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Everything posted by digger70

  1. So What's the problem ? Thais do this Scam 24/7 in the whole country at that. The only thing missing is an work Permit for the Foreigners that's all.
  2. Speedboat rescues 12 tourists from sinking boat near Pattaya Must have been leaking bad . Lack of maintenance maybe. Normally if the Bilge Pump stops a boat doesn't go and sink .
  3. What is gift tax? Gift tax is a type of personal income tax, and the tax is imposed on money or assets given to parents, ascendants, descendants, spouse or others as a gift and exceed the threshold. Assets or money given that do not exceed the threshold are exempt from gift tax.
  4. Yea for sure, we all gift the money we bring in . But I think that we have to put the money we bring in on the Tax form ,Than we can Claim the gift to make the Taxable income Lower. The concept of gift taxation in Thailand is relatively new, having been implemented alongside the Inheritance Tax Act. The law mandates that any transfer of property or assets, whether money, real estate, or valuable goods, can be subject to gift tax if the value exceeds certain thresholds.Apr 11, 2567 BE
  5. We will wait and see what they are going to do maybe next year they have something figured and then it's time for us to see /figure what we can do to not pay too much tax or none.
  6. Not to worry first we got to wait and see If they can get their cr@p together . Maybe next year is the time to figure out how not to pay too much tax we have to pay or if we have to pay any at all.
  7. ATM Withdrawals and PaymentsThe answer is yes. Both types of transactions are seen as remittances into Thailand and are taxable. Under the CRS, these transactions are automatically reported to the Revenue Department, making them aware of these financial activities.Feb 22, 2567 BE
  8. What? No understanding and respect from me , they picked a fight with the cops and took his gun that went of by accident ,could've shot someone By accident. should've kept them in jail for an other 12 Months at least.
  9. Thai houses privacy. You want Privacy? Go buy in the country or just outside a City . Buy some dirt, built a Wall , built a house , Problem solved , Worked for Us .
  10. Not a life changing Amount for Some People who got It All but for normal hard working people It's life changing giving them a big Breather .
  11. Same with anything that's illegal or dangerous .Kids/Young adults will go and Buy /Get /Or Steel it and use it being Cars /motorbikes /guns/Chemicals. So no difference .The Chip Is/Was advertised as Not Being for Kids /young adults In my opinion there's no need for a Law suit, that's just Bull Cr@p
  12. Thailand is 'shocked' by Kyiv hospital attack. Shocked hey, that's easily said. Maybe Vlad is thinking Hit them were it hurts the most .
  13. Handover Ceremony what a laugh, just give it back and get it over with.
  14. Stainless Steel Benches in Lumpini Park Raise Safety Concerns. They seem to look ok. As for getting hot they seem to be in a shaded area that 'll be ok if they keep them in the Shade.
  15. Be a smart Farang You want cheap (Is your name Charlie? ) I checked out the Local Army Hospital Near Hat Yai ,they can do most of the common run of the mill small ailments . Thb 50 Excelent Service.
  16. By Age 2 He Had Memorized The Periodic Table - Now 12 years old heading to college at NYU Where's that going to get him in this bad world ? Not going to be the President of th USA Or Admiral for the Navy.
  17. Yea right, many people are arrested and put in jail and Guilty until proven innocent.
  18. The Talk about Warranty. Is that ok with you?
  19. Why in Satans name isn't he Arrested and in Jail. This is Very Serious, There are people arrested and in jail for a lot less .
  20. Thai MP Proposes Legalising Pornography and Sex Toy Industries. Yes ,Legallise it and tan Tax it . Money. money money.
  21. Haven't you seen that buying many things here there's no warranty and if there's a warranty one can't get it when something goes wrong . Go buy some electric appliance and try to claim on it they will find any excuse not to uphold the warranty. I've experienced this with my Thai Family in Makro and one time when they bought a used car .
  22. Marijuana Protesters Go On Hunger Strike To Push For Enquiry. There problem ,they don't have to go on a diet than will they. You bet They'll get hungry after a while. 🫠
  23. Warranty doesn't mean much here in Los from what I have seen so far.
  24. Krungthai Bank urges iPhone users to enable lockdown mode. I Always said Not to use Phone/Phone Apps for banking as it isn't safe. Use I Banking at home on Laptop/Computer With an OTP if you can. But some Stupid Banks closed their I Banking WHY?
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