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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Wow. That equates to 0.025% of the estimated cost of the project. https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/infrastructure/593755-price-rises-again-for-california-high-speed/
  2. Interesting, I'll give you that. Are you aware that the Department of Homeland Security is responsible for border security? It appears you are advocating open borders.
  3. Clearly you've bought the DeSantis line that Disney is woke and therefore evil. I'll bet you don't know what Disney did that is considered woke and evil, do you?
  4. Maybe. Or maybe any Belarusian soldiers used as cannon fodder by Putin would immediately surrender or turn and fight Russia if they are sent across the border.
  5. The man who promised there would be no coup promised to go back to the constitution he dissolved after he staged a coup. Not really a credible promise, especially since no one put it in writing.
  6. The protests against the fixed 2020 Belarus election and the heavy handed response necessary to quell it leads me to think that swallowing Belarus following the death of Lukashenko might not be that easy.
  7. Spoiler alert: Legally there is a huge difference between inadvertently possessing classified and returning it immediately once it is identified and knowingly possessing classified and refusing to return it.
  8. What happened to the Republican Party that opposed government interference with businesses?
  9. If the science education included proper use of the word "theory" it either would have taught evolution or neglected an important part of the science education.
  10. The California High Speed Rail project is a state program. Why are you using a state program to argue against federal spending in one post then suggesting state programs should not be part of the argument in another?
  11. "Use it or lose it" spending at the end of a budget year has been part of all levels of government for as long as anyone can remember, and is common in every large organization including for-profit businesses. It's idiotic but no one can seem to figure out how to get rid of it.
  12. You think spending to maintain bridges and highways and increase the power grid to handle increased loads is not investing? Most people would disagree.
  13. Let me guess: You want spending cut but you won't identify where you would cut significant spending, enough to actually make a meaningful dent in the deficit. Correct?
  14. Being executor of an estate is not the same as ownership, and his status as executor was reported as required. Examples of democracies that have elected unqualified leaders are plentiful, but that's off-topic.
  15. As has been pointed out, the shares are part of his father's estate and he is the executor. Does an executor to an estate own that estate and all that is in it? Can an executor dispose of shares in the estate? Is it legally possibly and culturally acceptable for a son to transfer executor responsibilities to another person? Was there another person who could have acted as executor who was sufficiently distant from Pita so as not to result in claims that the transfer wasn't really a transfer? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I suspect the answer to "Does an executor to an estate own that estate and all that is in it?" is "No."
  16. A referendum that was a choice between a military written constitution and the promise of elections or continued military rule without elections. And a constitution that was modified immediately after it was "confirmed" at the request of you know who.
  17. How many of those countries also ban candidates from owning shares in media companies?
  18. That's not what the article says. It says: "The judge said a heritage manager is not considered a holder of shares and only has the power to vote for directors during ordinary shareholder meetings." "“However, Pita’s name in ITV’s shareholders’ list was missing the phrase ‘in the capacity of heritage manager’ so it could be construed that he was a shareholder and not a heritage manager,” said the judge." "The judge added that the missing phrase can however be seen as an error in printing."
  19. I'm calling BS on that one. Provide a source. Or was that an attempt at humor?
  20. Still no evidence the US asked for a military base in Thailand. But why let facts get in the way of a "US bad" rant.
  21. Yes. It is a violation of the Presidential Records Act. Trump was informed of this and still refused to return documents that didn't belong to him. You really need a better news source if you were unaware of this.
  22. "Evolution is a theory ........ as in not proven." I gave you an accepted definition of "theory", under which evolution is proven. You have ignored it. Why don't you give us your definition of "theory"? Then we can debate this. While you're at it, tell us what kind of proof you think is necessary to prove evolution.
  23. From the article: '“After the 2020 election and the attack of January 6th, my fellow Republicans wanted me to lie. They wanted me to say the 2020 election was stolen, the attack of January 6th wasn’t a big deal, and Donald Trump wasn’t dangerous,” Cheney said. “I had to choose between lying and losing my position in House leadership.”' Does anyone dispute her claims? She refused to lie about the election and insurrection and was made an outcast by the Republican Party for telling the truth.
  24. theory thē′ə-rē, thîr′ē noun A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena. The branch of a science or art consisting of its explanatory statements, accepted principles, and methods of analysis, as opposed to practice. A set of theorems that constitute a systematic view of a branch of mathematics. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. Evolution is a theory, which means it explains all observed facts. Creation is a myth.
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