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Posts posted by manchega

  1. sounds about fair,


    how often do motorcyclists show any consideration when they drive on footpaths causing people to leap out of the way, sometime hitting pedestrians with wing mirrors etc?


    before attempting to defend the rights of that motorbiker think about all the wrongs that one has commited, none of them are innocent


    absolutely no sympathy for motorbikers in this country, none at all


    edited to add that thai people like to join in a confrontation, one accident suddenly every biker will be trying to stick up for the biker, next thing you know the swarm is happening, safest thing to do if you accidently knock a biker off is to drive far far away before you report it, 


    • Sad 3
  2. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    This is ugly. Very ugly. Shocking that people like this are entrusted to work within the public.


    The motorcycle taxi riders at my nearest MRT station seem like a friendly enough bunch. But one day, a clearly mentally ill homeless man did something to annoy them. They attacked him in a group and the mentally ill man managed to run away. One of the food vendors nearby gave one of the win riders his meat cleaver and the rider than gave chase. I remember watching it all unfold thinking 'these people have no self-control'. That mentally ill man could have been murdered that day. And for what? 

    what makes you think they are entrusted?

    there is still a road in NOrth Bangkok where no regular bus services are allowed to run, only songtaew, the bus service has been warned off from ever running on the Nonthaburi road 1 from new bts to nonthaburi pier, despite the pier being a major bus stop, the buses are only allowed to use the route via grungthep non


    these are mafia people, the stupid see corruption all through the system high up and decide why not us too

    • Like 1
  3. have had exactly the same issue

    consistently train the faculty to provide proper notice by not attending anything unless given prior notice.

    from weekly meetings

    its nothing to get angry about just need to train them

    yes they will get upset but will also learn to value other peoples time eventually

    the only issue I had when working uni doing this was I had to find novel excuses to not attend once they did start giving me notice in advance.

    • Haha 1
  4. no idea, but the less white vans the better.  At least big vans have to think and look before making manouvers, they drive just as bad as white van but that size makes it a whole lot easier to see what crap they do, and they can't take your safe stopping distance as easily as white vans do

    in fact the concept of safe stopping distance is <deleted> up in thailand, it means you should be parked.

    • Like 1
  5. based on BKK experience of rental income properties.  I was making good 15-20% ROI but also spending on maintenance is eating that up every 3 - 5 years.

    Long term tenants, but a lot of hassle involved in getting new ones, serious ones etc. if I look at any single month the hours of lost working time start to outweigh the returns of the townhouses when days are spent on dealing with getting new tenant, organising cleaning for uninhabited property etc.

    as the poster who says they will be getting their capital back, I am of the same opinion that the money could be better of sitting somewhere else

    particulalry when in BKK people are able to rent whole houses for 5-10k in areas with good access to malls (not central sukhumvit stuff) and transport hubs.

    if you consider a family can move into somwhere for much lower rent and they don't care about security guards, mod western cons of fitted kitchen, dishwashwer, washer and drier, water filters, fitted bathrooms, walk in closet etc.

    Hoping to get capital back or watch these go underwater despite being on the good side of the river..

  6. If anyone can make a resteraunt work here an Indian can.  Indians, well Bangladeshi's mainly have succesfully opened resteraunts all over the UK in unfriendly climates.

    It is not a special business so for every 1 expat / work permit you need 4 Thai, and I guess contributing to pensions etc.



  7. 1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Mileage varies and there are those who are able to do life much more frugally and 'go native'.. but for someone making a true evaluation it depends what lifestyle they are after here and what standards they expect for their children. 


    1) Schooling - International School Entrance fee's: 200-250k Baht entrance (one off payment)

    2) Schooling - International School Yearly fee's: 500-600k baht per year

    3) Healthcare - Medical Insurance:  100-200k (for a reasonable Policy for a family of 3-4)

    4) Travel - Yearly flights back home: 120-180k (for a family of 4)

    5) Transport - Car: 1.3 Million Baht for a CRV / Fortuna etc  (Honda Jazz / Mazda 2 about 600k) - On the other hand Taxi's are very cheap.

