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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. I doubt it is a coincidence. Normally I try and avoid giving them my real number and say I do not use email but sometimes it is in my interests for them to contact me.
  2. I often get an upsurge in scam calls and SMS after I give my real number to Thai immigration.
  3. These look like the Honda Rebel with a light restyle. A hard no from me. You can do way better for the money.
  4. Why do you keep talking about women with penises?
  5. Assuming the pump is submerged in water it does not need to be primed. Have you checked that the pump is under water?
  6. Back in the 1970s I got a university education in the UK and it was entirely free. The tuition fees were paid by the taxpayer and I received a student grant from my local authority which covered my living expenses. I walked away with a degree and no debt. That has been a lifelong asset that trumps any amount of consumer tat.
  7. Not going to happen where I live. The smart car is broken and hasn't moved in at least a couple of years. It sits under a thick layer of dust.
  8. The colours British cars used in the 1970s didn't help. Why so many poo brown and vomit yellow cars?
  9. I was born in Abingdon. Perhaps unsurprisingly there was a plague of MGs in the area. Even back in the 1970s I thought that the MG Midgets of that time had matt black sills so that when the rust holes appeared you could do a passable bodge job with filler and a spray can.
  10. I remember the smell of the leather interior. Of course it rusted. They all did.
  11. That is the restyled version. My father's was a 1969 original body style. Both versions were styled by Michellotti.
  12. It was the Triumph 2.5 that had fuel injection. Specifically Lucas mechanical fuel injection. My father had one and I travelled much of Europe in it.
  13. Do you really think consumer goods is quality of life?
  14. I was coding in Burroughs Algol for a living back in the early 1980s. Thailand in 2023: Hey, there is this new thing called coding. Let's pile on.
  15. I think it depends on the car. It would be a crime to convert an E type to EV. But a minor classic which is not worth much and the engine cannot be kept working due to lack of parts? I say have at it.
  16. Passport Office staff were offered a 2% pay increase by the government who refuse to negotiate. Given inflation is around 10% in the UK I can understand why they are striking.
  17. 8mm thread. Honda make a song and dance in the service manual about how they specified and had these plugs manufactured so they could fit larger valves.
  18. I probably have not ridden it for five years or more. I haven't needed anything other than service items which I got from a Honda dealer in the UK or a dealer in Hong Kong when I worked there. I do remember that the unusual spark plugs foul fairly easily and cannot be brought back to life. A pain when they are about a hundred quid a set.
  19. I think it is a Wave AT. A Wave but with some kind of CVT transmission. It didn't sell well.
  20. Photo taken today. Lower bodywork is off the bike for some reason or other. Exhaust is original. All bodywork is original. 20,000 km which may well be genuine.
  21. 1969 Honda C50 1990 Honda NC30 VFR400R
  22. Is he incapable of driving? Does he believe lottery numbers can be predicted by worshipping a rock? What is his amulet count?
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