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Everything posted by digger70

  1. The eternal battle: how much does it cost to live in Thailand. No Battle . What it cost is what one has to spend to Fill their needs ,Not what they want. That can vary from where one lives like a city or a village and how one want to live ,Lavish or Modest. Pretty easy ,set a budget and stick to it It can be 50K or it can be 100 K a month Depending of course on the funds one gets per month.
  2. Here we go Again. What's with the Insurance companies .why have a Tavel insurance if they not Pay . One has to be 100% Covered ,It will Cost ,But it will Pay in the Long run . Make it Mandatory for people that come for holidays to Los to Have a Full cover insurance /Travel insurance . No Go fund Allowed.
  3. Thai Tourism Sector Shaken by US Tariffs and Market Uncertainty. Serves Thailand right ,Thailand has been Stupid overcharging imports with Astronomical high Tarifs and import Tax . Greed that 's all it is with Thailand . Maybe It's going to hurt Thailand if DT put a Tax hike on Thailands Exports Maybe not time will tell .
  4. So you say, You don't have to like DT Just look what he's doing for the country. DT is the only one that 's got the guts to do something for the country (But you know that ) Not like the other No hopers that's been there in the big house.
  5. Vegan Cult Leader Claims Jailhouse Starvation as Judge Denies Bail. Nice one , A Wannabe + Vegan + Cult Leader . Suspected of multiple homicides, including the killing of a Border Patrol agent. Up to him if he want's to die from Fasting . Eat the Jail food or go hungry .
  6. This seasonal downpour is infamous for reactivating layers of rubber residue from previous truck spills, which invisibly coats the roads but becomes dangerously slick upon mixing with water. There you go an other excuse for incompetent drivers/riders . When there's a good downpour all the Rubbish /rubber/oil gets Washed Off the road . the road is Clean again . Anyway it's up the Motorists to Judge the condition of the road , and Act Accordingly Not the weather/Rains fault .
  7. Why do I have difficulty to believe that.
  8. The Latter . Should've turned and kept going . Let them Be.😇
  9. Well now , I would say : don't bite the hand that feeds you is a good phrase for that. 🙏
  10. That ain't gonna do it Must Read THE LOT Before going on Holiday ,,,, Just in case.
  11. Should've Known When it Was going to be Expired and Renewed Before then.
  12. No, a king cobra is not a python, though the two snakes can sometimes fight and even eat each other.
  13. Sounds like a Real Thai Recipe,, Buddha. Paranoia. 🙏
  14. Oh Yea, I tried that Cutthroat blade, Not bad. For me I found that the Gillette Sensor Excel is the better blade . I like the Twin blade Much better than the Multi blades. Gives me the perfect all around shave.
  15. What's The Best Kind of Chicken? There's No best kind of Chook. It's like everything else with food . It depends how one likes the Chook Cooked/Done . That's what determents in ones stomach what the best one is. Smoked/ Deep fried/ Boiled /In Curry/roosted. what have you Some are Healthier than others .
  16. Easy , Check All the Survey documents as far back as they need to when they acquired the Land and Survey . It's either Right OR Wrong
  17. Excellent , We could do with some of that here in Los. 🙏
  18. What a Maggot that Director, Take him and the Perp down the Back and stop them from Breathing our precious Oxygen
  19. How stupid are people to Fall for Cr@p like this . Probably same people who go to Loan. Sharks and getting Ripped off. Like they say , Can't fix Stupid
  20. Never mind the Middle class As you call them. It's the Working Poor Bottom rung People that are in the biggest trouble .
  21. Yes I know, The main reason that I am Mad is that we may have to pay Tax in Los (Not going to happen soon) But it's got Nothing to do with Los. Only Greed .
  22. You Don't have to Supported They Don't need You. As in accordance with a political constitution. Who's more Imported The Home Country/People OR a Foreign country. If this Benefit the Country All is FINE. Countries have to. Support Themselves Not Relying on the Rest off the world to Aid them ALL the time . In case of a Natural Disaster of some sort it's a Different story. But it isn't suppose to be an Permanent Gift/Donation.
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