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  1. Not sure where to post this to be honest, there appears to be a million forums, but the "Electrical" forum seems to have disappeared, swamped no doubt by "Weed" forums, and another 999999 other topics. Never mind, maybe someone here has some experience in EGAT Electric meters and their availability. Long long time ago I had an issue with voltage drop from my meter and the consumer panel when using my electric (10KW) water heater. We are hooked up to the meter which is a 15A / 45A meter, but were down to about 170 VAC, with our standard setup. Crossey suggested that we add a couple of pigtails to our cable from the meter and then double up the aluminium cables to the consumer unit to get better current flow. Well, that worked fine for about 3 years until we apparently destroyed EGAT's electric meter - which they replaced free of charge - but were really pissed about me doubling up the cables - but that the hell.... I sae an article recently where a guy mentioned that he had upgraded from the 15/45A meter to a newer 30/100 A supply. I am interested to hear if anyone here is using this supply and is it a unique or different set of feed conductors that supply this power from EGAT or is there a need for 3 phase or an uprated supply? - I asked our local EGAT guy and he hadn't even heard of 30/100A. From what I can gather, all charges for the monthly rental and the unit cost of the electric is exactly the same as 15/45 - Anyone pitch in and shed some light on this and its availability? Be nice to get upgraded before I burn out another of EGAT's meters. Thanks!
  2. and wherever they go and whatever they do and wherever they are......<deleted> will not be far behind them!
  3. Thanks!
  4. Heaven? Oh boy how I miss having to queue up in the yard outside at 1AM j7ust to make sure of an appointment ticket - lovely chill in the air around Feb and March!
  5. Hi, I noticed that Thai immigration are using Central Festival as a second office in Chiang Mai - Does anyone know if it is possible to get my 1 year Thai Wife / Family extension renewed there or do I still have to visit HELL near the airport? Thanks.
  6. Indeed! Mouthing out with only half the story.
  7. Just a quick one, does anyone know of any competent plasterboard, gyprock guys up in the San Patong / Hang Dong area? The Bluak have eaten all the bonding paper off mine and it is falling around my ears and will probably kill someone if a big enough chunk drops off. There appears to be a couple of locals here that claim to be able to do the job, but I have seen their work and a 5 year old with glue and plasticine would have put them to shame. Not looking for Michaelangelo, just competence that can do a decent job, any info would be gratefully appreciated as always....20 odd years here and I still cannot find (or my wife says she cannot find) anyone - one of the problems living in the sticks when all the young people leave and get better jobs. They do need to be a bit fit as some of the boards are about 6M up, can't do it these days with my rotten arteries and buckled legs.
  8. Lost 340000...... how much were people paying for this crap? Burn Your Dreams and your home and garage!
  9. While I totally understand the unfairness of this policy, I really cannot for the life of me understand how in less than 6 months (not even due an annual increase) this Brit guy can go from expecting to be living in "Paradise" into a "Financial Nightmare" Hell, the yearly increase is probably less than a tenner! Must be living on a knife edge. At least you can enjoy what is left of paradise rather than having to suffer the horrors of living in that Shi%hole that once was "Great Britain" I might be wrong but I think you can return to the UK and have your pension re-linked back to the normal system..... nothing to stop you leaving again.
  10. It's like watching Buster Keaton and the Keystone Cops!
  11. Check how your meter is actually "read" - Ours used to be manually by EGAT, but for about the last 5 years they use an electronic scan tool - If it has been left connected for 4 years, check thew meter size (5 Amp or 15 Amp) as again for the past few years if you use under a certain amount on the 5 Amp meter it is FREE! If it is on a 15 Amp for 4 years - as calculated by another poster, I think 348 / Mnth is not expensive. Electric bills have shot up over the last few years, we use roughly the same power every month and has gone from about 2000 Month to over 4000 and no air con either!
  12. It has never been an issue before - But I just ran msconfig and did selective startup with minimal drivers etc. and it is working fine, none of the antivirus programs find anything and I have tried a few. But it looks more like some sort of Malware rather than something like a Rootkit. I just need to try and find when it activates and hopefully not a fresh install. The radio is either British or USA so I doubt it will bother me in Chiang Mai - Thanks for the suggestions.
  13. Something really strange seems to be happening when trying to play audio via Realtek 1st or 2nd outputs (both 3.5mm jacks) It almost feels like something is hijacking these in/outs. (USB audio is fine) When I boot the PC, before it even gets to the Windows screen, there appears to be an internet radio station that begins playing continuously - very quiet, and almost seems like it is trying to play via the onboard "beeper" speaker. The radio station is always the same one. The jacks were working as normal for the past week, but the internet station was beginning to become audible. I have done my virus scans - Defender and Malware Bytes and they detect nothing - But as I say, the radio station has already started playing before the Windows 11 lock screen appears. I reset the BIOS to defaults, but it is as if it has already been captured. I know the speakers are good as they both work fine on USB. I can understand a fault with the MB, but what on earth is causing the radio station starts playing, anyone got any ideas thanks!
  14. What really pisses me off is the total hypocrisy here, they treat animals like <deleted>! Where I am they are still eating dogs at the local noodle joints, they are exporting lorry loads of dogs to Vietnam where they are certainly not going to be pets, but the government try to paint this pathetic facade that they "care" about animal welfare! All their new laws about animal protection, where you probably get a stiffer sentence for killing a cat than raping a baby is just sickening. I would gladly whack these dogs in the arse with a slingshot to scare them off but I couldn't hit a barn door at 3 foot with one of those and probably either end up taking my fingers off or hitting the animal at some random point that might cause a load of unnecessary grief. At least with the airguns I can get a good clean shot, i.e. pick out either lethal or non lethal points the size of a 1 Baht coin at 40 yards depending upon the situation. I am not into making them suffer, otherwise I could just use the poison that the local "Animal Lovers" put out that takes hours for the animal to die in agony. If the locals love their animals so much why don't they feed them properly so that they are not on the scrounge all night for food scraps? Why don't they put them on a leash at night so they don't get run over whilst lying in the middle of the road in the middle of the night? Cause they only pay lip service to what they think takes them out of being a third world banana republic, it allows them to think they have entered the 20th century without actually doing anything!

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