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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Ok, I'll state the obvious: Children with no means of support should be cared for by the systems all rich countries have that care for indigent children. The US has such systems. These systems are paid for with tax money. Children are cared for by society until they reach a productive age, then the relationship is usually reversed. That's how human society has always worked. Immigrants are net contributors to the US economy and do many jobs US citizens don't wish to do. The US economy, starting with the farming and service industries, would collapse without immigrants. Demonizing them and their children is not only morally wrong it is bad for the US. Trump probably knows this. He's making noise for his base and promising to do things he can't do. His base loves it.
  2. Yes, the baby should be entitled to health care. All babies should. Aren't expats people who have gone country shopping?
  3. As has been explained, it's not the law, it's the US Constitution. If you can't grasp the significance of that there is no point in further discussion.
  4. 1. Prove that "most americans want it changed". 2. Rational people from across the political spectrum would be happy to improve the immigration laws. However we recognize that immigrant scapegoating is too popular with irrational elected officials to ever get anything accomplished.
  5. Irrelevant. Kenya is an African nation. The first President who was not a white male was also the first President accused of being a non-citizen and therefore unqualified for office. The accusation was so blatantly false that all evidence that Barrack Obama was born in Honolulu was ignored and false evidence had to be created. And gullible people by the millions eagerly believed it. If you don't think that was racist, you don't have a clue. Trump was and is an extremely divisive racist.
  6. I assume Russia is trying to deplete Ukraine's reserve of anti-air munitions. I also assume Ukraine won't let that happen.
  7. I'm not a fan of Lindsey, but being on Putin's sh*t list is a point in his favor.
  8. Ooh...Don Jr is going after him. I bet DeSantis is terrified. ????????????
  9. Trump promises an executive order that overrules the US Constitution. Is he that stupid, or does he assume his base is so stupid as to believe he can do that?
  10. From your first source, which was reported in "msm": 'The FBI, though, said Tuesday evening it remains committed to cooperating with Congress, and will provide access to the document "in a format and setting that maintains confidentiality and protects important security interests and the integrity of FBI investigations."' From your second source: '“We’re gonna see whether or not tomorrow, Jesse, Joe Biden was telling the truth when he said that his family never received any money from China. We’re gonna see tomorrow whether or not Joe Biden knew about his family’s business dealings, which we know that he said several times that he didn’t. So, I think tomorrow is going to be judgment day for the Biden administration, the Biden White House,” Comer added. " "We're gonna see tomorrow..." That was more than two months ago. Apparently tomorrow never came.
  11. It goes beyond grade 3: "For Grades 4 through 12, instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity is prohibited unless such instruction is either expressly required by state academic standards ... or is part of a reproductive health course or health lesson for which a student’s parent has the option to have his or her student not attend," according to the amendment." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/called-dont-gay-rules-expanded-12th-grade-florida/story?id=98691183
  12. That part is ok. But everybody knows that mythical half-human creatures must be half heterosexual caucasion humans. Anything else is woke and therefore unacceptable.
  13. Racial division has been in the country since before it was a country. However the birthers who propagated the born in Kenya lie stoked it to levels that had not been seen for a while. Trump became the most prominent of the birther liars.
  14. When all else fails, complain that the investigation is going on too long.
  15. So neither you nor Trump can say what Disney has done to earn the title of "woke". Got it.
  16. "In general, these kind of umbrella organizations that try to do too many jobs manage only to do ALL of them poorly. " I agree. So why do you want to expand the already broad and complicated job of the military to include stopping people who want to pick crops or escape gangs or despots?
  17. Please do tell us about this young earth theory. Be sure to reference your sources.
  18. What is the inconsistency in the theory of evolution? How does your link says nothing about that. Do you understand that there is a difference between cosmology and evolution?
  19. Once again, exactly how is Disney getting involved in politics? Why can't you answer that?
  20. Actually the mission of the US Department of Defense is "to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security." https://www.defense.gov/About/ People seeking jobs or asylum are not regarded as a security threat. If you want to return border control to Customs and Immigration you will need to greatly increase their budgets and positions; in other words move the people doing that job from Homeland Security to the new positions. I don't see any budget savings there.
  21. Ok; what exactly did Disney do to cause you to accuse them of "shoehorning "the message" into every bit of content they create"? How are "They are now a political - and therefore divisive - company." You accuse Disney in generalities. Give us specifics, if you can.
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