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Everything posted by digger70

  1. 25 days Generous at THB 200 ? you'r kidding aren't you.
  2. That just shows that you don't know what's going on.
  3. Yes the Gf Son is /Was working for that Greedy Mob until he got Paid.
  4. 5555. Superstition, can't fix Stupid . No wonder this country is in a mess.
  5. They say THB328 and THB354 that's Incorrect. Down here in the 7/11 shops it's THB 200 a day for long Hours that's THB 5000 for a 25 day Month.
  6. Here we go again The Joke is on Big Joke again ,He's gotta play Second Fiddle again. He only can step on toes who are aloud to be stepped on by the General.
  7. Are they going to use All that money in the right places or Part off.
  8. It says Might, So they don't really know How Bad or not telling. Do you think that they will give you the Real numbers? that would look Really Bad wouldn't it.
  9. Makes no difference what plan ,he made his own plan .But still he's building the wall same as what trump was doing.
  10. Must have had a lot of dirty Laundry to buy the stupid plates.
  11. I would say it's all about Money/Profit. At the moment, recycling plastic is more expensive than making new plastic, which means companies have little incentive to dig through landfills for old materials.
  12. There's a much better way to use the Taxpayers money than to waste it on useless temples . Get the lazy monks to be self sufficient like in Europe countries they have Farms ,Cattle ,make Trappist Beer etc, they don't go begging for food and Money from the people.every day.
  13. A bit like Thailand than hey.and Russia.
  14. Biden promised to halt building Trump's border wall October . 5- 2021 -4:44 PM ET But new construction has begun.
  15. The public hanging of Majidreza Rahnavard, less than a month after he allegedly carried out the fatal stabbings of two security officials, shows the speed at which Iran now carries out death sentences handed down for those detained in the demonstrations the government hopes to put down. This killer got the dead penalty right . they done this very quick. Now that's much better than that one has to wait 5/10 years on death row. Get it over and done with with the least amount of cost to the Government/Tax payers. Many people don't like this but it is what it is ,Their country Their Law .
  16. One can repair some cuts ,they can be vulcanized at some tire repair shop. That can take some time if they can do the repair. If there area few cuts in the tire and side wall it will be cheaper to bye a new one.
  17. the ‘super-rich’ Chinese gangsters who call Thailand home They wanted super rich people to come to Thailand and spent their money. They got what they asked for . They call them gangsters now ,is't because they don't pay tax. Then we have the local gangsters they call them officials now working in cahoots with the super rich gangsters , now all the gangsters /officials are in trouble it looks like someone didn't get enough in their brown envelope.
  18. Don't be to sure ,you think the bank want's to lose money? They will recycle them.
  19. Insects in bags of rice That's ok ,It just means that there's no insecticide put on the rice . Just wash the rice get rid of most of them and cook the rice ,no probs.
  20. Well now that's the stupid agents fault to say that ,He should fix that Not you . The too much refunds is a completely different case. Pay them back .
  21. Who's missing lockdowns? No difference here in the village down south. Nothing changed except for the Mask issue and a lot of BS talk.
  22. Get Vaxed ,Yea right they last max 3/6 months so it's an ongoing thing Get a shot every 6 months?The covid is mutating so they have to get new vax all the time . Forget it learn to live with it . don't the Thais say whatever happens happen.
  23. mass cheating, What else would one expect ,this mentality of corruption and cheating has been bred in the natives since year dot . It's at All levels of society from the Top till the Bottom No exceptions. That's live in Asia.Some countries are worse than others But Los is close to the top.
  24. You are right in my eyes to , a scam. Its' well an truly deceptive. What does scam mean; A scam is a deceptive scheme or trick used to cheat someone out of something, especially money. Scam is also a verb meaning to cheat someone in such a way. Example: Banks will never call you asking for your credit card number or social security number over the phone. If someone calls and asks for information like that, it’s a scam.
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