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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Just upholding the law,No passengers aloud in the cargo area .
  2. Probable depending what HE feels like to Identify as at any given time.
  3. American Teen Goes Missing in Phuket, Parents Rally Online Support. Did the parents check in the Zoos. He likes Doing Horses so it seems reading the news from Last year or maybe he's gone Walkabout in the bush to try his luck with the wild Elephants. He seems to be a bit Soft in the Head and needs to be locked up if they find him.
  4. I can believe that, maybe some Are cops. That's why there isn't much done about stopping/arresting those sharks.
  5. And for all the corrupt people that keep him out of jail. 😇
  6. Now that's quite possible, Some Powerful people may /have had connections in the System that can/could take care of things/people inside of the Jail. Happened before and won't be the last time for sure. 🙏
  7. They've got some Chinese or Japanese Robots to test for that job. 🙏
  8. Doctors Urge Ban on Smacking Children, Calling It a Harmful ‘Victorian’ Practice Those doctors do they have Kids ? Let them get away with everything when talking to them doesn't work. Give them what they want to shut them up .( like many kids here ) Just look around and see where that gets them. Let them grow up being A holes thugs/crims . A good smacking does good (not killing them) . We grew up Respecting our Parents We had some smacks we Deserved them for what we did .
  9. Have money ,attracts women . Money talks, the rest you know.
  10. Bangkok to Distribute Over 18,000 Fire Extinguishers in 2025 Budget for Community Safety Someones money spinner idea Right . What community Safety, they will never be used .
  11. Ex-Police Chief "Joe Ferrari" Commits Suicide in Thai Prison. So they say, Some Suicides in jails have been known to have some Assistance.
  12. mporting cars into Thailand can be very expensive, with taxes and duties often reaching over 200% of the vehicle's value. This includes import duty, excise tax, interior tax, and VAT.
  13. Biotech Firm Creates ‘Woolly Mice’ in Major Step Toward Woolly Mammoth Revival. What happens if that creature doesn't turn out the way it suppose to be and be a dangerous Frankenstein monster , just Kill it or it will kill its creators ?😇
  14. Why would he pay back the money they say he earned at the time he was arrested and up to his resignation. If they wanted the money that was paid as what he earned , Why did the BBC pay him at the time They should've stopped paying at the time of his arrest . Not ask for the money now it's too late they paid it's his now no matter what he done .
  15. No need , they Know where to Dump that .🙏
  16. Thailand Weighs Designated Drinking Zones for Tourists Get over it .Change the law for everyone If people want to drink there's no law that's going to stop them . Laws are there to be broken , Just look around. People break the law Any second of the day. From Traffic laws to Corruption.
  17. ‘Human Satan’ Takes Extreme Body Modifications Further with Alien-Like Claw Surgery. The best way to describe this is a mental health condition.
  18. Why do they never stop at Zebra Crossings? Because it's Me first no matter what. The worst one is that Traffic laws are not enforced here and the people are not aducated enough on the road rules.
  19. Lambeth Council Faces Backlash Over Driveway Parking Crackdown Bit stupid isn't it How is one suppose to drive into ones property/ drive way if they're not allowed to cross the curb and footpath. Greedy council want to let people pay for a Legal entry Permit to make this legal and lower the curb. Why didn't the council provide that lower curb access when they put in the curbing Than it would've cost Nothing.
  20. Thailand to Introduce Salt Tax to Promote Healthier Eating That ain't right . Don't they know that people in tropical countries and people that Perspire a lot especially people that work outside here in Thailand. Need that bit of extra salt in their diet. Don't they think that people don't know that and that is maybe why they eat a bit more salt Just an other money Scam . Same as tax on everything.
  21. Wonder if he's still Alive . Dogs usually get Put Down. 🙏
  22. So ,it takes one toKnow one . You are included in the : Most Farangs Expats are Idiots : 😇
  23. The Thai word farang (ฝรั่ง) means "foreigner" or "non-Thai". It's often used to refer to someone from a Western country, especially a Caucasian person.
  24. Derogatory is bad, but not necessarily insulting. Offensive is insulting, but not necessarily bad. For instance, Tom does not have sufficient credit history to get a loan. This is derogatory, but in no way reflects upon his character.
  25. Former Bank of England Chief Warns Income Tax Hike is Inevitable, Criticizes Reeves’ Promise. Wouldn't it be better and look after the Tax payers money by spending that on their Own country people instead of Giving all that money away to Aid Refugees and Asylum seekers ? Just look at the figures : The amount of aid spent on hosting refugees and asylum seekers in the UK continued to rise last year to £4.3 billion – up from £3.7 billion in 2022 – amid continuing value for money concerns, the aid watchdog finds today (Wednesday 10 April). This amounts to 28% of all UK aid in 2023.
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