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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. owl sees all

    Isaan Woman

    An Ozzie pal - unfortunately died unexpectedly some time ago - told me that you can control the Isaan woman with money. She is a strange beast, he wold say. Always a conflict in her head; with desire, money, food and status fighting for prominence.
  2. Never mind United. Time to start rebuilding for next season.
  3. I'd already got in a decent double, and cashed that out for 33 squids. Looked at the stats. Don't know how Hull didn't get a goal. That's life. I'll send the full details on email. BTW; good result on Saturday.
  4. If you can see that the bankers, elites, powers hidden behind the curtain, and even elected politicians don't care a jot about the people, then you are as immune as you need to be. Couldn't see much reference to dinosaurs, when I read the bible. Although, way before them, it mentions the creation of Earth. Confused; I turned to nature. I looked around and saw it was nature that had the answers. Even about mask wearing.
  5. When we picked up the second chanot on Saturday, I did suggest that it would be better if I looked after them all. Just in case she was tempted. She said that she would not do it again, and anyway, she was too old to do it. (50 last birthday) I said that at 49 she thought it was OK? Mrs Owl has been talking about buying a leccy m/c with the 40k we now have, after the land sale. I want to get one, maybe two solar water systems for the 400+ palm trees in number two. My thinking is that the palms will give good nuts all year round if they get water all year round. If we don't give water then there is little point in keeping them. It's a bit complicated, but to simplify. When a man and lady get together the fruits of their hard work pops out 9 months later. When the oil palm seeds first appear (every 3 weeks) the tree has to make a decision; male or female. If there are nutrients, and more importantly water/moisture, in the ground, the result will be a bunch of nuts; female 18/20 months later.. If there is no water or nutrients then the seeds go male. The difference being, that a male weights no more that half a kilo, and takes up little energy, while a female bunch matures at well over 20 kg. It's nature's way of protecting itself. So1 I'm looking about.
  6. It looks terrible ,but a bit of superglue and stick silver tape will make it look better. I reckon I can get a panel though. No rush. I don't sit that side, so it'll be the Mrs' moaning that will spring me into action for the panel. Mildred off school today. I'll get her to help me fix it up.
  7. Thanks for the advice CL. I do get regular beatings. I'm a big strong lad and can take it. But I'm not keen on getting whacked when I'm driving.
  8. Can't blame Robert. Although the silly sod didn't make a row. Bark even. No! It was me who did the deed. Left the door open. Mrs Owl said I was a ''no good farang.'' Although she locked the Mazza up at 8ish in the evening, and never noticed anything. I accept the blame 100%. A beating is a'coming. Had quite a few recently. Not choppers, or anything like that. No! Coat-hangers and sticks and buckets. On the upside. The cat-food arrived this afternoon. Have not fed the pussies with the new stuff yet. Keep that stick away from Mrs Owl pussy cat.
  9. I think Ashley Young is a much better f]player now he has stopped his diving. Not so long back everyone thought he was the worst diver the English game had seen. I didn't agree. I thought Eduardo at Arsenal had him beat.
  10. Do cheer up United fans. Nothing to fear on Tuesday evening. Bayern got smashed 5-1 at Frankfurt. All the players have to do is pass the ball to the other guys in red shirts, and break sweat.
  11. The Mrs was always going down my pockets. ''Have to wash the money.'' She would say. Only ever got back half. ''Where's the rest of my money teerak?'' ''Too many germs. Couldn't wash them off. Gave the money away.''
  12. It's Sunday the 10th of December and this is the weekly Owl Log. Time seems be be absolutely flying by. Went into Gig C in the week to buy some drinks. It was Christmas songs for the whole time I was in there. This week I reckon it will be red hats all round. Have to get one of Mildred's to wear next time there. I've got good relationship with the lady who cooks the chickens. She gives me a big smile and points me to the food that has just come out of the ovens. Easy to tell really. It's a lot warmer than the others. But it's nice to know someone is caring. Got back two of the three chanots. Mrs Owl says the last will arrive by post this week. Now the people that have bought the farm are gonna get rid of at least 100 palm trees. I'm thinking; how do they remove them? There is one that I want to get out in number 2 farm. More on this later. Picked up the pinkies as planned on Monday. Got 200, and also bought 7 carp for 100 baht. The Mrs was not with us, so me and Mildred had a mooch round without any moaning. Daughter bought a nice pair of shoes. A bit expensive, so I chipped in half with 50 baht. Lovely little dog for sale. And it's not just shoes, clothes and pinkies. You can get yer body back to tip-tip condition. Aimed at the ladies. They are still aching after all that rice cutting. Also bought a pair of glasses for the both of us. Mildred bought shades and I got the prescription -1.25s. 150 baht all told. Then it was off to get Mrs Owl in Ban Dung. Parked down the road outside the market, and come across a church that was being built. Gonna be great. Don't know if it's christian or catholic. We will see. Even more interesting, just along from the new church, a couple of Buddhas. A tad neglected. A bit sad. Emile Krmberley Howle's abode. I'll do some asking about Krmberley. Intrigued! Over in Bella's compound they had moved the hut. Poom and his dad tested it