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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. Another example is a UK marriage certificate. Such a certificate is literally a certified copy of an entry at the General Registrars Office (GRO). Yet Thai immigration requires you to get that certified copy certified by four different government entities in two different countries. What a load of old cock.
  2. Buy them from Mazda.
  3. Evidently not a follower of Warren Buffett.
  4. I have better things to do with my time than deal with those matters. The agent was told that if he wanted to take the bike with him I was content with that.
  5. I used an agent to get a bike I own legal because it was a fairly complex process: 1. It had not been taxed for years 2. Change of ownership 3. Colour change 4. New book and registration plate in a different province 5. Vehicle testing process All that was done and the vehicle never left my house.
  6. Honda Wave 110i. Fuel injection, engine management, catalytic converter. 34.1 grammes CO2 per kilometre. Bearing in mind batteries require charging, and in Thailand that is mostly done by fossil fuels, you are not going to save the world by buying an electric scooter.
  7. It is dishonest marketing as far as I am concerned.
  8. Presumably all the ones you see in Thailand with a "Morris Garages since 1924" sticker on the back.
  9. Gen Z has it worse. They have to lick the froth off a Latte and put something on Tiktok.
  10. Dude you could have bought the 911. Should have bought the 911.
  11. Show me an EV that can meet or beat all these key parameters and I will buy it. Power: 68 bhp Weight: 785 kg Range: 700 kms Price: 315,000 Baht
  12. A follow up on this. The letter sent by DHL arrived at its destination on 7 August. Cost was less than 1200 Baht.
  13. What's the thing on the left. It looks American.
  14. Pine is breakfast cereal for termites.
  15. That price must be wrong. A CBR150 is 100K.
  16. On outgoing post of consequence I no longer use Thai Post. This year I sent a letter to a UK government department. Letter 1: Thai registered post. Lost by them in transit. Letter 2: Thai registered post. Lost by them in transit. Letter 3. Sent by DHL on 3 August. Currently at Suvarnabhumi airport.
  17. He did a topic on the Trans Am he used to own with many photos. He used it for drag racing amongst other things and it evolved over time. An interesting read for any petrolhead.
  18. Of course I don't have an EV but I think these fire concerns are verging on hysteria.
  19. I park my EV in the blast proof bunker 500 metres from the house. A seismic detector lets me know if there is a problem with charging.
  20. It depends on your definition of better.
  21. I think it was probably the case that the guy in the HMRC call centre could only see records for the last four years on his screen and therefore was in no position to judge years prior to that. I would not take that that to mean there could be no claim beyond four years.
  22. ....said the Thais who use plastic bags as hats in the rain.
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