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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Can't speak for that den if iniquity. Anyone in that horse-meat place is gonna pay extra; a big extra, Up here in my Isaan local village, an ex-army guy is doing dentures for 100 baht a tooth. So a full set is a tad more than 3k. Don't seen so bad that. Worth the trip up I reckon
  2. I've been in the bitter cold whilst in Special Forces. So cold yer couldn't touch yer lips with a fork. If you did, someone would have to pour boiling water onto it to unfreeze it from yer lips. That's why we all had wooden spoons. This warm weather is not going to last forever. Take the opportunity to get a bit of sun on yer back. Kick yer feet in the surf, or roll in the rice stubble if not near the sea. Turn off the air-con. You know it's not good for you. If you must; get a fan. My advice; sit under a tree and do what nature intended.
  3. Here in Udon Province it is now 42C. An hour ago it was 43C. Life goes on. People still in the fields. People still walking their buffaloes. People still building houses. Kids still playing kiss chase. Bangkok is a pussy cat. Tigers up here.
  4. Right you are then guys. You spoke. I listened. I reacted. The chickens know the sound of the Mazza and come running.
  5. Indeed. With the frond cover from the palms, the sun don't get through too much. So evaporation is minimal. I'll have a good look on Thursday. Ban Dung tomorrow. Weekly shop.
  6. Owl Log - Tuesday afternoon - Part 3 It's all about water. First live run on the palm solar system yesterday. But first we had to bring over a couple of long PVCs from number one farm. Looked at the lay of the farm and put it where it will get to most trees. Turned the system on, and after 10 minutes the overflow kicked in. That meant that the two 1000L IBCs were full. Although they were half full to start with. So far so good. But as good as the overflow was working, could it handle the inflow. The outpipe was 2 inch; the pump pipe in 1 1/2. Both IBCs kept filling. We could hear the water shooting down into the rings below. Then they decided to overflow. But at least we knew something. The top overflow was not man enough for the job. Just couldn't release enough water fast enough. Let's see how the lower one would perform. Mildred went over to release the IBC water. We waited no longer than a couple of minutes for the lower overflow to kick in. Coming out at a good lick too. Must have been 2 litres a second. Stopped the water from the BCI tanks. But!!!??? Dear me. Waterfall!! Can only blame myself for underestimating the pump capacity. According to the pump data; at 32 metres down, the best it could give was 88 litres a minute. There was two litres a second out of the overflow. So a monumental miscalculation by me. But on the upside. The palms were getting a long awaited drink. As luck will have it; most of number two farm is in on a slight down slope. For now; let the water flow. Now some rough calculations. Start time 10am. Finish time 4pm. Average pump output; 1 litre a second. So 6 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds x 1 litre. On a bright day that's a whopping 20k+ litres feeding the palms. And no more than 30/35 at one time. If I put in some more long PVCs, to allow the switching of water direction, and make sure there are little channels to let water flow where the soil is slightly high, the palms should be very happy. Perhaps I'm being too sophisticated for me own good. It is Thailand after all; not Essex-on-sea. Only one thing left to say; bye ya'll.
  7. Make you right there LL. I don't mind really. She can have anything I have to offer.
  8. Been in a few Quakee. Long time ago. Didn't like it. Women are over-rated. Preferred fishing.
  9. Don't look like no 20 tonne of garbage to me. A couple of tonne; three at best.
  10. Get the sun on yer back. Good for you. Ditch any air-con. If you must; then a small fan. Alcohol is not good. Iced lime tea the bizzo. YouPorn is addictive. Tom and Jerry better.
  11. It's Tuesday the 22nd of April and this is the Owl Log. Part 2 of 3. The family all went off to Nong Khai and left me alone. Perhaps they didn't think I would like what they had in store. Anyway I took advantage. I'm not so sure what the main reason for the trip was all about. They said to visit this special temple. But there was more to the day's activities that that. Much more. Mrs Owl posing in front of the temple. Up the stairs and in. Very nice it was too. That done it was off to a water park. Sour puss Mildred thoroughly enjoying herself Hire a table and it's soon time to eat. From the left: Nok with the glasses. Jane in the white shirt. Chelsea in the pink hat. Chelsea's dad. They all got back to the village at nine in the evening. I asked Mildred if she had enjoyed herself. Her reply; 'Sort of'. 'Why is that dear?' 'Wet for hours.' Glad I never went. +++++ What to make of that Palace. Sorted out the Liverpool lot, then smashed in five against the Irons. Owls did themselves good by winning at Blackburn. Aveley make the play-offs. Be good to see them make the National League. Only Villa did well in Europe last week. +++++ My pineapple is looking the biz. It was about this time when the last one disappeared. Have to keep me eye on it. The Big Mango lady is gonna make a mint with the hoppers. I counted 1,347 just in this cage alone. And there were many more, but they were spooked and jumped all over the place. Messed up my counting. Haven't seen the pet piggie for a few days. Hope it's OK. MOVIE soi pig.mp4 +++++ Sunday was a scorcher. Fortunately a rest day for me. If i work for too long in the hot sun, I get leg-cramps in the evening.No'. +++++ Still not made it up with the Mrs. Last evening she kicked me on my dodgy left leg. As luck would have it; hit my knee and not further up. +++++ The deal we had when we sold the farm, is still ongoing. There was 200k spare after all her debts were paid off. Shared 50-50. But I wanted the assurance that I could spend my bit on the farm. She bought gold. And the gold price is gradually creeping up. So she should be happy?! But now she wants me to spend what I have left on things she wants. I said 'No!'. +++++ I've changed my morning tipple a bit. A cold soda, with honey and chlorophyll and a peeled lime. Very refreshing. In the leaflet that comes with the chlorophyll, it says that a tablespoon is equal to eating 69 fresh grapes. I squirt much more than that in the mix. Equal to three bunches I reckon. Loaded with vitamin C. Not made any reishi wine for yonks. Don't seen to have the time. +++++ That's it folks. Only one thing left to say; look out for an explosive part three.
