Why not take an alternative approach and simply allow them to enter and live here? It seems extremely "Racist" and "Islamaphobic" to prevent these poor people the right to destroy every country and culture exactly how they please.
Welcoming thousands of these people to Thailand's shores will provide much needed diversity, bringing prosperity, multiculturism to this country - Yes, there are the odd negatives like the Rapes and the bombs.....a small price to pay - I mean just look at Britain - such cultural enrichment and ethnic diversity has done wonders to transform cities like London, Birmingham and Leeds into a rich mixing bowl of grooming gangs, stabbings, rape, child molestation, what more could you ask for?
Personally, I wouldn't make a fuss too much about fake documents and forged papers, it is a simple task for the Thai Embassy in Pakistan to simply bin every single application for visas straight into the bin - simple - solved! Probably worth binning all visa applications from India too as they are another wonderful people to have visiting en masse.