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Nong Khai Man

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Everything posted by Nong Khai Man

  1. But thankyou for your valuable input. Much appreciated by everyone I'm sure.....Just Trying to Help,Don't YOU Know that Sarcasm is the LOWEST Form of Wit ??
  2. If You had booked in a Half Decent Hotel They WOULD'VE Had a FREE Shuttle Bus to take you there FREE ! FREE ! MOST if Not ALL Hotels around LHR Provide this FREE Service to they're Guest's !!!!
  3. Even Up to 10 Baht LESS In the U.K.
  4. However if you really do need cash then I have a £10 note which I'd be prepared to swap for a 1,000 THB one....That's a VERY Generous Exchange Rate,( Sarcasm ) But Genuinely I Do have 300 GBP in Pristine Condition 6 x 50 Pound Notes Although they are the Paper ones & NOT the New Plastic ones.....Just Make me a SENSIBLE Offer I Will surely GIVE You a Better rate than ANY U.K. Bank....
  5. a) take baht baht cash and change at airport (UK aiprort).....Yeah Sure & They'll give you a Rate of 1 Pound to about 55 Baht.......
  6. Wrong about the Crops....My M-I-L ( Lives in Sakon Nakon ) Gets 2 Rice Harvests per Annum,So There yer Go
  7. And by the way, the old BA flight on their rattling shaky old 777 was awful....It was Even WORSE When they used their OLD 747-400 Rust Bucket.....
  8. I Don't drink ( Diabetes ) I Don't go to places of Entertainment,But I DO Smoke ( My ONLY Pleasure ) & Have done for 60 Years so Trying to STOP Is Nigh on Impossible or Very DIFFICULT to say the least,I Have Cut Down from 20 A Day to round about 10 /12 Daily....It's The Craving & It's A LOT Safer than YaBa !! But I'm on a Very Reduced State Pension & The WELL Over Valued Thai Baht Certainly Doesn't HELP !!
  9. 40 or 65k a month is more than enough for any 1 person or family to live on, comfortably. .....not IF YOU Like Myself is on a VERY REDUCED State Pension......I WISH I Got 40k A Month,But I DON'T !!
  10. Oh ! Yes I NO Tell Lies !!
  11. One Of The Cheapest ?? 555 !! I Got Quoted 82,000 Yes 82k for Varifocals in Top Chareon in Nong Khai.....555,Told Them to " Go Away " NOT In those words though !!
  12. thailand is a gong show for driving. over 90 percent of drivers here should have their license taken away.That is IF They even have one !!
  13. Well that is NOT A Heavy Penalty for the Average BMW & Merc Driver.....
  14. I Reckon She's Been doing the THAI Favourite.......TAILGAITING & The Truck has tried to see if his brakes Worked or NOT !!
  15. TRYING To SELL A House is even more Stressful,Ours been on the market for almost 3 Years now had a Few Viewers but after they all " Like It "They Go Away & We Never hear from them Again,Even though we have reduced the asking price...
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