to a person familiar with the memo’s contents." "As The New York Times reported in April, Judge Howell wrote in the memorandum, according to the person familiar with its contents, that Mr. Trump’s earlier actions and “misdirection” of archives officials’ efforts to retrieve what turned out to be more than a dozen boxes of records were a “dress rehearsal” for the May subpoena." Trump's game playing has caught up with him.
  8. Except Russia is the only one stumbling in Ukraine.
  9. Not nearly as much as when Trump was President.
  10. Trump was eating out of the hands of Putin and Kim. The US and the rest of the world got nothing in exchange.
  11. "The Mar a Logo classified docs affair turned out to be a dud." Really? It looks like that case is moving along and looking worse for Trump as it progresses. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-06-01/doj-classified-documents-case-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-jack-smith https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-s-mar-a-lago-classified-documents-investigation-concluded-he-will-go-to-jail/ar-AA1bDRSw https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/26/trump-classified-documents-workers-moved-boxes
  12. What do they have to hide? Confidential sources, undercover agents, identities of people not charged with a crime, operating details of an ongoing investigation, etc. Stuff like that.
  13. Your source says labor accounts for 27.7% of the cost for fruit farms and 23.1% of the cost for vegetables. That is a significant amount. It also states that the amount of land used to grow fruits and vegetables is decreasing while imports are increasing, that 57% of farm laborers are immigrants with 31% being undocumented immigrants, and that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find people willing to do this kind of work. Getting rid of the immigrants and trying to attract US citizens into these jobs will require much higher pay and better working conditions, greatly increasing costs and accelerating the decline in US agricultural. People have been trying for years to develop machines that can recognized and pick ripe fruits and vegetables without damaging them without success. Currently the labor market in the US is extremely tight, contributing to high inflation. Getting rid of immigrants will further raise labor costs and inflation, while also increasing food imports and increasing the trade deficit. There is no getting around the fact that these immigrants are very good for the US economy. That is why the politically popular immigrant bashing never results in meaningful action against those that hire them.
  14. I've also done field labor and other dirty jobs. Young people today who want to work can find easier jobs with better work conditions, better pay and closer to home--most young people no longer live in rural areas. Is it wrong for these young people to pass on farm labor and take better jobs?
  15. Guess what? In other nations, including Thailand, immigrants do the most unpleasant of the agricultural, factory, and service jobs. Japan, not a big agricultural nation, is the exception. Paying wages and providing benefits that would motivate US citizens to work long days of stoop labor under a hot sun would either drive food prices through the roof or bankrupt US farmers as consumers switch to imported foods.
  16. Your first sentence is a pretty feeble deflection. Was it ever unclear that we are discussing children in the US? Regarding the rest: Show me where Trump proposed to eliminate birthright citizenship only for those who come to the US specifically to give birth. Show me where Trump has ever passed on an opportunity to demonize immigrants, other than the eastern European ones he marries and those from Norway.
  17. Did Sen. Grassley provide any specific examples and evidence? I thought not.
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