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Everything posted by digger70

  1. If you have A negative blood you can donate to anyone with a blood type of A or AB regardless of the positive or negative, however if you have A negative blood you can only receive A- or O- blood. Understanding Blood Transfusions There is a specific guideline in which blood transfusions must be conducted in order to be safe and successful. Transfusions must be matched appropriately to avoid dangerous outcomes. The breakdown is as follows: Type A+ can donate only to A+ and AB+; can only receive from A+, A-, O+, and O- Type A- can donate only to A+, A-, AB+, and AB-; can only receive from A- and O- Type B+ can donate only to B+ and AB+; can only receive from B+, B-, O+, and O- Type B- can donate only to types B+, B-, AB+, and AB-; can only receive from B- and O- Type AB+ can donate only to AB+; can receive from all blood types Type AB- can donate only to AB+ and AB-; can only receive from A-, B-, AB-, and O- Type O+ can donate only to blood types A+, B+, AB+, and O+; can only receive from O+ and O- Type O- can donate to all blood types. It is known as the universal donor type; can only receive from O-
  2. Liquid Sweeteners Buying Guide | What's Out in Stores in 2021? https://www.whatsugar.com › syrups
  3. They can make laws for whatever they want/Like, But, But who cares Care factor zero If people want to drink they Will find a way to Buy/Get the drink/alcohol.
  4. Yea right , a warning will do same as a Law in Los ,,,,Sweet <deleted> all. ????
  5. Thai dowry depends on the social status of the bride’s family as well as her education level and is at oftentimes disagreed upon by Westerners, if not refused altogether. On average, a Thai wife can be worth about 100,000 Baht at least. However, if the bride is “spoiled or ruined” (Mia Maiy), no Thai dowry will be required, as well as if she comes along with her children of a former marriage.
  6. Yes that's what I mean the rules are There for all centers. The officers don't apply them same .We had different (new) officers. apply them differently in same office. That's what the officer in charge told me that the rules were all same ,they are made in Bangkok.
  7. Don't all offices have the same Rules? Isn't it up go the officers to apply them different That's how I understood the rules .
  8. They have , It's the Officers that Differ.
  9. They don't need the help from foreign crims to tarnish Los. The natives can do that themselves.
  10. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/18/fact-sheet-president-biden-to-announce-new-actions-to-strengthen-u-s-energy-security-encourage-production-and-bring-down-costs/
  11. They call them now Manual or Automatic Bikes /Cars Trucks. ???? Never heard that clutch and gear called stuff.
  12. 5555 The power Pole done it again. Karma.
  13. Just about as bad as Thailand . Making Laws and don't worry about them. How stupid is that. Why in Satans name make Laws if No one cares/worries about them ,not even the cops and the government.
  14. Doesn't matter it's about accusing foreigners for crimes. They don't mention Natives crimes.
  15. Cheap meals. Fish on the menu for a couple weeks.
  16. A Massive Plan hey. That's all what it's going to be .
  17. Phuket will never be crime free there are more native criminals then Foreign criminals.
  18. After a 10-month investigation, the Warren Commission concluded that Oswald assassinated Kennedy, that Oswald had acted entirely alone, and that Ruby had acted alone in killing Oswald Deadman don't talk so they will never know for 100%.
  19. How Do Solar Panels Work - Performance Services https://www.performanceservices.com › how-do-solar-p... Solar panels themselves do not store energy;
  20. Good old Hoges 55555. Put an other Shrimp on the Barbie. ????
  21. Something missing from this Story.
  22. To collect donations , they All have to pay to keep Working.
  23. Looks ok but not practical As a matter of fact Stupid idea.
  24. You wanna Laugh about Lady digger and Her son? You should be ashamed ,you don't know Me or Lady digger . You keep badgering I will Report you. If you want to know,her son is 25 I don't care I just made a statement on fact and 7/11 doesn't care about the Law . There are many 7/11 that are Franchises down here and they pay All same. End of Rant ,,,,Closed.
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