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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Are they sure that they are dead's from covid and not from an other flu/illness
  2. Just be a Nice guy, if they ask in a shop/bank to put a mask on DO it it's not going to kill you. ????
  3. Road Safety could be done in Thailand But that's going to take some Major changes in the Natives . That's going to be the hardest part. Corruption and Don't care attitude is been bred in the natives since the year dot. Good luck with the big stick and build a thousand more jails for the offenders and Vehicle crushers for all the modified and unroadworthy vehicles, That would be a good start.
  4. Would be better to Cull all the wild dogs so they can't breed/and Soi dogs . They sure could do that with the 8600 Armed Army of volunteers.
  5. Done well coppers. Well now he didn't disappear properly didn't he . Should've left the country.
  6. Nice ,she should get a medal for this .One more No Hoper/Wife Beater gone.
  7. "Smart Car" is back. What's so smart about that .in Western countries the cops have been using this So called New Technology for more then 20 Yrs. Is it because they are Baby BMW or they just want to show off or because it's New to Thailand.
  8. So they should be Praised because the Lazy good for nothing Thais aren't picking up any rubbish they only Create more rubbish. Ps, if the Ladies didn't clean there the place would be a Mess.
  9. Easy to understand . MONEY to be made ,that's why.
  10. Forecast is pretty good they are right on the ball ; Rain Otherwise Fine ;
  11. They should provide a list from what they can do, It would only take a few Lines and Quicker to Read. ????
  12. That's easier said than done , the place is so corrupt the people are Born with it and see nothing else everyday.
  13. What good will that do .Let them go in a few days and they back at it again. Wake up Thailand get your Priorities Straight. People are More important than Soi Dogs . Mass Culling is in order to protect people . Some people may not like this but it has to be done . I love dogs ,We have one Inside our fenced off yard . The dog is No bother to people if they stay outside the Fence/Gate. ????‍????.
  14. They just try to find a way to stop not using the Brakes. ????
  15. Toyota UZ engine - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Toyota_UZ_engine The Toyota UZ engine family is a gasoline fueled 32-valve quad-camshaft V8 piston engine ... Three variants have been produced: the 1UZ-FE, 2UZ-FE, and 3UZ-FE. ‎1UZ-FE · ‎2UZ-FE · ‎3UZ-FE · ‎Derivatives
  16. E-bikes can be used as long as it meets Electric Assisted Pedal Assist (EAPC) rules set by the DLVA. E-bikes that do not meet their requirements are classified as a motorised vehicle and must be taxed and insured in order to be used on the public highway. Find more information at GOV.UK.Jan 23, 2564 BE
  17. Now that's a Laugh and a half , there are a lot of them that are worse then normal educated less traveled women women. ????
  18. Backhoe! that is the proper name for the beast . Thats what they call them in Aus . People in Los call them JCB . JCB is just a Brand name like Case , Ford, Caterpillar
  19. Maybe for some people . Doesn't work for me 6 to 8 cups(mugs) a day still sleep as a baby and eat like a horse . It’s no secret that Americans love coffee — more than 60 percent of us drink it on a daily basis. For the bulk of the population, it’s the most popular way to get that much-needed morning caffeine boost, followed by tea and soda. And while caffeine has been a cultural cornerstone for centuries, an increasing number of weight-loss supplements contain caffeine, often characterizing it as an appetite suppressant. But can caffeine really curb hunger? In short, the results are somewhat muddy. In 2014, a study in Food Research International found that consuming coffee over a four-week period boosted participants’ serotonin, a hormone that’s known to curb cravings and suppress appetite. But a 2016 study by researchers at the State University of New York showed that caffeine actually increased food intake in mice. And more recently, in 2018, a study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that drinking a tiny amount of caffeine caused participants to eat 10 percent less afterwards — but didn’t significantly impact appetite overall. Some experts also warn that too much caffeine can prompt insomnia, increased blood pressure and other health problems. And while some studies indicate that the energy-boosting stimulant can curb hunger in the short term, there’s little evidence that it leads to lasting weight loss.
  20. https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/nuclear-power-most-reliable-energy-source-and-its-not-even-close ,
  21. A curb (North American English), or kerb (Commonwealth English except Canada; see spelling differences), is the edge where a raised sidewalk or road median/central reservation meets a street or other roadway.
  22. Check this , I did . https://wise.com/help/articles/2949782/guide-to-getting-verified
  23. They were just holding back and waiting how much they could sting the private sector for . ????
  24. Nah ,she didn't have any.
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