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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. The proof is in the pudding but I am sure the vast majority of economists think (a hard) Brexit will hurt the UK most. But sure, the EU (especially Ireland, The Netherlands, Belgium and France) will also suffer damage.

    All the more reason why Brexit is such a stupid idea.

    Would these be the same economists scaremongering project fear and we're proved wrong.


    Proof in the pudding is the EU desperate for continued city of London access, due to the domino affect of talent, investment and infrastructur.


    LAstly, Europe's business & industries don't want a hard Brexit either, for example just ask Germany.....


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  2. I am not suggesting that anything he does in this respect is illegal. Whether it is moral for politicians to benefit is another question, especially given the ability of the government to influence the policy and legislation that makes it legal. But ultimately it comes down to ideology and where you think is a fair balance for the burden of taxation on the population.
    I must admit, however, that my knowledge of how these schemes work is limited, never having been in a position to take advantage of them. But it makes me wonder why some seem to escape scrutiny while others fall foul of the law -  the outcry over Jimmy Carr's tax saving efforts, for example. Did he simply choose the wrong tax avoidance vehicle? Anyway - off topic.
    In simple terms, choose your tax advisor/IFA carefully and wisely.

    The UK, especially London has been known and highlighted for years for its business & corporate capabilities, other areas are questionable agreed.

    The EU is desperate for CoL access as nothing within Europe comes close to being a rival....Brussels need less focus on autocratic policies and more on internal self reform, they ignored the UK pleas & Brexit is partially a result factor.

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  3. I think that the skills he demonstrates when it comes to helping himself and his rich friends avoid paying the taxes that the rest of the UK has to endure exceed even his impressive verbosity.
    It's called smart intelligent business model incorporating decent clever accountants.

    CI, cayman islands, Bermuda & Guernsey are just three at the top of my head, and I know plenty of Scots who also use these over seas locations, it's not illegal.

    This industry will continue to flourish, my ex is a former accountant now fund manager as most of the best talent goes to accountancy, legal or banking.

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  4. I don’t know where you reside,but you could’t be more wrong. Here in the U.K.
    most of the people know they’ve been well and truely screwed by the establishment. Luckily for Appeaser May, most people at the Moment are too involved in the World Cup. Just Waite for the future.
    Interesting, I never took yourself to be a vendetta/anonymous fan or using it as an example.

    Although I do concur it's long overdue the establishment actually worked for the electorate not just the establishment, Brexit is a test for all.

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  5. It always amuses me listening to the minority snp viewpoints & of course any opportunity to criticise HMG.

    A simple reminder of poorly Holywood is governed, the snp have to scrape assistance from the Greens is most mattes to push things through, and the new tax policy on people earning £26k+....Sturgeon et al are worse than the Tories & Labour combined.

    Despite freebies given in Scotland, other Scots still have to pay for it......

    As for Brexit.....bring it on.

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  6. So who is David Davis? 
    Well acoording to remainers, a stupid lazy uneducated buffoon.
    While the truth could not be so different.
    Born into poverty in Yorkshire, went on to Warwick University, then the London School of Economics. Then to Harvard Universty. 
    In between he joined the territorial SAS. 
    Later he spent 17yrs in business.
    Not a bad C.V. And now he’s taken the honorable decision to leave appeaser May’s cabinet. Stateing that he does not beleive this is what the majority of the electorate voted for and furthmore he does not think her plan to concede the sovereignty of the U.K will work in the interest of the British people.
    I think the above shows, not only is he well educated, and with experience in the business world, but also more importantly an honorable man with principles. A man who actually puts his country before his own selfish interest.

    David David was and always has been the most experienced, educated and eurosceptic that was more than capable of Brexit secretary.

    The primary issue is PMTM, whom is also being influenced by a select few hard line remainers, Hammond doing whatever he can in his position with treasury, PMTM must change course and the 1922 committee have given her support, yet they’ve also instructed her to change her Brexit stance and direction or face a leadership challenge, two senior cabinet resignations don’t go down lightly and she will be reminded of this very fact.

    Others are calling for her to resign, likes of that stupid JC et al which Labour themselves don’t even have a plan other than mirror the EU.

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  7. You're missing the point that ANY uk govt. has to answer to the electorate - and of those who voted, the majority voted to leave!
    It's clear that the uk govt. is trying to find a way to ignore the referendum result, without their actions destroying them in the next elections (in leave areas obviously).

    I’m fully aware for electorate accountability thanks, If May attempts to ignore the result the conservatives are finished for a generation.

    What’s being released is simply a basic foundation paper of what Brussels is requesting, which will be discussed at length in the negotiations face to face, then it’s up to Davis & Ollie et al to crunch out the fine details, if it turns sour then walk it could well be.

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  8. ....and then sacked with any luck

    TM knows she's on a very weak tightrope, although these foundation plans are highly unpopular they are a 'basic' starting point to take to Brussels.


    Next it's down to the EU to peruse over what's submitted, then it's either snubbed or received with mild but tolerated acceptance.....


    Summer 2019 she'll walk or get pushed, during his A50 is not the time.


    NB: The EU are very nervous about getting Corbyn if they push her & HMG too far, so they don't have the luxury they making many perceive.


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  9. With Seb now at #6 on the grid he has Romain, Max and Kimi between him and the Mercs, I suspect Seb will probably tangle with Max on turn one, maybe even Kimi as well, Lewis will probable stick to Valtteri like glue until he gets the DRS, Valtteri has very little experience of defending his position from Lewis, may even concede to the fact that Lewis will pass at some stage and may even let him pass with ease, one thing for sure is Toto is not sleeping well tonight... 
    It'll be interesting to see how Mercedes upgrade works for them, also I wouldn't discount Vettel finishing in the podium even starting out in 6th.

    I predict, Bottas, Hamilton & Kimi.


    Hamilton, Bottas & Vettel.

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  10. As long as Bottas has a clean start free from early crashes then it's his to lose.

    Hamilton stated in the post qualifying interview that him & Bottas are on different strategies, it'll be interesting to see if that remains in pace for the actual race.

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  11. Expertise will depend on the specialist field of operations.

    Thai expertise is on open water diving.

    British expertise is cave diving, which is also very complex.

    Thai authorities wouldn't request external international assistance unless they felt it was urgently required, as this is a matter of life or death I commend the Thai authorities for using any and every available resource.

    The Thai expertise is highly trained with experienced divers/rescuers along with world class equipment and it's application and no reason to suspect that their organization skills would be worse than any others.

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