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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Yep , They Help themselves to Anything they can that's not too Heavy or Not too Hot to touch.
  2. possibility that they are in the vicinity Possibility means Nothing only Proven Identified is for real.
  3. Thai govt warns of monsoon mayhem, brace for floods, heavy rain. Wet Season, Same ole same ole.
  4. Oh yes , And keep ones eyes open . No one has ever 100% Identified/ Proven with Real 100 % Clear Pictures and or with an 100% clear Video that there are Space ships /UFO's and or Creatures of outer space No matter Green ones from Mars (they say) or any other color or shape. Until Anything is Proven there isn't any reason to Believe any of this story or legend about supernatural or mythical characters or events.
  5. My opinion is that the safety of the costumer is very imported , meaning that ones the money is put into the ATM tray the sensor should've prevented Anyone from taking the cash out even when the transaction isn't Finished. Ones the money is In one Can't take that Out.
  6. Chonburi Police Bust Gang of Thai Men Impersonating Police Officers Yea yea ,are they sure that they are not just Bad cops??
  7. Weather forecast . Rain Otherwise fine.
  8. Yes ,They Pass that's all what matters.
  9. Tomato paste ,hot water And fish sauce. 😜
  10. Bloody hell that's one sick puppy, take him down the back of the cop shop and stop him from breathing our precious fresh air.
  11. He probable would. If he gets Bail on his day in court. Than before sentencing date He might Flee the country again if he gets a Long Jail Sentence.
  12. C'mon now, What Wrong Info ? If the sensor had worked properly then the money should've been moved from the bin and the bin would've been Empty for the next costumer Never mind if the transaction wasn't completed ,Ones the money is in the bin that's it the sensor must prevent excess to the money.
  13. But it said that he put the money in the machines money bin . I think that means that the machine didn't functioned properly if it did than no one could take the money out of the machines Money bin The Sensor is suppose to Prevent that.
  14. Forget about the Almost, it's that they Never tell the truth. Changing Attitudes Toward Transgender Rights in the UK. Changing Rights? Great ,It should be illegal to change the sex listed on their Birth certificates. If one is Male or Female that's on the certificate. ones body isn't going to change it's the people Minds that change ,, Today I be a Male ,Next Month I will be a Female. C'mon aren't their enough Freak shows already ? What about the children what are they thinking Mam is Dad and Dad is Mam or Mam/mam ,,Dad/Dad Isn't it confusing enough for children to grow up in this F,, up world.
  15. Deceived Thai Couple Left with Debt of 500,000 Baht. Fools . In the name of Satan I just can't understand that people can get manipulated in doing things .
  16. 30,000 Baht Lost Due to Incomplete ATM Deposit in Bangkok. The bank is Wrong . It's there ATM thus their responsibility that that ATM Works 100% If the ATM 's Sensor Failed to stop Other Costumers from Taking money out off the Storage bin than that is the Banks responsibility to rectify that to protect costumers from losing their money. Own up Bank , Pay up for your mistake /Non maintenance.
  17. Who wears the Pants. High Time to do if you Not.
  18. What did Thaksin say? The latest charges against Thaksin stem from a remark he allegedly made in an interview with a media outlet in Seoul, South Korea in 2015. He accused the Privy Council of Thailand of being involved in protests that preceded the 2014 military coup in the kingdom.
  19. Never heard of the man. That was a armoured To Yo. Virtually Bullet proof one can say. The driving is Defensive OK. Hero ,Bravest ? Not going there .
  20. So they say But I Bet that this is not for lese-majeste. As lèse-majesté is one of the offences relating to the security of the kingdom, according to Section 7 of the Thai Criminal Code. Even alleged offences committed outside the kingdom can be punished within Thailand. Thai courts have demonstrated they will prosecute and jail even non-Thai citizens for offences committed outside of the kingdom as proven in the case against American citizen Joe Gordon who police arrested in May 2011 when he visited Thailand for medical treatment. The court later sentenced him to five years in jail.[65]. https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-application-of-criminal-law-sections-2-17/
  21. Who's Spouting? What is the true meaning of karma? Hinduism identifies karma as the relationship between a person's mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It also signifies the consequences of all the actions of a person in their current and previous lives and the chain of cause and effect in morality.Nov 22, 2565 BE
  22. I don't mind there religion it's what they stand for . Have you red the Quran by any chance? There's some real Violence and Bad stuff in it. Some examples: “Kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more unbelief and worship is for Allah alone” (Quran 2:191-193). “Strike off their heads and strike from them every fingertip” (Quran 8:12). “Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties; in exchange for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they slay and are slain” (Quran 9:111). “Truly Allah loves those who fight in His cause in battle … (more)Upvote Related What are stupid things mentioned in the Quran? The list goes unbearably long! On the top of my mind I can lift the following: The earth is flat, more than 10 instance they call earth flat like a bed or a broken egg. Semen comes from between the ribs, seems like muhammad as a smart man, tried to justify the creationist story of creation of women. Or derived his understanding from there. Women are half worth of a man, male chauvnistic pig that he was. Explained out with women's periods. Women are property of men, and a child mill. And their duty is too please their man. Mountains are like nails holding the earth together. That muhammad claimed he split the moon into 2. Then joined them again That it allowed pedophile, rather encouraged it with muhammad. Sun sets in muddy waters. Moon follows the sun. Meteors are stars shot by devil.
  23. Yep, no news about all the Stray Soi dogs Attacking people everyday.
  24. There is no denying that strong population growth in countries with a majority of Muslims is correlated with Islam’s exponential rise to prominence as the religion with the quickest rate of expansion. The disproportionate rise in followers is a result of high birth rates and a growing younger population. The global influence of Islam is amplified by the demographic explosion that is occurring in countries with a majority of Muslims.
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