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  1. They cannot win whatever they do, it will never be good enough for the holier than thou Thais!
  2. Wonder if anyone knows what the score is here with Stihl round files for sharpening a chainsaw chain? I am running a semi-chisel 3/8 pitch chain, this according to Stihl requires a 3/64" / 5.2mm round file. However, when ordering a spare 3/64" file from Stihl, it comes marked as 3/64" / 5.0mm. (0.2mm undersize - with the next size up bein 7/32" / .404 / 5.5mm) I also use the Stihl 2 in 1 sharpener and when I opened it up it has round files marked up as 13/64" and 5.2mm - the correct size! When I measure the files with a micrometer, they are both 5.0mm! This sizing of the files is apparently critical to getting the correct angle and cut to make the cutters sharpened correctly, so which is it to be then? Is 13/64" / 5.0 mm correct or is 13/64" / 5.2 mm correct? I am confused, but trying to get a response from Stihl is a waste of time, anyone running a 3/8" Chain from Stihl, if so what size round file are you using? Thanks!
  3. Just who comes up with their pathetic slogans then translates it into English? 5 year olds could come up with something more appropriate than "Police For People" - WTF is it supposed to mean?
  4. Strange how they decided to name their campaign in English, obviously because "Thai People Would Never Do That!" Imagine the uproar if the cops in the UK put up a slogan in Urdu or Chinese?
  5. Agree, my frying pan from Tefal took a dive after 5 weeks - overpriced junk - You have to be careful though as there is a knock off brand aimed at dyslexics, it is branded "TAFEL" Seagull are not too bad for the price, some of the Meyer pans are quite good. I was given a set of Zwilling pans (Central Festival Chiang Mai) with a 50% discount, really nice and well made, but a bit pricey if there is no discount.
  6. Goodness, not some foreign tourist fight....you mean the gunfire was from locals!!! How strange, how unusual.
  7. SCB? You will be lucky - I cannot even get their damn update machines to update my passbook! I have tried about 5 different machines and none of them work - It either gives a "Magnetic Strip Error" or a "Page Flip Error" and if I persist in retrying, the machines go into lockdown mode after about 10 attempts. Bankbook is new, magnetic strip reads fine at the bank via a teller, works fine in the machine outside the bank in the mall (machines are in pristine condition - indoors, well cleaned etc. - Go out into the real world and most of the machines are at the side of the road in the open air, maybe they collect dust, who knows, but they just do not work! So hope for an automated statement is probably asking for the impossible. As the previous poster stated, you can call into your SCB bank and they will print off a statement for 200 Baht, there on the spot. Anyone have any success updating your passbooks?
  8. The banks do give a flying F4#@ in the UK - my crooked HSBC bank in the UK know full well I live in Thailand but are quite happy to allow me (or turn a blind eye) to me using a relatives address - Bankers only care about the money!
  9. and did the flight to Phuket make an "emergency" landing at any other airport other than its actual destination? Another storm in a teacup or trouble underneath the coconut shell of Thailand.
  10. Why not take an alternative approach and simply allow them to enter and live here? It seems extremely "Racist" and "Islamaphobic" to prevent these poor people the right to destroy every country and culture exactly how they please. Welcoming thousands of these people to Thailand's shores will provide much needed diversity, bringing prosperity, multiculturism to this country - Yes, there are the odd negatives like the Rapes and the bombs.....a small price to pay - I mean just look at Britain - such cultural enrichment and ethnic diversity has done wonders to transform cities like London, Birmingham and Leeds into a rich mixing bowl of grooming gangs, stabbings, rape, child molestation, what more could you ask for? Personally, I wouldn't make a fuss too much about fake documents and forged papers, it is a simple task for the Thai Embassy in Pakistan to simply bin every single application for visas straight into the bin - simple - solved! Probably worth binning all visa applications from India too as they are another wonderful people to have visiting en masse.
  11. Thanks for that link to the document!
  12. Agree, blue book was all that I ever needed - Not sure if you can use it, but if you have a Thai Driving Licence, this will have your address on the back - older versions will only be in Thai script (which you can get a certified translation) or newer licences have your address in English too.
  13. If it were my place (yes, I know it's not) but I really would leave it alone. These little beauties eat loads and loads of real pests! They will munch through any amount of flies and mozzies, not to mention real nasties like the Jakep - the Tok Taws at our place can eat live Jakeps that are bigger than they are, and I would rather have a Tok Taw in my place than a Jakep! The only downside to them is that when they get large, they can often take a dump the likes of which a small child would be proud to own - No real problem up in a loft, but if they come roomside, it can make a bit of a mess especially if it lands on your truck! Also, it is best not to touch them - I grabbed a rather large one that had found its way into our wardrobe - (Beer Bravado) one night, bugger played dead for a minute or so then nearly took my thumb off - quite a bite they have too!
  14. Not sure where to post this to be honest, there appears to be a million forums, but the "Electrical" forum seems to have disappeared, swamped no doubt by "Weed" forums, and another 999999 other topics. Never mind, maybe someone here has some experience in EGAT Electric meters and their availability. Long long time ago I had an issue with voltage drop from my meter and the consumer panel when using my electric (10KW) water heater. We are hooked up to the meter which is a 15A / 45A meter, but were down to about 170 VAC, with our standard setup. Crossey suggested that we add a couple of pigtails to our cable from the meter and then double up the aluminium cables to the consumer unit to get better current flow. Well, that worked fine for about 3 years until we apparently destroyed EGAT's electric meter - which they replaced free of charge - but were really pissed about me doubling up the cables - but that the hell.... I sae an article recently where a guy mentioned that he had upgraded from the 15/45A meter to a newer 30/100 A supply. I am interested to hear if anyone here is using this supply and is it a unique or different set of feed conductors that supply this power from EGAT or is there a need for 3 phase or an uprated supply? - I asked our local EGAT guy and he hadn't even heard of 30/100A. From what I can gather, all charges for the monthly rental and the unit cost of the electric is exactly the same as 15/45 - Anyone pitch in and shed some light on this and its availability? Be nice to get upgraded before I burn out another of EGAT's meters. Thanks!
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