out. Bella's father, and E, were soon on the job, rushing to put the roof on before the rain arrives. Next door, the remains of another project that died a death. Gave the snail house a clean out. This type of house is still the most common in the villages. Built in the air for a couple of reasons. One is to be able to keep cows and buffs underneath. Another is to stop snakes invading. And of course, there is the rain. Wouldn't want to be flooded out. Of course, that's when there was rain; years ago. Mildred says this is her favourite tree. Out of the litter of 7. There are 4 males left. Two at the farm and two at the village. Lovely little pups. They are all loved when they are young. Thais seem to neglect them when they are grown. Back from Ban Dung on Monday, it was straight off to the farm to let the fish go. Daughter showing off her new fashion items. Let the fish go. Carp first. Then the pinkies. Ones in the bucket destined for number 3 pond. Put 100 into number 7. I'm not so sure about the wisdom here. Last year this pond dried up quite early. Go on then! Swim away. Picked up the last of the rice. 12 sacks into the store. Total 44. It's coming round to that special time of year. No!! Not Xmas. The chicken galas. The one in the middle has a great left hook. The other is very good defensively. Poor Robert!! Didn't come in for food last night. Nowhere to be seen this morning. But then! Found him at eight this morning. Been locked in the Mazza all night. Door needs a new panel. Robert seems non the worse for the ordeal. That Manchester United are so silly. They were saving themselves for the big one against Bayern in the week, and let The Cherries walk all over them. 0-3 at Old Trafford. And the thing is. Bayern lost 5-1, so they were saving themselves for nothing. If they had known there was nowt to be feared, they could have broken sweat. Both Sheffielders won by the solitary goal. Is there a change in the usual order at the top of the EPL? Villa not dropped a home point yet this season. Looking good. I'm just about over my disappointment of losing the farm. After paying off all the debts, there is a little bit left over. I'm looking at doing a solar system for number two farm. Me and Mildred had a good look at it yesterday. One tree might have to be cut down. more on this next week. No school for Mildred tomorrow. No idea why. Not moaning though. The new battery is just the nuts. A new lease of life for the Mazza. Starting sorted. Just the door to go now. Silly Robert. Why didn't you just bark? Stopped my urine challenge completely. Got fed up with trimming my eyebrows. Still doing the bathroom yoga though. Tinned pussy food is so expensive. All that is available in Big C is their own brand at 39 baht a tin. Ordered 24 cans off Lazada. With delivery charges works out at 31.5 baht a can. Still dear though. Water bill expensive this month. 200 baht. Half of that was for one night when the water - the Mrs was using to water her plants outside - was left on all night. No luck on the lottery last time. But I had an inspiration last week, and I reckon '4' will be right up there this next time. Did we get the answer to the last footy question? The title stayed in Liverpool between 1981 and 1989 when Arsenal took the title, and broke their stranglehold. Is there any other sport other than footy? Well, it seems there could be. Report from the BBC. ''The $700m (£558m) 10-year contract is the largest ever in US Major League Baseball (MLB) and makes Japan's Shohei Ohtani one of the world's highest earning athletes.'' Anyone out there that can whack a ball with a stick? The Yanks want you. Still can't get vids to load. Maybe the best thing is to put a link to my Rumble account and anyone could watch them. Wars still raging. 'Give peace a chance'. Who sang that? Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  13. What's he doing at the Lane? Did he have a clause in the contract that said he could move if the club went down? Or did he move before then? Should have stayed with Foxes.
  14. Man walks into a job centre. When his name is called he sits down opposite the employment officer. ''And what line of work were you looking for Sir?'' ''I'm looking for employment as 'specialist vision technician'. After shuffling a few papers about, the officer replies. ''Sorry Sir. Can't help you there. The only job we have is for a window cleaner.''
  15. Reminds me of my ex; Fatima. She was in front of the big mirror turning this way and that way. ''Owl, tell me true, do I look fat in this dress?'' Jokingly; of course, I replied. ''Well you will, once you put the suicide bomb under it.'' ''I already have it on.'' ''Oh no! You are not going to wear it down the pub tonight are you?'' ''Don't be silly. You don't think I'd waste this bomb on you and your useless mates do you?''
  16. And she is right. It is not the correct thing in Thailand to park with wonky wheels. Also must leave the handbrake off and out of gear. If the wheels are not straight how can the car be pushed in a straight line? Top marks for Mrs SSP419.
  17. Spend the rest of the week passing the ball to each other. That's all Arsenal did for years in their Arsene's glory days.
  18. Yes! Only joking, life can be good before jumping the broomstick,
  19. Everything sorted. The farm is gone; never to be returned. Picked up 200 pinkies from the market, and also bought 7 kois. Didn't see any bigger ducks today. Just as well, as me and Mildred would have bought a couple for sure. Mrs Owl was in Ban Dung sorting out the land, so didn't venture into the market. Went into Ban Dung afterwards to replace the Mazza battery. 3k for the new one, but got a discount of 500 for the old. 2500 baht. So that's no cheese for me, until the battery money is recovered. About 3 months. Life's a bitch. Then you marry one. Then you die. Only joking guys!
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