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Posts posted by manchega

  1. Pravda are you next to a main road there? that is incredibly high

    As the above states the winds can blow this stuff away and disperse it elsewhere, rain and spraying water has minimal influence over the seasonal issue of fluidised particles.


    For me also this is not the same city I came to live in. This is like back in the 80/90's when I was travelling and we avoided the smoggiest of places. This could also be the deciding factor, I can tolerate the government and the I guess people now realise that maybe they should not be quite so happy about the military taking control of the country ( since it is structured for that purpose only ) but the air along with everyother bit of sensible environmental controls may well be the straw for me too


    I don't understand why burning is not stopped

    North of Hua Hin a short while ago, you can smell the smoke and see lots of bits of grass being burnt roadside in lots of small patches

    • Like 1
  2. 20 hours ago, DLock said:

    To be fair, that's not an easy question, but I guess there is no "correct" answer.


    Try answering yourself out loud. It's a question you could argue either way...and be valid.

    To be fair? only to the truly witless

    simple question - how many people die each day due to the government not knowing about the contents of their emails and communications/conversations?

    compare with the number of people who die from heart disease or strokes?

    difficult to answer

    people such as you dlock have actually brought into the government line that keeps the masses under control

    we need thinking people in this world. let us hope the rest are wiped out


    Really! I could understand if you actually understood the power the Thai government and elephants have over the general population,

    but to believe there is no correct answer? It was a difficult question because the honest answer puts her life in mortal danger, how old are you?


    it reminds me of my my Yemeni friend who told me the real problem with the Middle East and Arabs is they want someone to rule them, someone to give them orders and direction 


  3. Some excellent replies here. My favorite being the one about Thai government saw how traffic lights work in other countries and wanted those in thailand like the cute green man saying walk now.  This probably applies to all laws as well. Thailand would like driving laws, just like it would like a navy with an aircraft carrier and a few submarines, oh and a big hot air balloon for the air force.


    So as others say be aggressive , but being defensive at the same time.


    I say yes and add strategies, my favorite is motorcycle defence, you know how those motorcycles get in your way when you are manouvering? well steer into them slowly, they will move, use the chaos your presence effects and take advantage of the gaps e.g. join traffic main road, well steer in front of motorcycles and cause them to manouver, exploit this by taking as money lane changes as you want.


    want to make a u turn without queuning up, jump to the front and insert yourself in front of the first to hesitate.


    remember it is not only the locals who can drive like maniacs, with a little creativity we can all do it. and remember if someone crashes into one of those motorcycles you are causing to manouver they will be in trouble not you.

    also remember if you can drive away from any accident do, if the police come a calling just say you were too afraid because the locals have a habit of swarming and attacking non Thai

  4. On 12/1/2019 at 8:50 AM, Moonlover said:


    I'm not a farmer by any stretch of the imagination, (I'm Dr. Death to pot plants) but in the end don't they have to make a choice between stubble burning or applying chemicals and plowing in? Either way there are protesters (usually ill-informed like myself) ready to pounce on farmers for their actions.


    So what would you prefer? The short term nuisance of a bit of smoke or the long term negative impact of imbibing some nasty chemicals?


    Seems to to me that farmers are between a rock and a hard place no matter which method they choose.

    smoke is not short term, particularly given seasonal air pressure and winds there is no safe limit to the amount of sub 2.5 micron particles you can inhale, 

  5. could not agree more.  There are well known good restaurants I have left due to noise from  crappy VIP buses.  I always let the place know why I suddenly need to un order food. If only the locals would take issue with noise instead of accepting it as normal 


    My story for you starts in an incredible peaceful riverside location.  All green except for the house behind us owned by relatives. 

    One morning at 5 am woken by loud noise, it is music, really strong bass, we left that day to avoid noise, after hearing from the housekeepers it was a wedding. that night the noise stopped 2 or 3 am. only to start at 5 am again.

    apparantly the ostentious display at this wedding was for 5 days of load music from 5 am to 2 or 3 am every day.  incredibly we were 3 km away from the temple which was upstream of the river.


    Why ? why I ask are there not more people shooting up temples for noise? If this were the us for example that <deleted> would happen, and I would support the right of every person to shoot the <deleted> out of noisy temples, shopping malls and buses in every country

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. maybe not as bad lopburi, but a few pages back someone was asking why, diesel is meant to be one of biggest contributors, personal trucks and those transporting tend to be badly adjusted and kicking out black smoke, not just the government buses, the coaches and the works trucks.

    the issue is not just the farm and jungle burning though that has a lot to do with it

    if it were just the burnings there would be no reason for smog to be localised over big cities

  7. to those asking why this happens, Nasa continues to provide satellite coverage with burning going on all over SEA this season and for the next 4 - 6 months

    so that is part of the equation

    the other is public transport is not particularly important in the big cities such as BKK, yes they try to improve coverage but the majority still require their own transport to get from home to the office or school etc,

    those buses such as the ones used by military and all bus companies, the trucks badly tuned diesel engines etc.


    now you know

  8. It is a UNESCO park, it is really amazing, except for the road cutting it in half and quarters. the road is a shortcut .

    Thai people apply for unesco heritage and use funding to make road very nice. they drive really fast , and give as many <deleted>s ( classifier for number of poos) about the animals as they do for people

    a buddhist country yet humans are highest and some are higher than others.

    is there a way to make a UN crime for abuse of this heritage park

    certain unnamable elephant is responsible

  9. 13 hours ago, Just Weird said:

    Odd question, have you suffered a loss or theft?   I've never had anything go missing in Thailand's system, I have had losses with the UK, Canadian and US (the worlds slowest international postal system) systems, though.

    I have, every 5th or so parcel does not quite make it, sometimes not tracked leaving country of departure sometimes reaches BKK, but dissapeared is dissapeared, I ask relatives not to send anymore

    • Confused 1
  10. of course it will seb2015, you increase mass transport.


    with respect to the higher buildings you need to be in an aeroplane to be above the seasonal dust, I don't beleive any Thai buildings are sufficiently high enough that any could claim lower dust levels.

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