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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Well now I don't take LSD , You say it's the Truth , I say it isn't so Forget the other Cr@p
  2. We know that ,But don't wast your breath , It ain't going to happen. Nothing will be done until a mad Dog bites and kills the PM and his Cronies. Don't bother no such luck.
  3. Yes hundred of cars sitting at the traffic lights here in town for up to 4 minutes . That'll do it.
  4. I am dealing with it All . I Don't believe in what you posted.
  5. what kind off shaker are you referring to. https://dict.longdo.com/search/*shaker*.
  6. One can believe what one wants There are things that I don't believe in. By the way This has Nothing to do with the Kindergarten you visit.
  7. Yes man can, If you describe someone or their attitudes as enlightened, you mean that they have sensible, modern attitudes and ways of dealing with things.
  8. I ha to google that . The answer is NO.
  9. It's more the problem off Greed . they were promised big money and got Paid to go there. Now they have to pay back their debt and have to Work . One can't fix Stupid .
  10. With NAB I didn't have that problem when Wise changed their account, I did get a code send in my Internet banking and /Or ask to put in my I banking Password to ok the transfer.
  11. I Don't believe that he was resurrected, It's part of a religion and I don't believe in religion. As for the Dalai Lama, Same but different religion,
  12. I had the same problem It started years ago with the NAB they said it was AIS AIS said it's the Nab . in the end it Was the Bank , But they haven't fixed it Yet. Now I don't do International transfers from my bank I use Wise Now I Transfer money from Nab to Wise in Australia No international Transfer.
  13. Who said that Jesus came back, no proof same with the Dalai Lama. Anyway one can believe what they want that doesn't mean it's there or True.
  14. They are things one can Feel Religion one can't Feel/See
  15. How in Satans Name do they figure that? He's a Criminal, as soon as he sets one foot on Thai Soil he's suppose to go straight to jail. If not than he's done a deal or someone is scared of him.
  16. It doesn't matter how have you lived your live . Death is Death forever no one ever come back to say different. If you believe in Religion that makes it worse . How can one believe in something one can't see .
  17. What new Government, When and Who will that Be,
  18. When you die that's The End after that there's nothing . Look around you will see that sooo many people and animals die around you , than? nothing forever and forever.
  19. One doesn't have to be Straight to have black belts in some contact sports and be associated with Special forces. ????
  20. Pita, he better watches his step, he could get Hurt and Not be a PM
  21. Aren't they? For a cut Anything can happens in Los.
  22. How do you figure that? You have a good look what's inside your Computer/Laptop/TV and other cheap electric equipment, If it's a brand name it is still made in china and if it's not made in China the parts in it are made in China. Had a Toshiba laptop, made in China . Have 2 Mac laptops Made in China .
  23. She had almost paid her debt off, but her captors informed her that she still owed 100,000 baht. However, the daughter refused to work further and was subsequently locked up with several other women. Robert advised Pranuan to file a report and seek assistance. So she knew she has to pay back her debt. They all know that before they travel to Dubai. they think when they go there that they going to be Millionaires in 12 Months , Ain't going to happen.
  24. Yep ,that's for sure,He's a bit off a pain/ Show off. I know it's not nice to say for an Fellow use to be his country man .
  25. Line and QR code and Tik Tok and what have you or Not . Seen the people in the Supermarket Fumbling with their Smart Phone trying to pay, It takes ten times longer and more people have to wait . Not too smart . Can't get rid off Cash., Same with the Tills , When there's no power the whole supermarket comes to a halt . Can't use the tills. No one knows how to Ad up without a Phone that's if the prices are on the Items you have so no one can Pay in Cash . No wonder this World is in a Mess
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