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owl sees all

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Posts posted by owl sees all

  1. 44 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Also try 3,4.5,9,0 ,

    Because if one side is 3  the other is 4  and the long side is 5 , the you have a 9 0 degree angle 

    or if you go with 2,3 5 , the the next combination in the fibonacci sequence would be 8 

    So 2,3.5.8 or the ration whim is 1.6 or 5/8s and matches  the last two digits 5,8

    Do you think I smoked to much weed in my use?

    We are all gonna be rich.Thanks for that S.


    I'll be going to Ban Dung this afternoon. And I'll be after that special number that will make me 6 million baht wealthier.


    So we are talking maths are we S? Well I like the Owl sequence, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,,,etc. I could go on. Interestingly, infinity can never be established. Why? Cause infinity plus one is more/bigger.


    While we are talking mathematics. A little teaser. How can a circle's area be accurately established using 4 sticks of bamboo and a pot of rice? Commonly known as the Thai farmer, or Lao Khao method. But!!!! Wait for it;;; without using Pi in any way.


    Answers oo a postcard please. The first correct answer out the bag, will win a somtam dinner with Nok from the next village.

    • Haha 1
  2. Just now, Thorgal said:


    I've told you, but you didn't listen...

    Whenever something is said that the opposing side don't like they go ape. Provide links!! Proof!! Quote source!! They even try to get the mods involved to shut you down.


    Stand firm. There are many facets to this conflict. And your opinion is just as valid as theirs.

    • Like 1
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  3. 13 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    My dream of winning the Thai lottery would be financing my kid through university, maybe uni in the UK, as she has UK citizenship.

    6 million Baht would get Mildred through art school and uni here easily, and with no debt to worry about.

    My fingers are crossed for a win this week.




    I hear you CL.


    The whole idea of buying land, and developing it was - and the wife agreed - to safeguard the children's future. Both that latchibo Nan and Mildred. It hasn't worked out as planned, but there is hope.


    As for the lottery; all that is needed is a bit of spiritual luck. This week, numbers that have both curves and a straight bit are gonna do the bizzo.



    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:



    I look at it on a human level. Killing kids is tragic. If anyone thinks that pointing to some clause in some law has the answers; I say nonsense.


    Killing unarmed civilians is wrong. And to do it deliberately is double wrong.

    • Love It 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Be careful taking the caps of while charging a lead acid battery generates hydrogen .

    I had one explode in my face once, doing exactly that and still have the scare on my hand to prove it., where I got a cut  and a healthy dose of sulfuric acid. I was lucky it did not go in my eyes. 

    You are not wrong there S.

    In fact after doing the top up, I felt a bit sick and lay down for a couple of hours. Must have been the fumes.


    To make matters worse, I've got a super-fast charger. Goes from 'dead' to 'start-up' in just 10 minutes. And there is no 'trickle' option on the unit..

  6. 2 minutes ago, BlueScouse said:

    The top flight league title stayed in the same city for seven years. Who and when?


    Everton 1939-1946

    You are right BS. Everton won the league in 1938/39, and it was not contested again until Liverpool took the title in 1946/47. 


    There was another occasion when this happened. When and where?

  7. 1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

    Millwall!! What are you doing? You should have been put to the sword at Hillsborough. Not win 0-4. Dear me! Just when you think the Owls have turned the corner; they flop again. Posh win 5-0. The three bottom clubs are the three that came down from The Championship. Orient lose at home. Cove win away. Harry Kane doing well in Germany.

    Dear me! What a plonker.


    Should read;;; The three clubs that came up from the Championship, are in the bottom three places in the EPL.


    Too much excitement. That's my excuse.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    It's that time of the year where the village Wat has its annual fundraising event.

    I think it is in every village in Thailand,

    There is a parade from the villager to the wat where they bring in the money trees, 

    Who says money dont grow on trees? LOL

    Anyway the come to the wat , go three times around dome sort of temple , there is loud musick and a lot of dancing. Candy were thrown in the air and the kids went crazy collecting it. 

    A good  time was had by all . especially the kids feeding the elephants. 

    We were busy giving out food. and drinks. 




    Could contain:

    Could contain:

    Could contain:

    Could contain:

    Yup! Thanks for those stonking pics.


    • Agree 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    There's a certain irony here also, given that for years, many of the most vocal anti-vaxers have been railing against the supposedly unproven mRNA vaccines, and often saying if they had to be vaccinated at all, they'd instead choose the older, more traditional vaccine formulation used in the UK-developed AZ vaccine.


    Are you talking 'on this platform? Or worldwide?

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