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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Although the two are joined at the hip, they are both seeking different agendas. Netenyahu's aim it to is multi-faceted. Firstly; he would like to see a broader Middle East war, with the US and UK involved naturally. He wants to chuck out all Palestinians from their homeland. He - and his Zionist psychopathic team - are trying desperately to keep him out the nick. Biden on the other hand is looking forward to election time. He is way behind in the opinions and has to temper his hung-ho statements. American sentiment has changed.
  2. I think it important to look at intent. Evidence at the recent genocide trial, where top people in Israel said they wanted to clear the Palestinians from ; well Palestine. Opportunity beckoned! "How can we blame Israel?" I am not blaming Israel alone. The US, UK and Germany sat back and watched this catastrophe unfold for decades. And all three actively encouraged the killings.
  3. Ok! Let's be specific shall we. You think the Israeli intelligence didn't know about boring hundreds of metres of tunnels? This was a surveillance system that would know if a porcupine got anywhere near the prison fence. The deliberate 6/7 hour delay in dealing with the prison breakout and the tunnels, all point - for anyone paying attention - to this all being long planned. It was what the IDF, and those pulling the strings, wanted all along. An excure to begin the complete removal of non-Jews from Gaza and - IMO - the whole of Palestine. The specific break-out incident was the trigger to unleash the genocide. Backed up fully by the US, UK and Germany.
  4. I'm anti fool. You seem to be right up there JT. Are your eyes closed to what is happening in the Middle east?
  5. I'm anti-genocide. Anyone else out there want to risk being called antisemitic?
  6. Bang on the money there HP. Even if yer got a direct hit they wouldn't break or sink. Every day go down the soi keeping it free from trash. Plenty of bottles.
  7. I have 4 avocados trees grown from seed. I'll put a pic up later. When I'm at the farm, I look around at the sheer beauty of nature. I see lizards, birds, butterflies and many other nature wonders. Love the fish. Love nature. Love life. It's not all honey and cheese though. But overall, Isaan is probably the best place to be in the world. Perhaps maybe second to Dagenham; behind the power station, near the dock. Where one can pass away hours throwing stones at the bottles bobbing up and down in the Thames.
  8. Dogs mature just like everything else. Oscar is still the enforcer, but he is a little calmer than before. He is a fatty though. Robert is still his exuberant self.
  9. Make you right there PW. But I like the life here. It has its up, and has its downs, but I'm committed to Thailand, and Isaan particularly. Now, I'd only go back to England for an emergency. Or if I got kicked out. Just about to have a cheese sarnie with tommies. Lovely! Anyway, take care out there; where ever you are.
  10. Are you still in Isaan PW? Only going by your stated location; Newcastle. The two little dogs across the road have died. Very sad. They were good pals with Robert and Oscar.
  11. Original roots in the Middle East! According to Chris Hedges - and others - reckon it's well below 10%. Most Israelis have their roots in Europe, although a few come from the US. The English, Spanish and others went across the Atlantic to take over the Americas. Mascaraing the locals as they went. Old habits die hard.
  12. True; I'm not a supporter of Israel, its leaders, policies or its present massacre of mostly women and children Gazsaians. But as far as religion goes; I don't like or dis-like Jews any more than I do Christians. They all have their bad parts. Some have done good stuff. I'm not at all happy with the western countries that have allowed Israel to gradually grow into the monster it is. But, I reckon the end is in sight for the whole Zionist cults; whatever religion they hide behind. Bitten off more than they can chew.
  13. Zionism was/is a cult. The people involved, since the late 1800s (when this all started), were/are not religious; at least not in the true sense. If a Jew is not religious that he is not a Jew. Not in my book. Could a Christian who don't believe be a Christian? Of course not! Same thing. Talking about thousands of years of Jewish history in simply 'humbug'. The area that is now being fought over - in fact the whole area that is oil-rich - was once lush forests. People then, were not Jews or Christians or anything else. They probably were more like the original Nth Americans. They believed in what they saw; day to day. Antisemitism is a nonsense IMO. What actually does it refer to? How can it be defined? The true Semites are the Palestinians. Only a handful of Israelis come from the area. Remember that after WW11, the gangs that terrorised the area clearing people off their land, were anti-English, and some were prepared to aline themselves to all sorts. Remember also, that these Zionist terrorists were later to be the leaders of Israel's military and government. You can't tell me that the driver of the Gaza debacle (BN) is religious. There won't be a welcome for him at the gates of heaven for sure. More like down below for that psychopath.. IMO, the last American pres', to put his country before Israel, was JFK. Recall what happen to him? The current leaders are simply paid off or compromised. They cannot be seen to go against Israel, or the Israel lobby. That's how powerful this cult is. They have infiltrated everything that has influence. Hollywood, MSM, Tech etc. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is the complete take over of Palestine; without any non-Jews being there. And - US, Germany and UK permitting - will broaden their horizons.
  14. Does look a bit hectic. The water is very shallow. The fishes must be scared. Let's hope they were OK.
  15. One for the left foot, and one for the right. Honest Andy, not tell porkies.
  16. I ll look that up Chips. But to quote Wiki:::: '''Hill left United for Derby County for £250,000 in 1978, with his sale by Dave Sexton deeply unpopular with supporters. At the time of his sale, Hill was United's top scorer and a favourite among fans.''' Actually Coppell and Hill, remind me of Medwin and Jones from the Spurs side of the early 60. They started the 'cutting in' style, as opposed to the 'get to the goal-line and cross the ball', for the centre forward to head in.
  17. ''It's not just clothes. It's plants, trees, tools, footwear (I bought a new pair of sandals for 50 baht), food and pets. '' Quite right Mr rhodie. Should have backed up such a profound statement with an irrefutable fact. So here goes.
  18. Thanks for that warm sentiment Rick. You have moved into my list for my 2024 Xmas ecards. I try to be fair and observational. I like good footy, and United have played some great stuff down the years. And I'm sure they will again hit those heights. Recall Gordon Hill and Steve Coppell? Cutting in from the wing and putting one (or two) in the top corner?! Wow!! Sends shivers down yer spine just thinking of it.
  19. Have you moved PW? Left wonderful Isaan, and moved to cold, grimy Toon country?
  20. I think the top two will be Foxes and Saints. Play-offs are gonna be very interesting. There are some very decent crowds attending the Championship games. Make you right Andy about there being competitive in a lower league.
  21. Robert is the one that gets about. Comes to the farm with me every day. Oscar was not so keen on the farm. Oscar was the enforcer. Now he is calm.
  22. I did say on the thread that I thought all three relegated would return. In my memory they were the best three teams to go down since 3 up, 3 down started. In the Asian Cup, Thailand are out. Sitting pretty at half way after the group games. They lost to Uzbekistan 2-1 in the first knockout. Never scored enough goals. Only 3 in their 4 matches.
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