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Jim Blue

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Everything posted by Jim Blue

  1. If you consider the other religions Xmas Lent , Ramadan they all have some element of happiness and joy .But Songkran , which translates as water wars is just that. A WAR !
  2. How un-American !
  3. Air Asia already booked... Back 20 th.!
  4. Well James the US has many faults but giving away money freely without checking, business wise , is not one of them I assure you !
  5. James that article is from 2015 ? .Where have you been ?
  6. Your probably right , perhaps we shouldn't take these things so seriously. .Maybe he was just taking the piss on his Moscow trip !
  7. Thanks Guderian one of the best kept secrets ...
  8. So how exactly does a comedian get to be so rich so quickly ? After all it took Trump 40 years and several "mishaps " to get where he is ?
  9. Well he did say all those years ago that the UN is not his father ...all very complicated !
  10. Wonder if the new 300 baht tourist travel fee will cover these cases?
  11. I think it means being carted off to a Gulag !
  12. My mother always told me to try and cut it down to 4 packs a day !
  13. I always find that after the wine ,women and song there isn't much left for multi million crypto scams !
  14. Wat I think the opposite ,unless he has high friends ,which seems unlikely he will soon face a very "streamlined" system of justice ...unlike in the West.
  15. Authoritarianism ,big word Yagoda but what does it mean?
  16. Bet Angela Joli wishes she had never started all this ......
  17. The similar ad I have seen around is for a Proton.Not exactly considered a premier brand in Thailand .
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