    6) Supermakerts - Variable 15,000 baht per month (western items are more expensive)

    7) Eating Out - 20,000 baht per month at restaurants (if eating out 4-6 times per month)

    8 ) Rent - In Bangkok 50,000 - 200,000 baht per month / Outside of Bangkok: 15k to 50k per month (this is very much area dependent) 



    1 & 2: Local schools are awful and do not compare to Schools overseas (some will argue otherwise but they are trading their children's education for their weekly Rub'n tug or access to cheap women 1/4 their age).

    2: The best international Schools are in Bangkok. Prices of living in Bangkok are generally higher than elsewhere in the country, but the standards of education elsewhere is poorer (Good Schools: NIST, Bangkok Patana, Harrow, Shrewsbury, St. Andrews 71)

    3: Healthcare - Local health care is ok, but its worse than the UK NHS. You can end up waiting a long long time for a non Emergency procedures (like the UK). Healthcare at the Private hospitals is expensive, you'll get faster treatment, better facilities, many of the Doctors in private hospitals also work one or two days per week in a government facility (there is good info on ThaiVisa.com about which Doctors are good at which procedures etc - in BKK especially).

    4: Travel - only a concern if you are going to travel back regularly but it adds up especially if you are going to travel back more than 1x per year. 

    5: Transport - Taxi's are very cheap (in Bangkok) - but how old are your kids (need a car seat?), driving in Bangkok is ok. A car is not a necessity in Bangkok, its a 'nice to have' item rather than a 'need to have' a car makes life easier... especially for a school run, supermarket run and getting out of the city for a short break etc..  If living outside of Bangkok a car becomes somewhat of a must unless you are looking to live in the center of a town. 

    6: Supermarkets - Food can be obtained from the markets etc and much cheaper. Normal items are similarly priced to the UK supermarkets. Items considered luxuries (cheese / Wine etc) are vastly inflated. 

    7: Eating out - Is variable, it can be much cheaper or more expensive than anywhere. Basic restaurants are incredibly cheap and a decent family meal can be had for 1,000 baht, a quality 'higher-end' family meal may cost around 5,000 baht+ and more if ordering wine or a good few beers etc (again, this is highly individual and dependent on where / what you want to eat). 

    8: Rent - A decent house in Bangkok costs anywhere from 40,000 baht per month up to 200,000 baht per month - it depends what you want. A crappy aging town house can be found for 25k per month. Rents outside of Bangkok are much cheaper and a rather decent house can be rented for anywhere from 15k in the sticks up to about to 50k per month for a decent house in a town area such as Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai or Hua Hin etc...  (this is very much area dependent). 



    There is another thread which ran recently and discusses budgets (with a vote) many people can and do live very frugally, but the moment we live to Westernised standards (and forgo the 40 baht street noodles, drive instead of using the 2baht bus service etc) and aim to live life with the levels of comfort we'd expect back home, life in Thailand can become fairy expensive....  its common for a family of 3-4 to live on a budget of 200,000 baht+ per month when living a lifestyle which more closely resembles Western standards.


    smith with all your virtue signalling you have quite the biased opinion, as I assume you live and work amongst us just like other tv members I know as i would expect you to know /be friends with many Thai people or 'natives' as you would describe them with inflows and outflows similar to expats the middle class driving those luxury cars living in those gigantic houses and condos all over the place sending kids to international schools and purchasing quality ingredients for cooking, 

  8. It makes me feel better when someone spends more than me, but not when they are earning so much more than me: so below per month 

    I am mortguage/rent 35k currently no tenant in other property so is 70k

    electric 5-8k

    school is 90k for 2

    car is 35k ish

    food ? mix of line man and orders from tops /others for cooking

    then loads of payments the other half sorts out including medical insurance for 4 life insurance for 2, car tax stuffetc, 100 - 200k every 2 or 3 months

    with no where near close enough being invested

    all done on 2 salaries, I think though don't actually know all ins and outs

    no loans though, I think

  9. 12 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Why no link to the source ? :mellow:

    Very often than articles made by ThaiVisa "News Team" don't show a link to the source :sad:

    You should know that many readers may want to read more about some of these subjects,

    and it's not always easy to find the source, even with Google help...



    yeah not only that I began to read an article the other day where the author wrote they were a reporter, it reminds me why tv goes straight to spam box

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