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Posts posted by manchega

  1. are you a mouthpiece for this propaganda.


    I realise the writers and owners of thai visa are absolute tools but what stupidity in such a post.

    this thai based app is run by the government health bureau, yes as corrupt as all the others.

    this is the one which states double the WHO standard of 2.5microns and smaller is the safe public limit.

    Additionally the governemtn runs a rolling average with the average rolling backwards to when the air quality was good and averaging it. yes that is why you get these sudden steps and shut down of air quality stations then start up with new steps.


    Thai visa, you are officially a bunch of <deleted> wats


    • Sad 1
  2. nothing does incompetence like government


    as with other situations throughout the system - there is no incentive for any worker to actually improve efficiency of the system on any side, these civil servants will work at much the same pay throughout their careers, ok you get the occasional super star who may be up to 80 k before tea money but they are rare,

    the rest will be waiting for someone to die before they are promoted.


    if you earn your salary with a guaranteed job for life why bother improving it.

  3. 23 minutes ago, newnative said:

         Yes, bad driving is a big factor but there's no denying that, in an accident, you're more likely to die if you're in a flimsy van designed for cargo with few exits rather than a microbus designed to carry passengers.  Believing you'll be able to change driver behavior is really Pollyanna thinking so why not at least put passengers in sturdier, safer vehicles designed for that purpose.  I don't want to be in either but, given a choice, I'd rather be in a microbus with a bad driver rather than a van with a bad driver.  I'm seeing a traffic jam of vans packed with brown envelopes.  

    yes I have seen us drivers before and you are not much better than the average thai

  4. I get that some pensioners don't see this as a problem, I get it because when I get to your age I will go and drive during rush hour for fun and enjoy slowing down people who have somewhere to go but

    if you work and travel I can see this as a real problem,  I don't know if the penalty will be worse than forgetting to do a 90 day report when your business travel plans are interupted


  5. always has been police state, or quasi militarised at any second


    just things are a little more scary when an immigration dept in country suddenly decides to attempt to take parts of its job properly, thousands of pieces of paper daily, I suspect some cash incentive has been offered on the report every time you change adress 

    otherwise you have thousands of admin officers doing a job with no prospects until the one above snuffs it or someone in the chain above snuffs it

  6. I suspect military security control of isp upstream is correct.  


    they did the local satellite/tv companies a good un by putting that <deleted> prayut or whatevver the dictators name is on every night.

    once you have option to snoop on all peoples communications you never go back, its not as if any of these agencies will be benevolent is it?

  7. Biggsy if you are reading this please do something about the wires hanging down outside my house in village


    it seems every day another worker adds another wire to the posts, now we cannot see out of window for all wires and post is leaning towards house.  i asked microsoft blokey but he would not answer, perhaps you can do something with it as thai government listen to you

    • Haha 1
  8. people don't need to not like a customer


    I found a place serving these spring rolls, something close to the vietnamese ones, lots of salad, sauce and a bit of meat as a light meal.


    One day I discovered hair, not just a bit but a little clump of it


    I asked around and some friends told me old people cut their hair and put it in food for luck - superstituous reasons.


    needless to say I never went back and ignore the friendly shopkeepers now as I have no way of expressing myself other than vomiting in their general direction

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