  12. Owl Log part one of three. Monday afternoon. 22nd April 2024. Pleased we missed out on WW3. Would have made me regret starting the Solar System venture. Soo and Kun were with me on Thursday. Bit of heavy lifting to do. Everything arrived on time. And it was off to work we go. First thing was to get the base sorted. 10cm thick. The rings were well concreted in. Concreting in 40C is an art. Make the mix on the wet side, cause by the time it's in place it's half off. Put another 50cms into the bottom rings. Finished that about 11ish. Got to work on the underground pipework. Not that deep. There was gonna be a soil/mud/clay covering. About 13 metres altogether below ground. Off to lunch to let the concrete set hard, and started again at 2. Gradually built up the rings. Grouting them in as we went. Was gonna go to 2 metres before capping, but decided - mostly for safety reasons - to only go 4 rings high. Then on with the caps. And finally the IBCs. Just about 5 when we finished the first day. Second day on Friday, it was pipework, and then more pipework. Only had one helper; Kun. Soo went off to cut trees somewhere. Not too much lifting to do fortunately. Did the lower pipes first. Gradually worked up. Connected the pump and filled it all up. Roughly 4000 litres in all. Expected a few leaks. Filled the rings to see any leaks. Not wrong there. Drained the system and it was home for tea. Started on the grouting first thing on Saturday. Also removed some pipes and replaced them. The overflow pipes into and out of the system couldn't keep pace with the water coming from the pump. All the 1 1/2 pipes taken out and 2 inchers put in. Also put in an air valve. Looks a bit confusing. Hope it all works! Last job was to level out the soil. Kun on the wheelbarrow and me on the chog-chog. Will need another load of soil later. But all in all quite pleased with the finished job. Next task is to give it a live run tomorrow. See if all my planning was OK. Sunday morning. Let the water flow. Sun came up at 9-30 precisely. Controller read 119 volts. Pump started. it was action stations. Oops!!!!! Dear me. I need a stiff drink. Didn't reckon on that! Owl Log parts 2 and 3 later today.
  13. A little experiment to find out who is your bestist mate. Rover or the Mrs. Coax the dog into the boot. Leave him in there for a couple of hours. Ignore the barking and whining. The next day do the same with the Mrs. Grab her, and bundle her into the boot of yer car. Do a round trip to yer friends and get back after 3 hours. Ignore the shouting and squealing. When you opened the boot. Which one was best pleased to see yer?
  14. Applause t the appropriate moment. Of course not when a swimmer has been disqualified or when the weightlifter drops the weight on his foot. No! Just show enthusiasm and appreciation. Soon have the mums around.
  15. This post is bang on the money. However; if I may, I'd like to add just a couple of titbits. When talking to a young lady, look into her eyes. When she is talking; look at her mouth. Makes them feel secure. Finding the more wealthy lady is not that difficult. I have found the best thing is to get interested in a sport. Swimming, fencing or even weight lifting. Generous applause and the occasional 'whoop', will not go unnoticed. Curiosity will get to the contestant's mums, and they will soon befriend you.
  16. I was looking for a television a few years back. Went into Udon Thani store on the ring road. I was asked seven times by 7 different young ladies if I had a 'Madam'. Of course I said yes each time. The wife was waiting for me in the pick-up outside. The only place where that has happened to me before was in Bansumran Fishing Park. There you could hire a girl for your fishy requirements for your overnight stay. She would put ya bait on and net the fish too.
  17. There are 4 7-11s in Ban Dung. The one to the north of the town has the best looking birds. Don't go into the one near the bus station as he wanted my passport to pay a leccy bill.
  18. They create the pressure themselves. 100k a week and some can't even break sweat. Too much kissing and cuddling when they score. Bring back Stan Cullis type managers. He wouldn't have put up with all this hugging and touching.
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